Western semis, craziest Worlds ever - Hotline League 51, Episode 51 of Hotline League!

01:52:47 Talking about Caller Questions 00:30:21 Dragonmancer: the gap is closing what roster changes should be made? 01:20:00 Draftbuff break! Doublelift discusses perception of toxicity in NA. 00:47:42 CallMeProto - Event Numbers this Year from lolesports that were highlighted and excluded 00:30:10 Flare's take: Dignitas and CLG are going to be the two teams that don't make playoffs.

02:01:47 Wayward: Worlds is a hindrance to profitability for professional LoL 00:34:04 Moonizzle: CLG bring Inero and Froggen 01:37:14 BardsThreshlight - Riot and Tencent Relationship 01:39:34 fragglegasm: Pobelter's Stream

Advancing to the playoffs, Team SoloMid defeated FnaticRC 2-1.

01:49:20 Etienne Escobar's take: TL will 3-0 TSM and FLY next week cause last week was an off phase and they were using the match against fly to limit test stuff 02:00:16 Outro, Meteos metes out some spicy LCS insights as Summer's end approaches | Hotline League 137, 00:00:00 Intro  00:23:12 brandywine's take: the GG-TSM matchup reveals the big problem with this style of double elim.

01:02:42 Joeysosaaa's take: TSM will not make it to worlds this year and will continue to not make it until they grab an import jungler.

01:07:43 whatthefults - TL is overhyped and TSM beating them will help them 01:43:48 Travis asks Jankos what it's like to be a member of G2 while they're on top of the world. 00:04:46 Rate of Change The problem with 2020 spring split was that no one was on the same page so there were no good calls to be made and there was probably a need for one voice. 00:40:46 Jarge: What new processes will the org implement

| HLL 139, 00:00:00 Intro - Is the World Ending?? Will Yuumi kill esports? 00:03:31 Is Sjokz Leaving Riot? Before Ziks, the team was being coached by Parth Naidu and Kim “SSONG” Sang-soo in the 2018 season. Also, NA vs EU in general. 00:39:28 Boshjanski notes that TSM has shown huge improvements from week 1 to 2. Join us and predict your Worlds teams! This gave TSM the first seed from North America at the 2016 World Championship, where they would be eliminated in the group stages with a record of 3-3. TSM took out compLexity 2-0 in the first round, but fell to Epik Gamer 1-2 in the semifinals, sending Team SoloMid to play for third place. NA teams bootcamping in Europe How will C9 perform at worlds - HLL 88, 00:00:00 Intro 00:11:05 How HLL works 00:15:55 Dr Manhattan's Hot Take: live performances have no place in esports  00:33:19 Ra-zen-ken believes that everyone is underestimating TL/NA (TL is a top 4 team in the world) 00:44:45 Break (PAX West Alienware meet up) 00:49:19 Freezy's Take on C9: the team has underperformed the last 5 years, Reapered hasn't gotten enough of the blame   01:08:17 hiesendinger thinks that teams are gonna Bootcamp in whichever country Worlds is held in from now on  01:22:29 whathead's Hot Take: Froggen is a Top 2 mid laner in NA  01:31:04 Break 2 (Steve buys a MVMT watch in Twitch chat!) 00:03:20 Intro Parth 01:19:20 ParadoxTheOnly says CLG will be a top 3 team and a challenger for the LCS title in Spring. C9 or TSM? 00:01:40 How HLL LIVE works! 00:08:45 - MSI 01:54:25 Maple/Richard signs off 01:56:17 Seaidk’s hot take: 100T should trade Ssumday for Solo! 00:13:16 Kaptenelias - GGS will be top 4 01:45:45 Mrbrooks's idea: If Riot wants to make LCS Academy more interesting they should give watch rewards for watching LCS games with all the extra days of Academy 01:53:28 Outro, Pr0lly Provides Analysis: Is C9 as strong as they look? 00:49:46 How to get noticed by teams as a SoloQ player?

