Tomlin was an important vector for its popularization. To be able to be caught up into the world of thought--that is to be educated.
- Edith Hamilton'; Quotes[38]='Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual. […] there’s no point in running a rat race just because you want to consume everything you can afford to. var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*Quotes.length); It’s still a job lot pitching staff—like the fellow said, “You can win the rat race, but you’re still a rat”—but, oooooh, that Yankee hitting, especially in the clutch!
- Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quotes[212]='The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.
- Robert Maynard Hutchins'; Quote Investigator: There is good evidence that Lily Tomlin used this gag by the 1970s, and a citation is given further below. Quotes[251]='Play is the highest form of research.
- Albert Einstein'; Quotes[181]='You will not reap the fruit of individuality in your children if you clone their education.
- Marilyn Howshall'; This terminology contains implications that many people see work as a seemingly endless pursuit with little reward or purpose.”. Quotes[263]='A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.
- Henry Ward Beecher'; "Escaping the rat … We generally draw comfort in going with the majority, or the consensus. Holland'; An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
- Abraham Lincoln';
- Albert Einstein'; In this race, we're all reduced to vermin Quotes[189]='We must reject that most dismal and fatuous notion that education is a preparation for life.
- Northrop Frye'; Quotes[158]='Much education today is monumentally ineffective. Quotes[124]='A teacher affects eternity\; no one can tell where his influence stops.
- Henry Adams'; Quotes[111]='The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of the individual and the significance of his life to himself and to others.
- Grayson Kirk'; Quotes[77]='For the sole true end of education is simply this: to teach men how to learn for themselves; and whatever instruction fails to do this is effort spent in vain.
- Dorothy L. Sayers'; Quotes[16]='It\'s not that I\'m so smart, it\'s just that I stay with problems longer.
- Albert Einstein'; Lily Tomlin?
- Dorothy Parker'; And yet, most people were wrong. (Verified on paper). He thought up the quip ‘in the 1950s or 1960s’ when he was chaplain either at Williams College or at Yale University. The Lyrics for Even If You Win, You're Still A Rat by Architects have been translated into 8 languages.
- John Carolus'; Quotes[255]='Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
- Leo Tolstoy'; I\'d give the top grades to those who made a lot of mistakes and told me about them, and then told me what they learned from them.
- Dr. Seuss'; Quotes[104]='I know of nothing more inspiring than that of making discoveries for ones self.
- George Washington Carver'; Quotes[163]='The job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves.
- Joseph Campbell'; Quotes[175]='Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Quotes[87]='Remember always that you have not only the right to be an individual; you have an obligation to be one. Your life is ending one minute at a time / Check the Your life is ending one minute at a time Check the clock and stand in line. Quotes[48]='The aim of education should be to teach us how to think, rather than what to think. Go directly to shout page. var speed=7500; The television star Jackie Gleason used an instance in private correspondence, but it was not clear whether he used it in a comedy routine during the 1950s. The problem is that we have very less control on such behaviour, as evolution has equipped us with this tendency of running a rat race. Here are additional selected citations in chronological order. Quotes[196]='It would be extremely naive to expect the dominant classes to develop a type of education that would enable subordinate classes to perceive social injustices critically.
- Paulo Freire'; Rat race and investing Quotes[269]='To teach is to learn twice.
- Joseph Joubert'; Quotes[112]='I find television very educating. “The trouble with the rat race,” she likes to say, “is that even if you win you’re still a rat.”, In 1995 top quotation expert Nigel Rees contacted Coffin to ask him about the origin of the expression in the form: “Even if you win the rat-race, you’re still a rat”. Quotes[55]='Teachers should guide without dictating, and participate without dominating.
- C. B. Neblette'; Quotes[117]='In an effective classroom students should not only know what they are doing, they should also know why and how.
- George Evans';
- Claude Bernard'; Coffin employed the saying, but he suggested that the phrase was something an archetypal questioning student of the 1960s would say: 4, To many of these students, their parents’ lives look pretty meaningless. Envie pra gente. Quotes[44]='To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently, and for himself, is perhaps the greatest service that one man can do another.
- Benjamin Jowett'; Quotes[164]='Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and our highest endeavor ought to be to set off that spark in one another.
- Kenny Ausubel'; Quotes[62]='Of all the joyous motives of school life, the love of knowledge is the only abiding one; the only one which determines the scale, so to speak, upon which the person will hereafter live.
