Are we going to find solutions or are we going to dig deep and ask some serious questions –. Could it be possible that a vibration that the screens emanate hook us in and we seem to be addicted like a drug of some kind? What if this simple exercise, if repeated becomes part of our Foundation and supports us to develop a quality that allows us to let go of what is going on outside of us? Second, it symbolizes the reality that we see God through the spiritual eyes of faith. Ruben Hinojosa, Eyes are more accurate witnesses than ears. And learning to feel more has helped me access the intelligence inside me that is available in my heart that I had somewhat neglected since childhood because I had become all about thinking, head stuff and mental energy. Nearsightedness is where the light coming into the eye is not focused properly and this makes it difficult to see objects far away. What I love about the experience you share here, Katherine, is that it is such a private, momentary thing, but seismic, and you can do it literally anywhere. I have noticed since practicing closing my eyes before bed I am sleeping alot deeper, and it does not take me long to go to sleep. Closing your eyes and plugging up your ears won't make tune stand still. Could this simple and practical task be rolled out to all nurseries, kindergartens and schools, so our kids at least learn to take a moment of stop, pause and close their eyes to re-connect and see what happens? Enquiries should be addressed to Simple Living Global – Sometimes when consciously closing my eyes in the way described in this blog, I have felt a warmth underneath my eyelids. If a train is coming at you, closing your eyes won't save you ... but if you look right at it, you at least have a chance to jump. Votes: 3, I don't seem to require a lot of sleep. It really gets you to connect and slow down. Festival du cinéma méditerranéen du Bruxelles, 2006, Festival international du cinéma méditerranéen de Montpellier (2006), Festival International du Film de Rotterdam (2007), Festival International du Grand Reportage d’Actualité FIGRA (2007), Festival Libertés à Bruxelles (2006), Prix spécial du jury. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Closing your eyes isn't going to change anything. That's the kind of world we live in. Thanks to Simple Living Global, closing my eyes for a moment and using it as a reset, a reconnection to myself is a tool I use almost every day. I find when on the telephone, closing my eyes helps me connect more.
Fiche technique. Closing your eyes and plugging up your ears won't make time stand still. The aim is to combat China’s soaring rates of nearsightedness, partly blamed on screen usage. Thank you Simple Living Global for supporting me to surrender to all the amazing support that is available to me. Votes: 3, What makes the perfect kiss? What does close eyes to expression mean? Keep it straight and steady with shoulders relaxed, Keep observing and clock how you actually feel Or lifting up the leg, but that's more of a girl thing, I'm manly. You never see a blind person going around saying, 'I'm blind.'

Could it be possible that our children do not want to know anything about what is going on in the distance, out there in our world? This is one of those things I forget to do, even though every time I take the time to close my eyes slowly and purposefully my energy increases, my stress decreases and I am broke back into alignment. What happens when you shut your eyes? Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Festival Cinéma du Réel, Compétition française, centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 2006. I am going to write this on a card and put it on my desk.

Could it be possible that FOCUS is a keyword here in all of this? Closing my eyes is a simple way to connect, but has allowed me space to feel and stay open with the world. Bodhidharma. Closing my eyes also allows me to feel more connected to myself. But so is closing your eyes to it. In today’s busy fast life world, we tend to fight closing our eyes and taking a much needed rest or time out to deepen the quality within us. After a while it will become part of your natural way of living. So if you want to play blind just close your eyes and keep them closed and fare thee well. No matter what's happening in your life, you can change the trajectory of events by closing your eyes, reviewing your thought and behavior, and sending love wherever you've been withholding it. Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as amended, no part of this work may in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission. Feet flat on the floor, hip width apart Only a coward closes his eyes. What if this super simple way of closing our eyes has lasting benefits to our true health and well-being? What exactly is Myopia? This exercise is a great bedtime ritual if practiced daily., Article avec une section vide ou incomplète, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Production : Real Productions, KTO, France 3. Such a simple thing, closing my eyes for me, But so very powerful. You may even become aware that you are more relaxed and this allows for a deepening quality inside you so you can reflect, contemplate and ponder on things that are going on for you in life. In fact, things will even be worse the next time you open your eyes. Then repeat and this time be aware of how you closed them, Repeat a few times so you get the feel of how you do this, Now look ahead and gently and slowly close your eyes, Begin to be aware that the eyeball is round and not flat, Practice over and over again closing the eyes, Be aware the eyeball is a round shape, like our planet, Wrap the eyelid over the eyeball as slowly as possible, Wrap the eyelid over the eyeball like a duvet covering you. Nothing's going to disappear just because you can't see what's going on.

If sitting, ensure the back is straight Literally a gift that keeps on giving and has a massive ripple effect on all of us. If this is done sitting down, then the chin can be dropped slightly so it is towards the chest. Closing your eyes isn't going to change anything. Closing your Eyes, est un film documentaire français réalisé par Robin Hunzinger, sorti en 2006. Votes: 3, Running toward danger is foolhardy. Definition of close eyes to in the Idioms Dictionary. Comment faire ? Keep your eyes wide open. This is always a wonderful moment because, for me, that sensation of warmth under my eyelids is a sign that my awareness is shifting and I am now in the process of plugging in and connecting with the real inner me. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. close eyes to phrase. Immediately when I read this blog it gave me a reminder to introduce more Stop moments in my day. This would then lead to knowing that our world is round and not flat. Votes: 3, No matter what's happening in your life, you can change the trajectory of events by closing your eyes, reviewing your thought and behavior, and sending love wherever you've been withholding it. If the mind wanders, then bring the focus and attention back to the task, so that the mind is with the body while you carry out this important and valuable exercise. Faith, joy, optimism. (nearsightedness).

What if we had an understanding about the importance of closing our eyes and the benefits? I choose to close my eyes gently to be with me.
Votes: 0, Our breath gets shallow and ineffective when we are in a stressed state. Are kids of today’s world copying what they see adults do? What makes the perfect kiss? Votes: 0. Encourage issue of homework on paper It's eerie because walls, you can actually hear your footstep maybe bounce off of or you can feel the vibration of your voice and help that... use that to navigate.