If you take a few simple steps to improve your household environment you can begin to reap health benefits quickly – it worked for me and I don’t suggest these things unless they worked for me. The temperature will easily kill dust mites and you don’t have to spend any extra time or money doing so if you already have this as part of your routine. Be sure to vacuum the mattress before you put the sheets back on the bed. Vacuuming effectively reduces the dust mite population and also gets rid of debris, droppings, and can prevent many other pests like cigarette beetles and boxelder bugs. But if you just use the basic filter from the home improvement store, it won’t help much for allergies. How to Get Rid of Dust Mites Naturally (2020), How to Get Rid of Red Spider Mites (Proven DIY Remedies), How to Get Rid of Cockroaches Naturally (Ultimate Guide), How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants Naturally (Ultimate Guide), How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders (Naturally!). Paying a few dollars more for quality filters will ensure your family is not breathing dust mites, as well as other aeroallergens. Scientists have found that dust mite populations at high and dry elevations (Denver, Albuquerque) hardly exist. Although your pet might not like the idea of spending more time outside, it might be the best option for your family’s health! https://dengarden.com/pest-control/How-to-Get-Rid-of-Dust-Mites-in-Your-House, http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Dust-Mites, https://allergicliving.com/2010/11/22/dust-mite-allergy-uncovered/. Your bed is a breeding ground for dust mites for two reasons. Indoor pets might contribute more food for dust mites than you! If you buy an air purifier without a HEPA filter, then expect your allergies to remain the same. You can also sprinkle where you think they may be headed or where you have a lot of dust present. Don’t skimp on it because dust mites don’t need much to start a colony. Sources: There’s no such thing as a dust mite free home, but you can greatly reduce the population that resides in your home and also lessen allergies and other reactions to dust mites by decorating your house. When you’re done, let the air filter run for an hour to trap the remaining dust and let it settle. In summer seasons, some dehumidifiers can remove liters of water from the air in a single day. We know this is obvious, but our paramount recommendation is to clean regularly. Improve Bed Hygiene. The first step is to keep it clean. Lysol can also be used on fabric and even just in the air if you suspect that debris or dust mites are floating about. Hard wood and laminate flooring will not contain those materials nearly as much. Dust mites don’t cause skin irritation due to bites but may transmit diseases and trigger allergic reactions from dust to sensitive skin. In addition to allergens like pet dander, pollen, and dust mites, we keep chemicals in our homes and they can also cause problems. As with the rest of the list, the best way to remove dust mites is to keep them clean. https://dengarden.com/pest-control/How-to-Get-Rid-of-Dust-Mites-in-Your-House However, since replacing carpet can be costly, the other alternative is to vacuum on a regular basis. Secondly, people shed their skins cells at night usually in their beds, which give the dust mites a ready source of food. By having proper humidity and a well-ventilated home, this will lower the amount of dust floating around and also will get rid of dust mites naturally without needing to use sprays or excessive cleaning. Try keeping your decor simple. If getting rid of these furnishings is not an option, try steam cleaning them on a regular basis. Just mix 1 part vinegar with 1 part water into a spray bottle and use it as you clean dusty surfaces around your home. They never eat directly off your skin and only live in warm, sheltered areas with plenty of food like carpet, upholstered furniture, and beds. Now the bad news. Disclaimer: Always consult with a qualified professional exterminator prior to beginning any pest control plan. They don’t bite humans, pets, or anything else- not even plants. We’ve tried a few different dust mite sprays and settled on a spray that uses essential oil, water, and a bit of vodka. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Where Do Dust Mites Live? Your email address will not be published. Baking soda is another natural and safe solution to getting rid of dust mites. You can tell the quality of the HVAC filter by the color after use. Every few months to eliminate colonies that have already started. Circulating the air and increasing the air flow in your home can help control humidity and reduce the amount of dust. Using an allergy filter for your HVAC will capture the smallest particulates from the air. The best way to keep dust mites at bay is to disturb their living areas and food sources. Just be sure that the temperatures are high enough to kill them if you’ve been using “cool” or “cold” settings. Doing this will also remove their fecal matter as well