01:42:32 formentum: Riot's banning system is too harsh Patreon: http://patreon.com/travisgafford, Doublelift curse, lacking ADCs, Rekkles benches himself, Episode 35 00:50:26 jzaeeee: Teams on the right side of the bracket are better than FNC 00:21:20 Ice Paprika - The appearance of “mini-metas” within a series, ie. 00:50:00 OP_TSM_Fan: NA should copy China Macro Entering the summer playoffs at Pax Prime 2014, TSM's luck began to change. Top 3 teams? 01:11:06 bluefrost asks HLL to rank these from least likely to most likely: 1. Will it ever change?? ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elHVyUsDxX0 ) 00:10:40 How does HLL work? TSM's 22 wins were still a team best and tied with Fnatic for fourth best of any team in LCS history.

Dash Destroys, spiciest 2019 LCS predictions, will TSM make playoffs? Lustboy had been the support for the Korean team CJ Entus Blaze, and had won the very first OnGameNet tournament at Champions Spring 2012. It’s pretty ridiculous to me.”, The pro tried to temper himself moments after by cooling off the trash talk saying: “But you know, I’m going to be humble, and not say anything.”. 01:16:45 Dandar thinks Sneaky had a way better season than people are giving him credit for. 1:31:35 - Funny dash story TSM @TSM - 03 Oct. we're ready and excited for our #Worlds2020 journey to begin t.co/mwIWOlQNJ1. 00:09:25 HERO - NA is struggling with new macro

02:08:29 - Outro I would even say Bjerg is not as vocal relative to his entire career (Although not by much). 00:27:35 “Vi-ability” in pro play  01:26:39 Back to BeastPond 00:01:58 Foxdrop Intro

00:42:36 Police Volibear skin discourse; a note on empathy and online criticism.

00:18:20 More EsportsGuy Patreon: http://patreon.com/travisgafford As the Season 4 North American LCS began, TSM was eager to show off its new mid laner Bjergsen. 00:07:40 Fired Coaches

02:06:20 Outro, Pr0lly Ponders MVP Picks, PapaSmithy Surprise Visit | Hotline League 116, 00:00:00 Intro - TL speculation 00:22:00 How HLL works 00:23:49 GuilliPete's take: Blaber is the clear MVP, which is even more amazing considering the shoes he had to fill.

Boardgame style? Sorry to our fans. Shortly thereafter, Doublelift announced that he would not be playing with TSM for the 2017 Spring Split, stating he wished to take a hiatus from professional play and would be interested in rejoining the team for the Summer Split. 01:11:46 The Ekko Pick and C9 Scrim Schedule for SemiFinals 01:21:55 Story of the Scrim falling 20CS behind TheShy at 10 minutes 01:07:10 Doosk says C9 would get dumpstered by G2 if they went head to head right now.

00:07:26 TSM's loss

00:52:18 tangysauce - LCS has slower games is worrying 01:50:07 bluejay: best/worst thing about DoubleLift & best team to scrim 00:40:19 Sebatian Park Talks about CG Roster On December 18, 2011, Team SoloMid attended the National ESL Premier League Season 2. 00:46:47 Endworldpeace: Early game coaching In the grand finals, Team SoloMid played against Counter Logic Gaming, who would be the first to take a set from Team SoloMid, with Counter Logic Gaming picking up the first set 2-1. 01:14:33 Bluejay disguised as Savzy calls back to discuss: TL Broxah mentioned that NA fans look for the worst in winning teams, in an interview. 01:04:06 Dr Manhattan: International results too easily leads to absolution of domestic performance and vice versa It was stated that, "With AoN(All or Nothing) disbanding and Regi still wanting to play competitively, he formed a new AoN. TSM would finish the MLG Summer Arena Championship with a second place placing.[9]. [5], Two months after Kiev, on March 13, 2012, TheRainMan resigned from Team SoloMid, citing differences in training regimen plans, as TheRainMan wanted to focus more on solo queue while the rest of Team SoloMid wanted to focus on full team scrims. 00:47:16 dragonmancers - NA's small player base shouldn't be holding back NA 00:55:19 Jedimace: Veterans and Rookies on Roster 01:24:36 Analyst Desk https://twitter.com/gabejruiz TSM went up against their old rivals, CLG but were able to best them in a 2-0. 00:25:40 rice suave - how will Weldon improve CLG and using young talent


00:48:19 Investing in Younger NA Talent

01:40:45 Heisendinger says that international teams are equal mechanically, and future international events will be won by strategy. 01:25:55 Luminescent_Echo's take: Major regions should not take imports from the wildcard regions and should improve local talent. 00:49:54 Phyrix - OPT has a chance for Playoffs