These brickfilms are about Batman and his friends having crazy adventures, if it's taking down villains or problems between the heroes. ForrestFire101 is a stop-motion LEGO YouTuber who mostly is known for his web series: LEGO Batman. They all consist of a live-action short and a Christmas related "Batman" video. The first known would be Dick Grayson, or Robin who later became Nightwing & came back to Batman in Nightwing's Return after having Tim Drake serve a few years. The computer reveals that Mark Hamill Joker and Heath Ledger Joker have broken out of Arkham Asylum. Both Jokers rapidly fire their guns, blowing off Alfred's limbs and eventually deteriorating him. The computer reveals that Mark Hamill Joker and Heath Ledger Joker have broken out of Arkham Asylum. As the HL Joker walks to them with a knife, a random background civilian that was wathing the fight states he hates Gotham City. & Alfred, Batman's Butler. with Batman,from a distance shout's 'YOU ARE!'. Ol' Pointy Ears. He has also employed BANE to be his henchmen.He was voiced by forrestfire101 then ksicsfaces. He's worked in the animation department for various DC/LEGO projects, including The LEGO Batman and Superman Movie and LEGO Batman: Jokers Team-Up! Write the first section of your page here. Heath Ledger Joker and Christian Bale Batman get into a fistfight, and Regular Batman takes over by tackling Heath Ledger Joker and crashing through the window into the street. Icon of lego batman and robin for fans of Forrestfire101 6052107 Both Jokers walk up to Batman, and shoot him.,,, Lego Batman (Forrestfire101) Edit. A popular youtube celab who makes lego movies also called ''Brick Films'' mainly lego Batman vids.He had over 125,900 in october 2010.He betrays Batman as a big cussing A**hole and he Betrays Robin as a probly gay sissy boy that Batman throws stuff at when he talks. Lego Batman - Jokers Team Up is a 2010 Forrestfire101 film about Heath Ledger Joker and Mark Hamill Joker teaming up against Batman. Forrestfire101 has made three "Christmas Spectaculars". Batman using Alfred as a human shield is a reference to an older Forrestfire Film. He made two sequels that have similar stories and have a combined total of over 40,000,000 views. Just realized The Lego Batman Movie paid homage to the massively successful Lego Batman shorts by ForrestFire101. Batman is sitting in front of the Batcomputer and asks it to give him a list of the recent crime. Lego Batman - Jokers Team Up is a 2010 Forrestfire101 film about Heath Ledger Joker and Mark Hamill Joker teaming up against Batman. Batman, covered in blood and scratches, walks by, and Robin asks, "Batman, what happened, did you die?" As they have a long fight,both Jokers point their guns at Batman,He cries "HUUUMAAN SHIEELDD!" He has also had job applications including Boba Fett, Short Round, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Spongebob, however, these never actually became the Dark Knight's assistants and have just been failed applicants.