- Charlotte Mason';
- Albert Einstein'; 1 Unsung American Underdog by Russell Baker, Quote Page 25, Column 5, Boston, Massachusetts. Weary souls, trying to forget Quotes[69]='If you want happiness for a lifetime, help the next generation.
- J.G. Quotes[160]='I am entirely certain that twenty years from now we will look back at education as it is practiced in most schools today and wonder that we could have tolerated anything so primitive. Quotes[161]='Don\'t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Quotes[155]='The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.
- John Lubbock'; Quotes[130]='Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.
- Henry Peter Brougham'; Quotes[49]='I don\'t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
- Bill Cosby'; And thus they are more likely to be a part of a rat race…one that is led by the experts, the stock market gurus. Quotes[76]='Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain -- and most fools do. Even If You Win, You're Still A Rat By Architects 2012 • 1 song, 3:12 Play on Spotify 1. If we succeed in hacking education into something that is, once again, relevant, we will owe more to Steve Hargadon than we will ever know. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty.
- Albert Einstein'; Required fields are marked *. Quotes[46]='Almost all education has a political motive: it aims at strengthening some group, national or religious or even social, in the competition with other groups. Hardly anything is done to foster the inward growth of mind and spirit; in fact, those who have had the most education are very often atrophied in their mental and spiritual life.
- Bertrand Russell'; They keep this attitude until we adults convince them that learning is not fun.
- Glenn Doman'; Quotes[114]='Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe...
- H.G. ", "Attracting over 10,000 information professionals each year from all around the world to discuss trends and interests in the Library 2.0 Virtual Conference series would not be possible without Steve’s highly focused organizational skills, his creative thinking, his ability to connect people, and his infectious and motivating enjoyment for the work. It is the only thing.
- Albert Schweitzer'; Quotes[174]='We don\'t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.
- Marcel Proust'; A session that I had prepared for the ... We're excited to announce the final keynote panel for our third Library 2.020 mini-conference: " Sustainability in Libraries ,&quo... "It’s true - @stevehargadon is a national treasure." Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. Quotes[17]='Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.
- Albert Einstein'; He is a bridge. Quotes[53]='If I ran a school, I\'d give the average grade to the ones who gave me all the right answers, for being good parrots. Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta playlist?
- Dale Carnegie'; ", "Steve is one of the most influential yet understated individuals in the world of Education. Quotes[242]='Schooling confuses teaching with learning, grade advancement with education, a diploma with competence, and fluency with the ability to say something new.
- Wendy Priesnitz'; Quotes[203]='People only see what they are prepared to see.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quotes[50]='The one real object of education is to have a man in the condition of continually asking questions.
- Bishop Mandell Creighton'; Architects - Even If You Win, You're Still A Rat (Letra e música para ouvir) - Your life is ending, one minute at a time / Check the clock and stand in line / Hibernate, till your / Till your life's passed you by / Please stop Quotes[241]='Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of education.
- Victor Hugo'; Jackie Gleason? Quotes[218]='If the education and studies of children were suited to their inclinations and capacities, many would be made useful members of society that otherwise would make no figure in it.
- Samuel Richardson'; Quotes[201]='I pay the schoolmaster, but \'tis the schoolboys that educate my son.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quotes[159]='The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursuing his education.
- John W. Gardner'; The journalist noted that Tomlin was using the quip: 8, . A rat race? To improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, rather than to load the memory with thoughts of other men.
- Bill Beattie'; Quotes[200]='If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.
- Rachel Carson'; Quotes[145]='No matter how good teaching may be, each student must take the responsibility for his own education. Quotes[35]='It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
- Aristotle'; In August 1956 a sports columnist named Bill Cunningham writing in “The Boston Herald” employed an instance of the joke, but he did not claim coinage; instead, he credited an anonymous “fellow”. Your life is ending one minute at a time Check the clock and stand in line Hibernate till your, till your life's passed you by. The topic of the column was the perennial baseball conflict between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees: 2.
- Trevelyan ';
- H.L. Russell Baker, Lily Tomlin, and others used the jest after it had been disseminated. Quotes[41]='If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. Quotes[24]='Nine tenths of education is encouragement. June 18th, 2014 live at Traffic Live Club Roma, Italy Architects- Even If You Win, You're Still A Rat (Ft. Oli Sykes of Bring Me The Horizon) (PNC) - Duration: 3:07. vtcvs24 6,847 views . It conjures up the image of the futile efforts of a lab rat trying to escape while running around a maze or in a wheel. Quotes[138]='There are obviously two educations.
