And from which language do we get the word ‘poltergeist’? 7. Which well-known French phrase literally means ‘outside the work’? part1, Page 1 Epistolary cognition: The family letters of Rosalie Calvert, Clause complexing and characterisation: Joyce’s ‘Two Gallants’ Revisited, A survey of grammatical variability in Early Modern English drama, Depictions of deception: A corpus-based analysis of five Shakespearean characters, Mapping the links between gender, status and genre in Shakespeare’s plays. 5. Access to society journal content varies across our titles. 28) Who is the author of ‘The Alchemist’ (play)? 1. What is the name of the covering, usually made of plastic, at the end of a shoelace? Education & reference. How many points is the letter J worth in a game of Scrabble? If you were to order ‘huevos fritos’ in Spain, what would you receive? 8. Some society journals require you to create a personal profile, then activate your society account. QUIZ: Hey, bookworm! 1. Have you been doing loads of reading during lockdown? 9. iOS 10.0+ devices. Constructions of comics literacy in the classroom. 9. What is the official language of Ghana? Contact us if you experience any difficulty logging in. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACTIVITIES. In which language are these ‘Merry Christmas’ wishes? The email address and/or password entered does not match our records, please check and try again. All you need to do is correctly spell the following notoriously difficult words. 8. 4. 2. What is the nautical term for the back of a ship? Defoe’s psychological realism: The effect of directness in indirect consciousness repres... A reader response method not just for ‘you’, Metaphorical patterns in Anthropocene fiction. What is the British English equivalent of zucchini? In the UK one would attach braces to a pair of trousers to hold them up – what would they use in America? From which language does the word ‘futon’ originate? Acronyms quiz – What do these acronyms and abbreviations stand for? 4. 3. Special Issue Proposals: Language and Literature invites proposals for Special Issues of the journal. Find out about Lean Library here, If you have access to journal via a society or associations, read the instructions below. Readers’ responses to experimental techniques of ... Attributing minds to vampires in Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend, Difficult poetry processing: Reading times and the narrativity hypothesis. When the 1970s hit UK comedy series ‘The Good Life’ was shown in America its name was changed to avoid confusion with an existing show. 3. This quiz is all about wishing Merry Christmas in different languages. Click 'More' to read the guidelines. From which language do we get the word ‘confetti’? What do the following mean? Head is to hat, as hand is to… which word? The following are loanwords that are used in the English language but have been taken from other languages. ‘Typhoon’, ‘cummerbund’ and ‘bungalow’ are words which originate from which language? Take a few minutes to test your knowledge of the English language and find out of you're an English Expert or in need of further study. This round is a cockney rhyming slang quiz. If you tried to buy a bottle of white spirit in the US, under what name would you find it? 4. 6. You can be signed in via any or all of the methods shown below at the same time. French (originally ‘serge de Nîmes’, meaning it came from the town of Nîmes). 20 literature quiz questions to test your general knowledge. (The list includes data based on the number of native speakers of each language). This round is all about cockney rhyming slang. Can you identify which language the words come from? This round includes ten different ways of saying I love you in different languages. For both questions and answers together, please click on the green ‘Print Friendly’ button alongside the social sharing buttons at the bottom of the post. What would a funeral director/undertaker commonly be called in the USA? 17:35, 26 APR 2020; What's On. In England the ‘Where’s Wally?’ book series is very successful – who do they search for in the USA? How well do you know the world of literature? 7. 5. What did they rename the show? Most cited articles published in this journal in the last 3 years. Android 6.0+ watches. Exploring new territories in pedagogical stylistics: An investigation of high-school EFL studen... Meek as milk and large as logic: A corpus study of the non-standard poetic simile, The Cognitive Grammar of drunkenness: Consciousness representation in Under the Volcano. 