as the dead skin that they consume. Anywhere that houses dust is an easy place for dust mites to replicate. They thrive in dark, humid, and warm conditions- typically like your bed, pillow, or furniture including chairs, sofas, carpets, and curtains. You can use a bottle of Lysol spray to kill dust mites. A barrier between your skin and dust mites can help reduce allergic skin rashes and asthma. If you use essential oil you don’t even need a hot wash. Using an anti-allergy mattress and mattress cover can also help reduce the dust mites in your home. Carpets are also a good breeding ground for dust mites. Think of it like an invisible fence that extends from the surface you apply the DE all the way up to the ceiling. Everything from natural, DIY home remedies to using more advanced countermeasures like bug spray and pesticides are all included. Check for signs of condensation on the windows or mold growing around areas with sinks or water, like your shower. The only difficult part is when they congregate on your dog’s coat because of poor hygiene or cleaning. But if you have a dusty home or you happen to wear dusty clothing or hang around in dusty furniture, then you may have some get onto your skin and you’ll act as a moving vessel to transport them around your place. This will reduce the dust mite population and prevent them from breeding. They act as a barrier between you and the dust mites, which means fewer skin cells make it to their mouths. Humidity plays a major role in dust mite population. Of course, this is really hard to do and also borders on ridiculousness. If you’re allergic, these tips can also minimize dust mite allergy symptoms! Using an anti-allergy mattress and mattress cover can also help reduce... 3. It can help to reduce the number of dust mites in your home when used as part of a liquid solution. The best HEPA vacuums use a special filter (High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestance). Be sure to clean your home regularly and make changes where you can. Getting rid of dust mites is almost impossible since they are microscopic, reproduce quickly, and feed on our body waste. This will instantly kill all bacteria and pests that enter through the chamber, so this way the dust mites don’t live inside your vacuum canister or vacuum bag because you’re just feeding them with a buffet of dust. So then I created this site to share everything I’ve learned over the years (and continuing to learn)- natural solutions that are proven to work against the bug that’s bugging you! If you suffer from allergic reactions to dust mite debris and feces, then getting rid of them should be your top priority or obsession. However, these are good places for dust mites to survive. Baking soda can be used by prepping it as follows: Step 1: Mix a cup of baking soda with some peppermint oil (or any other essential oil). This will move air throughout your home and trap the dust mites when they get to the central filter. Get all the places that are hard to clean in your car to prevent them from taking over your vehicle. This will help to reduce the coughing, sneezing, itching, and other allergic reactions associated with dust mites. Natural methods for dust mite protection include: Employing natural methods is the best way to reduce dust mite populations and minimize the use of costly medication like nasal sprays and anti-histamines. Dyson, Rabbit, Honeywell, and Alen are top rated air purifiers. Contrary to the name, they don’t only inhabit homes with dust. There are covers that protect from moisture (bed wetters) and high-quality dust mite covers made of 100% cotton – so tightly weaved that dust mites and bed bugs can’t penetrate it (pictured at right). Yes, the carpet will catch and hold onto dust and dirt. But they’re relatively harmless to humans, unless you or your family suffers from eczema, asthma, or have allergies to specific sensitivities. Just work with the idea of reducing their effect and numbers. If you’re seriously concerned about dust mites, getting rid of carpeting is a big step to reduce their presence. Dust mite pillow covers are another easy option to protect yourself, especially since the weight of older pillows can be made up of 10-15% dust mites and their feces (Yuck!). The content on this site is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice, or to replace a relationship with a qualified professional. Be sure to use food-grade DE and in a form that rated for bugs. If you see clumps, you should definitely take extra care to vacuum that area. Dust mites are not picky about what their food source is. Reduce (or increase) The Temperature. If you have an air purifier, turn it on during the cleaning process to suck up any dust you kick up. Sound good? This will stop mold, dust mites, and maybe even keep your electrical bills down. I hadn’t realized it before I was tested, but it made sense. Be sure to keep yourself clean by washing your hands or taking a shower after. Using extreme temperatures will kill dust mites and is an easy and free DIY home remedy to naturally get rid of them.