- Sophocles';
- Edith Hamilton'; Quotes[38]='Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual. […] there’s no point in running a rat race just because you want to consume everything you can afford to. var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*Quotes.length); It’s still a job lot pitching staff—like the fellow said, “You can win the rat race, but you’re still a rat”—but, oooooh, that Yankee hitting, especially in the clutch!
- Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quotes[212]='The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.
- Robert Maynard Hutchins'; Quote Investigator: There is good evidence that Lily Tomlin used this gag by the 1970s, and a citation is given further below. Quotes[251]='Play is the highest form of research.
- Albert Einstein'; Quotes[181]='You will not reap the fruit of individuality in your children if you clone their education.
- Marilyn Howshall'; This terminology contains implications that many people see work as a seemingly endless pursuit with little reward or purpose.”. Quotes[263]='A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.
- Henry Ward Beecher'; "Escaping the rat … We generally draw comfort in going with the majority, or the consensus. Holland'; An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
- Abraham Lincoln';
- Albert Einstein'; In this race, we're all reduced to vermin Quotes[189]='We must reject that most dismal and fatuous notion that education is a preparation for life.
- Northrop Frye'; Quotes[158]='Much education today is monumentally ineffective. Quotes[124]='A teacher affects eternity\; no one can tell where his influence stops.
- Henry Adams'; Quotes[111]='The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of the individual and the significance of his life to himself and to others.
- Grayson Kirk'; Quotes[77]='For the sole true end of education is simply this: to teach men how to learn for themselves; and whatever instruction fails to do this is effort spent in vain.
- Dorothy L. Sayers'; Quotes[16]='It\'s not that I\'m so smart, it\'s just that I stay with problems longer.
- Albert Einstein'; Lily Tomlin?
- Dorothy Parker'; And yet, most people were wrong. (Verified on paper). He thought up the quip ‘in the 1950s or 1960s’ when he was chaplain either at Williams College or at Yale University. The Lyrics for Even If You Win, You're Still A Rat by Architects have been translated into 8 languages.
- John Carolus'; Quotes[255]='Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
- Leo Tolstoy'; I\'d give the top grades to those who made a lot of mistakes and told me about them, and then told me what they learned from them.
- Dr. Seuss'; Quotes[104]='I know of nothing more inspiring than that of making discoveries for ones self.
- George Washington Carver'; Quotes[163]='The job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves.
- Joseph Campbell'; Quotes[175]='Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Quotes[87]='Remember always that you have not only the right to be an individual; you have an obligation to be one. Your life is ending one minute at a time / Check the Your life is ending one minute at a time Check the clock and stand in line. Quotes[48]='The aim of education should be to teach us how to think, rather than what to think. Go directly to shout page. var speed=7500; The television star Jackie Gleason used an instance in private correspondence, but it was not clear whether he used it in a comedy routine during the 1950s. The problem is that we have very less control on such behaviour, as evolution has equipped us with this tendency of running a rat race. Here are additional selected citations in chronological order. Quotes[196]='It would be extremely naive to expect the dominant classes to develop a type of education that would enable subordinate classes to perceive social injustices critically.
- Paulo Freire'; Rat race and investing Quotes[269]='To teach is to learn twice.
- Joseph Joubert'; Quotes[112]='I find television very educating. “The trouble with the rat race,” she likes to say, “is that even if you win you’re still a rat.”, In 1995 top quotation expert Nigel Rees contacted Coffin to ask him about the origin of the expression in the form: “Even if you win the rat-race, you’re still a rat”. Quotes[55]='Teachers should guide without dictating, and participate without dominating.
- C. B. Neblette'; Quotes[117]='In an effective classroom students should not only know what they are doing, they should also know why and how.
- George Evans';
- Claude Bernard'; Coffin employed the saying, but he suggested that the phrase was something an archetypal questioning student of the 1960s would say: 4, To many of these students, their parents’ lives look pretty meaningless. Envie pra gente. Quotes[44]='To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently, and for himself, is perhaps the greatest service that one man can do another.
- Benjamin Jowett'; Quotes[164]='Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and our highest endeavor ought to be to set off that spark in one another.
- Kenny Ausubel'; Quotes[62]='Of all the joyous motives of school life, the love of knowledge is the only abiding one; the only one which determines the scale, so to speak, upon which the person will hereafter live.