2. Which famous celebrity is ‘A Pretender’ – when the letters of his name are rearranged? What is the French word for ‘Tuesday’? We greatly value your feedback! How many letters exist in the Greek alphabet? Android 6.0+ TVs . This site uses cookies. We publish theoretical, empirical and experimental research that aims to make a contribution to our understanding of style and its effects on readers. 26) Which short story writer and playwright composed the works The Cherry Orchard and The Three Sisters? Language Quizzes – A selection of pub quiz rounds of ten questions on the subject of Language. 3. ‘Veni, vidi, vici’ is a Latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar – how does it translate into English? In between reads, try this novel idea: a quiz on all things literature. 6. 1. Sign in here to access free tools such as favourites and alerts, or to access personal subscriptions, If you have access to journal content via a university, library or employer, sign in here, Research off-campus without worrying about access issues. What would someone from the US call a fringe in a person’s hair? 5. Language and Literature is an invaluable international peer-reviewed journal that covers the latest research in stylistics, defined as the study of style in literary and non-literary language. 10. Practicing All Literature And Language - QUIZ Questions and Answers in online helps you to improve your ability to attend the real time maths, chemistry, physics Exams. ENGLISH LITERATURE QUIZ. If I were ‘acersecomic’, what would I have never done? getwestlondon. Kid friendly? 7. View or download all content the institution has subscribed to. 7. 3. If you think you're a literary know-it-all, then challenge yourself to this. Answer: Anton Chekhov. If you'd like to increase your knowledge of ENGLISH LITERATURE visit the extensive English literature site on!. Which famous novel was renamed ‘Murder on the Calais Coach’ when it was released in the USA? Android 5.0+ phones. 10. Available devices. These statistics are updated weekly using data sourced exclusively from CrossRef. Read more. Talk to Language and Literature Quiz. Details. The word ‘bungalow’ is derived from which language? 2. What is the correct spelling of millennium? If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box. To download the language quiz questions as a contestant question paper, please click on the grey box below: Valentine’s Day Quiz – Round 4 – Language, Christmas Quiz 2 – Round 4 – Christmas Language. 9. 6. To download the Cockney Rhyming Slang quiz as a PDF contestant question paper, with printed questions only plus spaces for contestant answers, please click on the grey box below. ‘Bein’ is the German word for which part of the body? What do our US counterparts call a baby’s dummy? Language and Literature Quiz offers some of the very standard questions in the form of a quiz which anybody with a love for language & literature would definitely enjoy. If wine is described as ‘doux’, what kind of taste does it have? – Shifts of responsibilities in representing the Cultural Revolution in Jung Chang’s, After trim spaces title : The role of empirical methods in investigating readers’ constructions of authorial creativity in literary reading, After trim spaces title : Epistolary cognition: The family letters of Rosalie Calvert, After trim spaces title : Clause complexing and characterisation: Joyce’s ‘Two Gallants’ Revisited, After trim spaces title : A survey of grammatical variability in Early Modern English drama, After trim spaces title : Depictions of deception: A corpus-based analysis of five Shakespearean characters, After trim spaces title : Mapping the links between gender, status and genre in Shakespeare’s plays, After trim spaces title : National identities in the context of Shakespeare’s, After trim spaces title : Epilogues and last words in Shakespeare: Exploring patterns in a small corpus, After trim spaces title : ‘The truth is we’re watching each other’: Voiceover narration as ‘split self’ presentation in, After trim spaces title : Text World Theory and real world readers: From literature to life in a Belfast prison, After trim spaces title : Speech-bundles in the 19th-century English novel, After trim spaces title : Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf? New login is not successful because the max limit of logins for this user account has been reached. 2. We publish theoretical, empirical and experimental research that aims to make a contribution to our understanding of style and its effects on readers. 10. Answer: Ben Jonson. 10. Share ; Comments; Subscriptions ; Sign Out; By. Literature Online General Knowledge Questions – Literature Quiz part 2 . 1. From which language did we acquire musical terms such as ‘a cappella’, ‘crescendo’ and ‘arpeggio’?