I'm signing up! Yes. Referee: [moves the curtains to reveal a HSS] You're out! [points to a sign which depicts human children being dangerous] Human children are extremely toxic. Mike: We flunk that that scaring final, we are done. The final 3 frats are in one of the dorms trying, once more, to get out. YOU CANT DO THAT!! Bus Driver: [sarcastically] I'm welling up with tears. [The group mumbled there responses] Alright, give me scary steps. What you lack, is something that cannot be taught. But what do you want me to do? And I do not scare easily. In the morning! Mike gives Sulley a point and clicked his tongue. The founder of the Games. This party is for scare students only. Promise me you'll keep auditioning. Are you crazy?! [to Mike] You heard him. At Sulley watches as the two enter the school. Among the new characters, Dean Hardscrabble is suitably icy Mrs. Graves looked towards the scare floor. Mike: Please... let me try the simulator. Mike glances around trying to figure out how to get down. Mike: So have I. (He glanced out the nearby window, and saw cops pulling up.) Dean Hardscrabble: Do you think he's scary? You've memorized every textbook, every scare theory, and that is great. Mike: Well, actually, I think I bring the whole package. They only accept the highly elite. Mike: Well, everyone, I don't mean to get emotional. We're not gonna loose, because we have eveyrthing we need to win, right here. Viewers believed in the unexpected but Sulley: Yes, it does. Claire Wheeler: Welcome to the final competition of the Scare Games. Of course they can, with Mike acting as tutor/master Sulley: We're in the Scare Program! [His suction cups makes noises as he moves] Sorry, they get stickier when I sweat. Prof. Knight: Alright, alright. Wazowski! Wait, hold on. remolded into campus champions? REVIEW: "Monsters University" Back to IndieWire News. Mike starts to walk away, but pauses at Sulley's next words. [Once inside, she continues her tour] Here are the labs where students learn to design and build the doors to the human world. Waternoose 1.2 Scene 2: Morning Workout 1.3 Scene 3: Monstropolis 1.4 Scene 4: Monsters, Inc. 1.5 Scene 5: Randall Boggs 1.6 Scene 6: The Scare Floor 1.7 Scene 7: 23-19! Art: Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they read the quad. Mike: Oh, don't worry. Brock Pearson: And in last place, Oozma Kappa! Mike: Yes, you can. Sulley: (Both working in the mailroom.) Phil. Say 'Scream'! Like the famous Sullivan? Brock Pearson: In a real scare, you do not wanna get caught by the kid's parent. You're not scary. Mrs. Graves: Hey, everyone! I've been riding your coattails since day one! Sulley: (Squishy suddenly paddles him) Hey! Oh, Monster University, Alma Mater, hail to you. Some monsters just aren't cut out for the big leagues. [the ref removes some of the gel from Georgie's foot and touches the spot he removed the gel from with a Urchin. Professor: Welcome back. A bear in the camp! We appreciate everything you've done. Sulley: Oops. [pulls out a nickel the size of his lone pupil] I wish I had pockets. I'm the Sullivan who flunked every test! Prof. Knight: Ready position. I've been waiting for this my whole life. [peeks under a monster's legs]. [takes off his hat, placing it on Mike's head] Heh, not bad, kid. Which scare do you use? Sulley: Alright, Wazowski, what's the plan? Mike: Oh, what a... Mike Wazowski! Director Dan Scanlon and his Having those things in mind, I came up with the name, WithMissDirection. Dean Hardscrabble: [off-screen] You're not scary. Dean: That stuff would've informed you that this particular child is afraid of snakes, so a roar wouldn't make him scream, it would make him cry. Oozma Kappa, two of the monsters steal their part of the show: Scott “Squishy” Squibbles (Pixar director Peter Sohn), who’s so far out of it, he makes Mike And with a powerful roar by Sulley, the officers screamed. I'll just be here listening to my tunes. As the resident of Oozma Kappa, it is my honor to welcome you to your new home. Little green guy at 2 o'clock! Mike stands there staring at the school, even after Faye and the rest of the tour left. Mike: I did it. Sulley: Hey, don't worry about Hardscrabble. It's the best scaring school there is. I beat you! What do you think you're doing? [The camera turns to the JOX and a referee] The use of illegal protective gel is cause for elimination. Brock Pearson: And finally, Oozma... Kappa! you don’t study, you just do—anathema First thing on my list: Get registered. Claire Wheeler: Next group to the starting line. Don't listen to him! Sulley: You're the great Mike Wazowski. The hot cocoa train is coming through. Make a wish! (Once the bus stopped, he exited.) Mike: (chuckling, then snaps his eye to Sulley) No! It keeps getting louder and louder] Will you defend Oozma Kappa? Can a band of uncoordinated geeks be Mike: We can't just get a new team. Robot Child: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I LIED! The next morning finds Sulley and Mike fast asleep. subtle expressions by making tiny adjustments to the lid of Mike’s single eye. (The dresser falls on Sulley, who only laughs) That was awesome! The kids each yell ecitedly. All the members of Oozma Kappa appear at the finish line. Complete with a new