- Charlotte Mason';
- Albert Einstein'; 1 Unsung American Underdog by Russell Baker, Quote Page 25, Column 5, Boston, Massachusetts. Weary souls, trying to forget Quotes[69]='If you want happiness for a lifetime, help the next generation.
- J.G. Quotes[160]='I am entirely certain that twenty years from now we will look back at education as it is practiced in most schools today and wonder that we could have tolerated anything so primitive. Quotes[161]='Don\'t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Quotes[155]='The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.
- John Lubbock'; Quotes[130]='Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.
- Henry Peter Brougham'; Quotes[49]='I don\'t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
- Bill Cosby'; And thus they are more likely to be a part of a rat race…one that is led by the experts, the stock market gurus. Quotes[76]='Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain -- and most fools do. Even If You Win, You're Still A Rat By Architects 2012 • 1 song, 3:12 Play on Spotify 1. If we succeed in hacking education into something that is, once again, relevant, we will owe more to Steve Hargadon than we will ever know. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty.
- Albert Einstein'; Required fields are marked *. Quotes[46]='Almost all education has a political motive: it aims at strengthening some group, national or religious or even social, in the competition with other groups. Hardly anything is done to foster the inward growth of mind and spirit; in fact, those who have had the most education are very often atrophied in their mental and spiritual life.
- Bertrand Russell'; They keep this attitude until we adults convince them that learning is not fun.
- Glenn Doman'; Quotes[114]='Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe...
- H.G. ", "Attracting over 10,000 information professionals each year from all around the world to discuss trends and interests in the Library 2.0 Virtual Conference series would not be possible without Steve’s highly focused organizational skills, his creative thinking, his ability to connect people, and his infectious and motivating enjoyment for the work. It is the only thing.
- Albert Schweitzer'; Quotes[174]='We don\'t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.
- Marcel Proust'; A session that I had prepared for the ... We're excited to announce the final keynote panel for our third Library 2.020 mini-conference: " Sustainability in Libraries ,&quo... "It’s true - @stevehargadon is a national treasure." Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. Quotes[17]='Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.
- Albert Einstein'; He is a bridge. Quotes[53]='If I ran a school, I\'d give the average grade to the ones who gave me all the right answers, for being good parrots. Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta playlist?
- Dale Carnegie'; ", "Steve is one of the most influential yet understated individuals in the world of Education. Quotes[242]='Schooling confuses teaching with learning, grade advancement with education, a diploma with competence, and fluency with the ability to say something new.
- Wendy Priesnitz'; Quotes[203]='People only see what they are prepared to see.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quotes[50]='The one real object of education is to have a man in the condition of continually asking questions.
- Bishop Mandell Creighton'; Architects - Even If You Win, You're Still A Rat (Letra e música para ouvir) - Your life is ending, one minute at a time / Check the clock and stand in line / Hibernate, till your / Till your life's passed you by / Please stop Quotes[241]='Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of education.
- Victor Hugo'; Jackie Gleason? Quotes[218]='If the education and studies of children were suited to their inclinations and capacities, many would be made useful members of society that otherwise would make no figure in it.
- Samuel Richardson'; Quotes[201]='I pay the schoolmaster, but \'tis the schoolboys that educate my son.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson'; Quotes[159]='The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursuing his education.
- John W. Gardner'; The journalist noted that Tomlin was using the quip: 8, . A rat race? To improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, rather than to load the memory with thoughts of other men.
- Bill Beattie'; Quotes[200]='If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.
- Rachel Carson'; Quotes[145]='No matter how good teaching may be, each student must take the responsibility for his own education. Quotes[35]='It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
- Aristotle'; In August 1956 a sports columnist named Bill Cunningham writing in “The Boston Herald” employed an instance of the joke, but he did not claim coinage; instead, he credited an anonymous “fellow”. Your life is ending one minute at a time Check the clock and stand in line Hibernate till your, till your life's passed you by. The topic of the column was the perennial baseball conflict between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees: 2.
- Trevelyan ';
- H.L. Russell Baker, Lily Tomlin, and others used the jest after it had been disseminated. Quotes[41]='If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. Quotes[24]='Nine tenths of education is encouragement. June 18th, 2014 live at Traffic Live Club Roma, Italy Architects- Even If You Win, You're Still A Rat (Ft. Oli Sykes of Bring Me The Horizon) (PNC) - Duration: 3:07. vtcvs24 6,847 views . It conjures up the image of the futile efforts of a lab rat trying to escape while running around a maze or in a wheel. Quotes[138]='There are obviously two educations.
- Sophocles';