go/recognize_us - A website dedicated to helping end microaggressions on the Middlebury Campus of black students, go/RJAdlerTeachingPortfolio - RJ Adler's Teaching Portfolio. "Instructor Name Search" screen in MIDCAT. go/resolution - How to change the display resolution in Windows Vista and 7. go/resolve - Register for the Conflict Resolution workshop with Laurie Patton on Wednesday, Jan 11, 6-9pm, go/resourceguide - Student Resource Guide, go/ra - 2014-15 job description for RAs at Middlebury College. go/rehearsalspace - Calendars for you to schedule rehearsal times in Middlebury's theatre rehearsal spaces. go/recordinginfo - Information for recording events on campus. go/reviewinput - Link to sign up form to be notified when certain collections are under review. go/rotimi - Information on Rotimi Agbabiaka's March 2017 Rothrock Residency spearheaded by Akhila Khanna '17. admissions@middlebury.edu, Public Safety 802.443.5911 go/regis - Automated course registration client for Middlebury Bannerweb system. Directions to Middlebury, Admissions 802.443.3000 go/rcgaconference - Home page of the Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs' 2019 Conference: "Migration, Displacement, and Belonging: Challenging the Paradigms", go/rcgasc - The homepage for all of the Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs' Student-Organized Conferences. It is a part of the larger building that includes Ross Dining Hall and seminar rooms. 220 College Street C (CLC) SENIORS ONLY. go/rajconf - Recording guide for RAJ conference room. At Middlebury College, residential housing is based on the philosophy that students working together with their roommates, neighbors and hallmates create a safe and supportive living and learning environment. go/rosstauranttix - Buy 2018 Rosstaurant Tickets! (All years' conferences can be accessed from this link.). go/reflectionfriday - The CCISE/Innovation Hub Reflection Friday Feedback Form, go/rohatyn - Rohatyn Center for International Affairs. go/requests - Library - purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. go/russianlsplacementexam - Russian Language School placement exam on Measure-Moodle. go/registercourses - Automated course registration client for Middlebury Bannerweb system. go/ralabsafetytraining - Midd Lab Safety TA & RS Lab Safety Training, go/ramenforlife - Relay for Life team page: Ramen for Life, go/reuniongeninfo - reunion general info page, go/rape - Sexual Assault Resources and Information. "Instructor Name Search" screen in MIDCAT. go/robouni - Shortcut to Robot Unicorn Attack, an addicting game with good music. Is it snowing yet? go/requirements - distribution requirements, go/res-search - Library - Reserves. go/read?bookorder - Library - purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. Search Midd. go/RED - Two Bros. Bar Night - GlobeMed goes Red event Friday November 16 starting at 7 p.m at Two Brothers Tavern. go/romance - Survey on romantic and sexual culture at Middlebury, go/reg?access - Banner Web - Banner Security Request, go/reg?lsapp - Language Schools - Online Application, go/reg?practice - Self Service Banner - PRACTICE, go/reg?preprod - Self Service Banner - PREPRODUCTION, go/reg?ugapp - BannerWeb - Undergraduate Application. go/recording - Form for requesting event recording. Middlebury College go/reducefootprint - a link to the "Reduce your Carbon Footprint" page on the sustainability website. go/resources - A link to all the resources and support for mental health, sexual assault, and overall general health and wellness available to the Middlebury community. Log-in required. Apartment with a true double; 201-1, 201-2; Kitchen **Forest … go/review - LibGuide provides information about the Davis Family Library's review of its collection of circulating books. You can also view this list, sorted by the destination. (mbury), go/reserves-professor - Library - Reserves. "Instructor Name Search" screen in MIDCAT. go/responsibleuse - Handbook policy on responsible use of computing and network service, go/rach - Middlebury College Health Portal. go/rot13 - For all your encryption/decryption needs. go/rokebyletters - IA link to C-131 Robinson Family letters, go/refugeewebinar - See the refugee webinar from go/refuge, go/refund - Student Credit Balance Refunds (jma), go/rollpants - how to get to the second floor forest microwave, go/refunds - Student Credit Balance Refunds (jma). go/requeststatus - Library - Purchase Suggestion Status Update. go/rshare - The Middlebury College Ride Share! go/radsafe - Link to Radionuclide Use site, go/reu - National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates, go/radviz - CS 465: Information Visualization, RadVis Presentation 2016, go/reuastro - National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Astronomy, go/rae - The RAE Spanish Website and Dictionary, go/reuastronomy - National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Astronomy, go/rafflerugby - men's rugby team spring raffle, go/reuastrophysics - National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Astronomy.