Quant-Based, Market-Directional Portfolios. Guessing is a very poor investment strategy, but if you know where the market is, and you set your investment strategy to match the market, then your portfolio will be nicely in-sync with the market. It is very important to understand that this strategy involves a great deal of risk and you should not expect to get the performance generated in the back-test of this strategy. Quant-Based, Market-Directional Portfolios. Most investors do not realize that the key to making consistent profits in the market is knowing where the market “IS” and to stop guessing where the market “might be” in the future. We rely on mathematically derived assessments of whether the market is in a bull-trend, neutral-trend or bear-trend. The Company offers investment advice, portfolio management, securities, and other financial services. Northeast Wood brings over 25 years of experience in corporate sustainability, environmental management, and consumer engagement. 1. Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE, © Hoxton Capital Management 2016 - 2020 All Rights Reserved -. United Arab Emirates, 52 Martin Place, Level 23, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia, 501 Congress Ave Suite 150, Austin, TX 78701, United States, 23rd Floor, Tamouh Tower, In fact, our strategies are designed to grow your capital in bear markets. We have clear, positive answers for the above 3 questions. Indeed, we consider cash as a strategic investment strategy that we employ when markets are in transition (moving from bull to bear or from bear to bull) and are in the highest time of risk. Our Impact. ©2019 Turner Capital Investments. It will show you how Mike is using his market directional strategy to play the next bear market. We are the money management firm you have been looking for! Covid is overhanging the economies of the world, the enmity of the two presidential candidates, and the attacks on the investor class are front and center. We are not afraid to move to cash. Portland Office 1331 NW Lovejoy Street Suite 720 Portland, OR 97209 971.420.1871 "Do you plan to change the way you manage my money in a bear market?" West Coast, Become A Borrower View Turner Smith's business profile as Managing Partner at IFG Capital. financial future. Turner Capital. All securities trading, whether in stocks, options, or other investment vehicles, is speculative in nature and involves substantial risk of loss. We offer tailored solutions and relevant advice that can only come from a deep understanding of you and your personal requirements. The information in this Website is not intended to provide and should not be relied upon for, accounting, legal, tax advice or investment recommendations. Most asset managers do not know how to assess when risk is so elevated that the prudent action is to take profits and move to cash. We have a completely different strategy for bull markets than what we have for bear markets. Since inception in 2018 with a team of just 5, Hoxton Capital has grown to over 100 employees across 8 global offices. Most asset managers do not know how to assess when risk is low enough that they should have you fully invested in fundamentally strong, up-trending stocks. The Firm. Croxley Business Park, A critically important aspect of this strategy is how it performs against the S&P 500 index in a bear market. investment strategy to match the market, then your portfolio will be nicely in-sync with the market. Most investment firms and mutual funds (large and small) are either mandated to not hold cash or they are afraid to hold cash. Turner Capital Investments, LLC (TCI) is a registered investment advisory, founded in 2008 by Mike Turner, who holds the position of president and Chief Trading Strategist. Our team focuses on building a diversified portfolio of highly attractive, high yielding and stable commercial real estate loans and assets while maintaining a strategic focus on the highest potential risk-adjusted returns. Call Us! The Three Most Important Questions to Ask Your Current Advisor: Call Us! ©2019 Turner Capital Investments. moving average and trending lower, following a Bear-TIP Alert. Call Us! Quant-Based, Market-Directional Portfolios. The chart on the right represents a back-test of the application of our quantitative algorithms as applied to trading the S&P 500 from January 1990 to present. This contains his performance as well as some very important changes he made to his rules. Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, When the total market (black line) is above the 200-day moving average and trending higher, the market is considered bullish. Austin, TX. 10-The Essential Rules for Beating the Market. Honesty and integrity is always at the forefront of any advice. in the offshore marketplace. Call Us! We are the money management firm you have been looking for! Our Fee-based structure means you pay a direct fee, agreed upon prior to service. We measure where the market is and never guess where the market might be in a month or a year or many years from now. We let the market tell us where it is and we know the market will always continue on its current trend until it doesn't. Keep in mind that this chart represents a back-test and not actual trading. Visit Cheyne's official website here. All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. At Hoxton Capital Management we pride ourselves on our personalised, honest and deeply committed approach. We now have operations in London, Malta, Sydney, Texas, Abu Dhabi and multiple offices in Dubai. Investing in the stock market involves a great deal of risk, including the loss of all or a portion of your investment, as well as emotional distress. Cheyne Capital was founded in 2000 and is currently one of Europe's leading alternative asset & investment management companies. Investor Login. If you are afraid of losing 30%... 40%... 50% or more in the next bear market, but do not want to miss out on the bull trends, consider putting some of your capital to work with us, where our objective is to grow and protect your capital in all markets... bull or bear! Strategies. We measure where the market is and never guess where the market might be in a month or a year or many years from now. We have rules for virtually every market condition and do not rely on analyst opinions or specialist forecasts. Turner Capital encourages you to read the investor information available at the websites of the Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority at www.finra.org, and the Options Clearing Corporation at www.optionsclearing.com. Past performance is not indicative of future returns and all of the performance numbers noted herein are purely theoretical and do not represent actual trades, the cost of trades, tax consequences or management fees. Imagine what would happen to Berkshire-Hathaway if suddenly Warren Buffet said he was going to cash? Turner Capital IS NOT your typical Money Management Firm. TRCM, L.P. Houston, Texas-based renewable and oil/gas investment family office with $6.5B AUM. But, in addition to significantly outperforming the S&P 500, downside risk of loss is dramatically reduced by moving into a bearish investment bias (we use inverse ETFs) when the market is below its 200-day. Capital Management is a borderless, independent financial advisory We adjust our investment bias to match the market and always have an exit strategy in place each client holding (via stop loss settings), just in case the market (or a single equity) reverses unexpectedly. Our highly qualified team of British-trained and highly experienced advisers, offer sound knowledge and transparent advice with a personal approach. Turner has primary responsibilities in transaction analysis, structuring and portfolio management, and serves on the Investment Committee of the Firm. Blog. We are the money management firm you have been looking for! The principals have over $3 billion of real estate transaction experience across private equity, real estate investment banking and workouts. He is a disciplined and formulaic trader who relies heavily upon these software systems. Hoxton Capital Management is a borderless, independent financial advisory consultancy, unrelenting in its commitment to safeguarding your financial future. Move your capital to safe money markets when risk is high. What Differentiates Us from the Typical Asset Management Firm, Mike is the author of the very popular books, “. Revere does not represent that any securities, financial instruments, products or services are suitable or appropriate for all clients or investors. Buys and sells were made automatically according to our rules and algorithms. Turner Capital Investments, LLC (TCI) is a registered investment advisory, founded in 2008 by Mike Turner, who holds the position of president and Chief Trading Strategist. We will NOT let you lose significant capital in bear markets. slope changes. Turner Capital. Turner Capital Investments, LLC (TCI) is a registered investment advisory, founded in 2008 by Mike Turner, who holds the position of president and Chief Trading Strategist. This experience, coupled with discretionary balance sheet capital, allows us to lend on and acquire completed transactions quickly and efficiently. Our Commission-based structure means your product provider pays a varied rate on your behalf, based on portfolio performance with no extra fees. With all of the difficulties for individual investors, Mike explains how he uses his proprietary algorithms to profit in any market condition. Some of the most prestigious institutions in the world use this proprietary trade-timing technology. Quant-Based, Market-Directional Portfolios. This video contains a critical update from Mike Turner. Southwest Austin, TX. United Kingdom, 30th Floor, ONE Tower, All Rights Reserved.