faternity jacket. Their conflict leads redoubtable Dean Hardscrabble (Helen We're OK! True happiness isn't theoretical... [trails off, and we cut to Mike who is walking through the different booths]. [looks down at his tentacles, seeing Mike. Yes, he's on my team. Claire Wheeler: HE DID IT! They enter a large arena. While, Sulley watched his friend speed away. Mike: In case of what? But hey, thanks for stopping by. Claire Wheeler: Take your place at the starting line. Sulley: I don't need to know any of that stuff to scare. Dean Hardscrabble. Mike: (angry) Don't do that! He swells up and screams. that suggest daily chores morphing a dance of good feelings. Kid: [pushes Mike away] Out of the way, Wazowski. Mike and Sulley kept opening and closing the door in hopes the exit would return. Archie jumped on his stomach) Oof! Prof. Knight: Demonstrate. You should've stuck to my strategy. Angry poodle! Don't force it. Sulley: My team had nothing to do with it. Come on! If much of the story is predictable – a kind of Revenge of the Nerds with extra eyes, We can be a great team, we just need to start working together. I wish you all the best. Don: Well, then your gonna wanna talk to this guy. Mike: I think it's time I leave the greatness to other monsters. MONSTER U – where the two headed character (Terri & Terry Perry) showed the concept of ‘misdirection’in, NOW YOU SEE ME 2 – (most amazing and magical thing I’ve seen next to Harry Potter) still about misdirection in Magic. Mature student. Chet Alexander: [sarcastically] Way to go, Boggs! We're missing one. Who can tell me the properties of an affected roar? Mike: [cuddling with Sulley's large paw) I know... you're a princess and I'm just a stable boy... (is just about to kiss the blue paw, until the alarm goes off. Mike: We're gonna win this thing tomorrow, Sulley, I can feel it! (the sounds of death metal filled the mini-van. Mike: Okay. Even Sulley learns the importance of discipline and planning. Mike: "Someone is coming, this could ruin your night. [looks at a female monster with large glasses] Gladys. So remember, do exactly as I do. You can train monsters like this all you want, but you can't change who they are. Mike: You know, it did feel different! I don't even work out. Don Carlton: Oh, hey there! The top fraternity on campus. Terry: Because we never agreed to do this. Thirty years in a textile industry, and then ol' dandy Don got downsized. Don Carlton: (slows down, while holding his back) I'm fine, really. Claire Wheeler: Human children are toxic! 1, 2... Sulley: ...3. (Archie grabs Mike's beloved hat and takes off) Ack! Inc. was Pixar’s fourth feature–and the first not directed by John Can't have a member getting shown up by a beach ball. [reveals his ROR jacket]. You missed it. Mike's the one who started all this. The step was pretty high for such a small monster. I-I never know what to, you know... Mike: You just took on an angry 50-foot librarian. I'm Earl "The Terror" Thompson. Randy: [his heart camo vanishes, and is replaced with purple reptiian skin] That's the last time I lose to you... Sullivan. What do you have to say for yourself? You get a chance to prove that you are the best! look hip, and Terri and Terry Perry (Sean P. Hayes and Dave Foley), a two-headed You know where the door is. My Aunt Filtz! Wherever children are dreaming, we'll bring the nightmares too. Sulley: It's not cheating. #malereader #malereaderinsert #monstersuniversity #mothman #noromance. Terri and Terry spank him with a paddle, which Sulley snatches and break in half. We just, need to keep trying! I can't believe it. Keep your eye... on the sky. We're training! Squishy: (Sulley picks him up and placed him on his back.) Female Monster: The mid-games mixer at the ROR's. The comedy-adventure introduced audiences to the nutty monsters James “Sulley” Sullivan and Mike Wazowski, to the ability of CG to create believable Sherri Squibbles: (giggling) It's Sherri. He is interrupted by a loud roar from the doorway. I'll go first, then Don... Sulley: Hold up. [takes off his glasses, but appears to have trouble seeing. Brock Pearson: Alright everybody! [winks at Mike]. Which scare do you use? Daddadata! You have to become the chair. We have an announcement. Thank you. Mike: I know. Me! Mike: [The sudden appearance of Squishy startles him] What is it? [brings out some wire cutters and does a chop-chop action]. Brock Pearson: [slams his fist down again] And it's worth it! Doesn't look good. Brock Pearson: Next up: Sullivan and Boggs! Your team doesn't qualify. Don Carlton: You're about the scarest fellow I've ever seen. Nobody reads the school newspaper. Randy, thank goodness! Randy: (reappears) Sorry. Sulley: (laughing) Okay. He creeps in just as the door closed. As the bus enters through the gate, and pulls a stop, the kids rush to get out. Sulley: Look. [below, teams are sneaking around. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. Mike: [to Sulley] Zombie snarl! Brock Pearson: Yes! Sulley: (Johnny pulled Sulley's jacket away from him.) Squishy: (He let out a depressed sigh.) When I was on the bus, I found a nickel! On behalf of the ROR's. Mike looked around as everyone began to partner up. [A door suddenly creaks open, and they head towards it] Hello?