Túto sieť využívajú na komunikáciu s voličmi, ale aj médiami najmä zahraniční politici. Twitter; Linkedin; Copier le lien; Article réservé aux abonnés. Sie engagierte sich stark für die Aufklärung des Mordes an dem slowakischen Journalisten Ján Kuciak und seiner Verlobten Martina Kušnírová im Jahr 2018.[9][10]. Slowakische Republik (1939 – 1945): Digitalization, local food, planting trees&more. She will be sworn in on 15 June when Slovakia's current president, Andrej Kiska, finishes his term of office. Okrem toho sleduje aj organizáciu NATO a jej September 2020 um 17:40 Uhr bearbeitet. La présidente slovaque détaille ses différences avec les dirigeants des pays d’Europe centrale du groupe de Visegrad. Tweets; Tweets & Replies; Media; Search; Zuzana Čaputová @ZuzanaCaputova. Na zozname sledovaných účtov nechýba ani český prezident Miloš Zeman, Felipe VI. Video, Working from beaches and mountains during Covid. [25][26] Climate change mitigation is one of her highest priorities, and for that reason she is ending subsidies for coal and other fossil fuels. En cliquant sur « Continuer à lire ici » et en vous assurant que vous êtes la seule personne à consulter Le Monde avec ce compte. 31,777 talking about this. Ms Caputova, who has almost no political experience, defeated high-profile diplomat Maros Sefcovic, nominated by the governing party, in a second round run-off vote on Saturday. [21] Sie trat das Amt am 15. She is a fellow of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW), a network of environmental lawyers and jurists. [5] She grew up in the nearby town of Pezinok,[5] in what was Czechoslovakia for the first two decades of her life. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (Portugal) | Too often we see people intimidated, beaten or threatened on their lives. rakúsky kancelár Sebastian Kurz. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov. Čaputová [11], Čaputová has run her own law firm and authored and co-authored several publications. VideoWorking from beaches and mountains during Covid. Čaputová has promised to phase out coal mining and power generation by 2023, and brought her nation into the Powering Past Coal Alliance. [4] She still lives in Pezinok. It is our duty to make sure they are not left behind and that ageing comes with dignity, pleasure & easy access to everything they need. namietať spracúvanie osobných údajov, ako aj právo na prenosnosť osobných a voličmi cez Twitter. z druhého kola prezidentských volieb, eurokomisára Maroša Šefčoviča. [28], Čaputová supports maintaining the status quo regarding abortion and reproductive rights: "If there is an extreme situation and the dilemma is between deciding whether to adopt a legal norm that will intrude upon the personal lives of citizens or leave it to women's responsibility and their personal choice, I choose the responsibility of a woman". Henri (Luxemburg) | .css-gw44ni-IconContainer{display:inline-block;height:1em;width:1em;vertical-align:-0.125em;margin-right:0.25em;}playWho really decides the US election? Der Kampf gegen die Abfalldeponie gipfelte 2013 in der Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs der Slowakei, dass die neue Abfalldeponie illegal war und gegen Umweltnormen verstieß. Read about our approach to external linking. Rudolf Schuster | [16][17] Sie gewann den ersten Wahlgang am 16. VideoWhale whale, what do we have here? VideoWho really decides the US election? (vdb). Jasne to dala najavo aj Zuzana Čaputová, ktorá ukázala, že moderná zahraničná politika sa dá robiť aj na webe. [32], murder of the investigative journalist Ján Kuciak, List of elected and appointed female heads of state and government, List of international trips made by Zuzana Čaputová, "Prezidentka Čaputová má nového partnera, svého bývalého poradce", "Zuzana Caputova Is Elected Slovakia's First Female President", "Zuzana Čaputová, the spiritual liberal who beat Slovakia's populists", "Outsider Caputova wins Slovak presidency", "Profile of Presidential Candidate Zuzana Caputova – News Now", "Profil prezidentskej kandidátky Zuzany Čaputovej", "From attorney and activist to president of Slovakia. 116 Photos and videos. The election follows the murder of an investigative journalist last year. The gravest crimes often begin with words of hatred or discrimination. The spread of authoritarian disease is a threat to all of us. Video, Senator who hugged White House guests has Covid-19. Whale whale, what do we have here? z volebnej noci. Democracy means a guarantee of rights of those in minority, the weak and the vulnerable. Anti-corruption candidate Zuzana Caputova leads Slovak poll, Who really decides the US election? Polícia zasahovala v Plaveckom Štvrtku, pobila sa tu stovka ľudí,... Potvrdili vyše 700 nových prípadov, počet hospitalizovaných stúpa, Average Print Run and Paid Circulation of Daily Pravda, Tento web beží na serveroch Webglobe - Yegon. Zuzana Čaputová, rod.Strapáková (* 21. jún 1973, Bratislava) je v poradí piata prezidentka Slovenskej republiky.Do funkcie bola inaugurovaná 15. júna 2019, keď o 12:07 zložila pred Národnou radou SR sľub do rúk predsedu Ústavného súdu. parlamentu Antonia Tajaniho. Publié le 27 juillet 2019 à 09h52 - Mis à jour le 28 juillet 2019 à 06h21, Slovaquie : l’avocate libérale Zuzana Caputova remporte la présidentielle. Official Twitter account of the President of the Slovak Republic Slovenská republika. Conseiller auprès du Comité franco-chinois d’intelligence stratégique et d’innovation de CCI France. [31] In recognition of her efforts for the European democracy, Čaputová was awarded the European Prize for Political Culture in August 2019.