For over 80 years, our goal has remained the same: to improve lives through tax policies that lead to greater economic growth and opportunity. In an economy that was already weak, tax cuts served an immediate lift. And what has not received emphasis in India, or elsewhere, is the likely economic fact that for developing countries tax compliance is the surest route to fiscal discipline. Successive policy costings. Last year in 2016/17 the UK government raised £50 billion from corporation tax, a cash increase of about £5 billion compared to the same time the year before. Its 2017 election manifesto promises to reduce corporation tax to 17% by 2020, in line with recent plans. This government in 2010 has taken it from 28% to 19% and says that it will go down to 17%. £50 billion from corporation tax, a cash increase of about £5 billion compared to the same time the year before. It is doubtful if this would have helped the economy recover from 6 per cent nominal growth. Corporation tax rates have gone down since 2010 but the amount raised by this tax has increased to £56 billion, the highest ever recorded. But I’m not giving up, which means I’m either a fool or an optimist. But this will remain in the realm of the counter-factual because the government did not try out this alternate recommendation. Stay informed. The idea that lowering taxes can raise revenue, or that the tax cuts “pay for themselves” as some say, is not new; it’s been around since at least the 1980s, and it’s a fundamental tenet of supply-side economics. Tax Foundation find a similar trend, though this graph is just since 2003 In other words, the world has seen a general fall in global corporation tax rates. In recent decades we have seen lower corporation tax in most major OECD economies. In this Skype interview with the Blaze’s Dana Loesch, I pontificate about the economy and tax policy. Initially, as a share of our GDP, the revenue from all forms of corporation tax (including things like Bank Surcharge, which aren’t included in the £50 billion figure above) increased from 2009/10 to 2011/12. Even so, Mellon’s policies were denounced as “a device to relieve multimillionaires at the expense of other tax payers,” and “a master effort of the special privilege mind,” to “tax the poor and relieve the rich”. Economic activity in India seems to have bottomed out by September. Today, you have the opportunity to help save lives. The Tax Foundation is the nation’s leading independent tax policy nonprofit. In a global world, it is the after-tax return that moves companies and investment. Under the sharply rising tax rates during the Woodrow Wilson administration, to pay for the First World War, fewer and fewer people reported high taxable incomes, whether by putting their money into tax-exempt securities or by any of the other ways of rearranging their financial affairs to minimize their tax liability.