Warcraft: War of the Ancients Trilogy characters, Naga sea witch#Statistics from Warcraft III (of Vashj), http://entertainment.upperdeck.com/wow/en/news/article.aspx?aid=3681, http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2009/august/cataclysmpreviewpanel_078.jpg, http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/dungeons/coilfang-reservoir.xml, http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/dungeons/coilfang-reservoir.xml/, https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Lady_Vashj?oldid=2863266. Vashj leans on her combat abilities more than her magic, but she is still a formidable sorceress.
Vessina should be one of your prime targets to kill, as Lady Vashj's deck has plenty of ways to Overload and trigger her effect. In the second encounter of the chapter "The Slithery and the Surly", you're fighting Lady Vashj. - Beware of Flamewreathed Faceless and Coilfang Elite.
Vashj and Kael searched fruitlessly for days, until Vashj caught a familiar scent on the wind. No Comments Yet. (5 Digs left.)
Sethekk Veilweaver is there for value.You can also check this video: © 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. However, her true value comes in her Prime form, which draws 3 spells and reduces their cost. Illidan used the Eye of Sargeras to collapse the Tomb, and then escaped. Kael was eager to prove himself in battle, but Garithos recalled Kael's support, siege, and cavalry units to the front lines, leaving Kael with a very meager standing force. Hyjal. Close. Hero Power. She was a healer and sorcerer in the Warcraft RPG and was changed to a shaman and mage in the World of Warcraft RPG. Decks with Lady Vashj. Lady Vashj - Legendary card minion with 3 Mana Cost, class Shaman from Ashes of Outland. During the Burning Crusade, adventurers invaded the Serpentshrine Cavern where Vashj made her lair and slew the Coilfang matron, her dying breath an apology to her master. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Lady Vashj can be taunted. Lady Serpentra and Serena Scarscale fought the battles in the Broken Isles, and the force that defeated Vashj at Dalaran was led by Malfurion.
To command the engineers who maintain and operate this machinery, Lady Vashj hired the renowned Mekgineer Steamrigger, a gifted gnome technician whose illness has damaged his sanity. Card text: [x]Spell Damage +1 Deathrattle: Shuffle 'Vashj Prime' into your deck. 9280. Spell Damage +1Deathrattle: Shuffle 'Vashj Prime' into your deck. Phase 1 and 3 abilities: Basic melee — Normal 3,000, 4,000-6,000 crushing on plate Lady Vashj. This is how I defeated Lady Vashj at the Trial By Felfire Challenges. Personal handmaiden to Queen Azshara turned lieutenant to Illidan Stormrage. card reveal from the r/CustomHearthstone subreddit, https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Lady_Vashj?oldid=404530.
Reduce their Cost by (3).See this card on Hearthpwn Vashj Prime is an uncollectible shaman minion card, generated by Lady Vashj, from the Ashes of Outland set. After a perilous battle, however, they were victorious and fled through the portal to Outland. - I picked Galakrond Priest for value.
[2] (MoM 189), Under the command of Vashj the naga recently enslaving tribes of the Broken in an effort to bolster the naga's workforce and further their agenda in Outland.
Lady Vashj (pronounced /vɒʒ/ — somewhere between Vash and Vosh) was born in the city of Vashj'ir[4], where her mother, Lestharia Vashj, was the high leader and matron. If you like Diablo 3 and Hearthstone gameplay and guide videos then subscribe to my channel. When the queen made Vashj her foremost handmaiden, remaining in the queen's favor became Vashj's sole concern.She was described as "quite beautiful, with exotic, feline eyes" although she was still not as beautiful as Azshara herself. Lady Vashj Challenge aka Commencing Bombardment, Pay attention to placement of your minions to stop, Her deck doesn't have a massive punish for going wide as long as your minions can survive.
Her hero power is ok but her minions are overpowered. © 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved.
Finally, they reached the Frozen Throne, and the forces squared off against one another. Lady Vashj Coilfang Matron.
Due to the strength of her minions, AoE effects, and Hero Power, control seems like the most sensible choice for the match.
Play Lady Vashj. Spell Damage Burn Shaman Dekkster 3 weeks ago. In lore, it is described that Vashj has extreme hatred for Tyrande, but she never appeared in Terror of the Tides missions which Tyrande are present.
This fight bothers me for a number of reasons. Vashj was Highborne (quel'dorei) and rose through the ranks to become Queen Azshara's chief handmaiden. She approached him with an offer of assistance. [2] (MoM 173) Lady Vashj favors wind and water elemental powers when casting offensively. Lady Vashj is the final encounter in Serpentshrine Cavern in Coilfang Reservoir.
When the player rescues Illidan in Outland during the Blood Elf Campaign, Lady Vashj says that the blood elves are the descendants of those Highborne who served Illidan years ago. 4.
Her longbow, Frostfathom, was crafted by the Moon Guard and enchanted by Queen Azshara. After the Great Sundering, her appearance is like any other sea witch, but still, with a higher, diplomatic position. Her face, is, however, like almost all of the other female Nagas; almost elven beauty, but with exotic, ascetic markings. Play Ethereal Augmercant on Lady Vashj to boost her to spell damage +3 Quick Tips.
Vashj and Kael battled Maiev for dominance, but finally reclaimed the wagon and brought it back to their base, where Illidan was freed. Vashj, Kael, and some blood elf engineers raced to build defensive structures to stop them before they reached the portal. Classic Big Druid with "can´t be targeted" minions worked great disabling her HP. She excells at dealing high amounts of area of effect damage brings pretty good crowd control and utility with Frost Arrow and Hydra Acid 50. Mana.
The boss's Hero Power, Shock Blast, gives it a good mix of board control and card draw throughout the game.