There are many complex rules governing the exact size of the letters. The text should be written on parchment made from the skin of a ritually clean animal. Beautiful Mezuzah with enamel as shown.
When carrying out the Torah on Saturdays, it is customary to decorate a scroll with a crown. © 2020 Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. * length 7.8 inches / 20 cm Add to Cart. Thousand Flowers Kabbalah Red String Protection Bracelet $45.99. The cover of the scroll is often made of soft velvet, embroidered with a traditional pattern, as on the real cover of the Torah. The Torah Scroll Shadow Box contains a small Torah scroll written in Hebrew and displayed behind glass against a black background. The Torah (/ˈtɔːrəˌˈtoʊrə/; Hebrew: תּוֹרָה, “instruction, teaching”) is the central reference of Judaism. - Is Here To Help You Compare Prices & Reviews on Mezuzah, Tefillin, Menorah, Shofar, Kippah, Tzitzit - Find The Ideal Tallit & Jewish Product Deals! Each of them contains all the text of the Torah, printed on high-quality paper with wooden handles. 24k Gold Plated Decorative Mezuzah. 953 Meadowbrook Mall Road The carrying out of the Torah scroll and its reading are the most solemn part of the divine service in the synagogue. "": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? Something went wrong. California, Los Angeles, 90067 They are available in various sizes and styles. The Jewish mitzvah to place a mezuzah on the doorpost of the home comes from Deut. $29.00. Copyright © 1995-2020 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. When Torah scroll is shown at the synagogue, people must stand up.
Comes with piece of glue to protect the scroll inside. Mike Hensen/The London Free Press/Postmedia Network, Rabbi Samuel Zirkind completes a Torah scroll, inking each letter in the holy Jewish text, at Alumni Hall at Western on Sunday, March 31, 2019. Scribes should be immersed in the water of the ritual pool before each spelling of the name of God. $35.00. According to the Jewish tradition, the Torah is the only document that contains the word of God and nothing but it. When a person carrying the Torah scrolls goes through the synagogue, the Jews kiss the scroll in a special way.
Jewish law prescribes that the Torah scrolls, which are publicly read in the synagogue are written by hand. It is treated with reverence. Includes a Yad & Tzitz and a clear plastic zippered protector document.write("
INCLUDES: Torah Breast Plate & Yad Pointer If anyone tried to change the text of the Torah, the Scroll by the Ark of the Covenant would testify against it.
Scroll inside is replica and not Kosher. 845.379.2424 If it is dropped on the floor, then all the witnesses of this should last all day.