Metropolitan Opera Broadcast: Wozzeck Radio Broadcast and Live in HD Transmission of January 11, 2020, 1:00 P.M. (ET) William Kentridge’s staging of Wozzeck at the Salzburg Festival, 2017 Written during and immediately after The Great War it is an exemplar of the insanity that produced the war and that which followed it. Box Office Pick Up: You may stop by our Box Office, Monday through Thursday, 10:00am – 4:00pm, Friday 12:00pm – 8:00pm, or Saturday 12:00pm – 4:00pm and have us print your tickets for you. Pionnier et leader dans la diffusion de grands événements culturels en Academy Center of The Arts Copyright © 2020, Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra 20/21 Season. Please do not use third-party resellers, as we do not contract with them. For more information or to purchase tickets to this performance, contact our Box Office at (434) 846-8499. Collect bonus rewards from our many partners, including AMC, Stubs, Cinemark Connections, Regal Crown Club when you link accounts. Our delivery methods are as follows: Will Call: Tickets will be held at “will call” at the Box Office up to one hour before the show. One could call the Met Opera’s new production of “Wozzeck” a collage. The Metropolitan Opera: Wozzeck ENCORE Synopsis. 17 March 2020 Revivez chez vous le meilleur du Metropolitan Opera au cinéma . William Kentridge's multimedia-driven production of Wozzeck opened at the Metropolitan Opera December 27.The Alban Berg opera marks the return … But we do ask that you show our designers and visiting performers some love by crediting them (and by tagging us) in your social media posts. Get your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home, exclusive movie gear, access to advanced screenings and discounts galore. Photography of the set on stage is allowed pre-show, post-show, and during intermission. Pour rappel, la maison avait annoncé le 2 juin sa fermeture jusqu'au 31 décembre…, Le Metropolitan Opera vous propose de (re)vivre les plus belles captations de sa série "Live in HD" en mettant à disposition un opéra filmé en direct par jour, visible gratuitement sur son site internet. All ticket sales are subject to a Historic Theatre Restoration Fee and credit/debit card processing fees. After wowing audiences with his astounding production of Lulu in 2015, South African artist William Kentridge now focuses […] Vendredi 29 septembre à 20h00, aura lieu la diffusion au cinéma du concert humoristique du jeune prodige « J’ai 10 ans » filmé à l’Accor…, Tenez-vous prêt à assister à l’une des pièces les plus emblématiques du Répertoire classique du théâtre français : mardi 4 juillet à 20h30 sera retransmis en direct de la salle Richelieu, dans les salles de cinémas, Cyrano de Bergerac, l’incontournable comédie…. Please note: If attending an event or performance after 5pm or on weekends, Lot 2 (Pacific Life Lot) and Lot 12 (Regional Business Alliance) are free and open to for public use. Met Opera Broadcast in HD: Wozzeck The Academy Center of the Arts has just announced the Metropolitan Opera HD Broadcast 19-20 season, featuring Wozzeck on Sunday, 1/19 at 2:00pm in the Historic Academy of Music Theatre. The entire first act features a suite, a rondo, a lullaby, and a passacaglia while {…} The Academy Center of the Arts is proud to partner with Opera on the James to offer a pre-screening talk, beginning 45-minutes prior to the screening. Pour la première édition du Festival de l'Art Russe, les 18 et 19 août prochains, les danseurs du Bolchoï Olga Smirnova, Denis Rodkin, Artem Ovcharenko, Anna Tikhomirova et Vyacheslav Lopatin font le déplacement à Deauville pour deux galas exceptionnels. Joyeux anniversaire à Svetlana Zakharova, la Prima Ballerina du Ballet du Bolchoï ! Michaël Gregorio fête ses 10 ans au cinéma ! Videography and audio recording during the performances are prohibited. direct au cinéma, Pathé Live offre la possibilité à tous de découvrir de Screen Reader Users: To optimize your experience with your screen reading software, please use our website, which has the same tickets as our and websites. Cette saison exceptionnelle débutera le 22 octobre avec le Corsaire, sur la…, Après le succès de la première saison qui franchira les 100 000 spectateurs avec Cyrano de Bergerac le 4 juillet prochain, la Comédie-Française poursuit sa collaboration avec Pathé Live pour retransmettre 3 nouveaux spectacles de la saison 2017-2018 en direct…, Connue pour être l’une des plus grandes danseuses classiques de notre temps, Svetlana Zakharova célèbre aujourd’hui son anniversaire ! The tenor Andrew Staples, in his Met debut, made a stalwart Andres — Wozzeck’s fellow soldier and only friend. If you ever have questions about the content or appropriateness of a show, please contact us at [email protected].