If it's outside, I would leave it be. You can also try leafy vegetables (lettuce, cabbage) but it will have to be cut up very small. However, both captive bred turtles and wild turtles can carry salmonella bacteria; wild turtles may even carry less because they aren’t cooped up in small turtle tanks! After three months at the sanctuary, Myrtle was fit enough to be transported to an ocean tank at Scarborough Sea Life Centre. A wild turtle might enjoy a more natural environment! She has owned betta fish, dogs, fancy mice, fancy rats, geckos, hamsters, and more. Discover how to provide the proper habitat, lighting and overall care for a wild turtle. I've tried to convince people in person against it, and failed. Be aware that in certain states it is not legal keep a wild turtle as a pet. Experts will tell you not to keep a wild turtle as a pet, and they are right. Male turtles tend to have longer claws than females, and can also have a V-shaped notch on their shell where their tail is. I have always intended to set them free again when they are a bit bigger, as the lake they’re from has fresh water crocodiles. No, do not do that. Thank you WildTurtle . They will be better able to care for or release it in a safe place. Question: Is there any way you can’t get sick from a pet turtle? I keep it in a shoe box, but it keeps trying to get out. Do you have any recommendations? But after intensive care in Scotland and England, Myrtle is to be flown to Gran Canaria on 24 April and released into the Atlantic Ocean. Try researching online to figure out what species of turtle you have, and see what they eat specifically. Answer: The first thing I would suggest (out of necessity) is releasing it back into the wild where it was found. What do I do? Never set a turtle from the pet store “free” under the assumption that it will live a happier, healthier life. Unicorns of Love are coming off a season where they have seen a lot of improvement from a fourth place finish in the EU LCS 2016 Summer Split playoffs. Adult females also tend to have longer shells than adult males. Turtles are really cool creatures, and deserve the best care they can receive. Do you have any tips for setting them free? What is important is that the gravel is cleaned of debris and bacteria. Most importantly, wild turtles can carry parasites like tapeworm, and are known for carrying salmonella bacteria. She's a fighter. Answer: Turtles can eat food pellets, feeder fish, some insects, and potentially fruits and vegetables. Not only will a filter keep water cleaner for longer, but it will keep your turtle healthier and happier. If you do decide to keep a wild turtle, be an informed turtle owner: many people who take home wild turtles do not understand the care that goes into owning a turtle. A filtered, heated tank with the appropriate bulbs is what you would need at the very least. Does it have access to fish in said pond? Mr Dyer said Myrtle was malnourished as well as badly injured. You can also order one online. I am afraid to just set them free this late in the season as I fear they are too 'young' prepare for winter, especially since not properly nourished and winter just about already here. what is the best way to handle this? Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Answer: There are differing opinions on this, but since it came from the wild in the first place, it may be all right. It all depends on the species of the turtle! Your email address will not be published. Post a comment! You can also feed live feeder fish if the turtle is big enough to eat them. The others were washed up on Tiree and Canna. Is there a better time? Salmonellosis is the same disease you can get from eating under-cooked chicken, and is the reason that the sale of baby turtles was banned in 1970. Want to add to the discussion? It is my observation she is doing well in this captivity habitat. Worlds I said I should be watching more Brazilian League of Legends and I’m glad it gets to start with this tournament. That's strange.