Lectures. This image is from the public law print or enrolled bill, not the Statutes at Large volume. Pub. Topics will include group comparisons, standard parametric statistical models, multivariate data visualization, multiple linear regression and classification, classification and regression trees and random forests. If an enrolled bill image has a lower part of the page with an "x" or line through it, add an "x" to the page number to see the second image of the page. The catalog description for STAT 131 is as follows: Introduction to probability theory and its applications. Terms offered: Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2019 This course teaches a broad range of statistical methods that are used to solve data problems. Legislative Building. 26 USC 847: Repealed.Pub. Week 1. Pub. Oktober 2020 Januar bis August 2020: Umsatzeinbruch von nominal 11,7 % zum Vorjahr. The course will teach a broad range of statistical methods that are used to solve data problems. Stream Tracks and Playlists from 131 on your desktop or … Combinatorial analysis, axioms of probability and independence, random variables (discrete and continuous), joint probability distributions, properties of expectation, Central Limit Theorem, Law of Large Numbers, Markov chains. 30 October; Today in class we decided to make a radical change in the syllabus and grading for the rest of the term.
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Enrolled bill images labeled as such in red. The following abbreviations will be used here: (27 Jul 2020, updated 28 Jul 2020) We have an, Tentative syllabus and reading list for STAT 131 this quarter, Document camera notes (lecture: 27 Jul 2020) (Populations, samples, IID and SRS, Equally-Likely Model, working with NOT and OR), Document camera notes (Q&A: 27 Jul 2020) (building IID probability models; undefined classical, frequentist probabilities), Quiz 1 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 31 Jul 2019), Quiz 1 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 31 Jul 2019), Extra notes (discussion section: 28 Jul 2020) (calculus review), Document camera notes (discussion section: 28 Jul 2020) (calculus review: functions, limits, derivatives, integrals), Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 28 Jul 2020), Extra Notes (pages 1-47) (Sample space; set theory; partitions; axioms; combinatorics), Document camera notes (lecture: 29 Jul 2020) (working with AND; conditional probability, independence), Quiz 2 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Tue 4 Aug 2019), Quiz 2 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Tue 4 Aug 2019), Case studies: (1) Dr. Schram and (2) Fisher's constitutional hypothesis, Document camera notes (discussion section: 30 Jul 2020) (case studies: Dr. Schram and Fisher's constitutional hypothesis), Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 30 Jul 2020), Take-Home Test 1 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Sun 9 Aug 2019), Take-Home Test 1 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Sun 9 Aug 2019), R code to solve problem (c) on Quiz 1 via Monte Carlo (simulation), Document camera notes (lecture: 31 Jul 2020) (partitions; Kolmogorov axioms; permutations; combinations), Extra Notes (pages 48-100) (conditional probability; independence; Bayes's Theorem; random variables), R code to numerically explore the same-birthday problem, Document camera notes (lecture: 3 Aug 2020) (Partitions; Law of Total Probability; conditional independence; disease screening), Document camera notes (discussion section: 4 Aug 2020) (Simulation/Monte Carlo approximation of probabilities in roulette), Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 4 Aug 2020), Quiz 3 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 7 Aug 2019), Quiz 3 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 7 Aug 2019), Document camera notes (lecture: 5 Aug 2020) (Bayes's Theorem for true/false propositions, three ways: table, odds, partitions), Document camera notes (discussion section: 6 Aug 2020) (association; Simpson's Paradox), Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 6 Aug 2020), Quiz 4 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Tue 11 Aug 2019), Quiz 4 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Tue 11 Aug 2019), Solution to Monte Hall problem (begins on the bottom of page 3), Document camera notes (lecture: 7 Aug 2020) (PMFs, PDFs, and CDFs), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 7 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 8 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 9 Aug 2020), Extra notes pages 101-150 (joint, marginal, conditional distributions), Document camera notes (lecture: 10 Aug 2020) (CDFs; joint and marginal distributions), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 10 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (discussion section: 11 Aug 2020 (review of partial differentiation and double integration), Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 11 Aug 2020), Quiz 5 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 14 Aug 2019), Quiz 5 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 14 Aug 2019), Extra Notes (pages 101-150) (bivariate distributions: joint, marginal, conditional; transformations), R code for visualization of bivariate PDFs (perspective and contour plots), Document camera notes (lecture: 12 Aug 2020) (joint, marginal and conditional distributions), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 12 Aug 2020), Take-Home Test 2 in PDF format (final due date: at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Mon 24 Aug 2019), Take-Home Test 2 in LaTeX format (final due date: at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Mon 24 Aug 2019), Extra notes on Poisson distributions and Poisson processes, Document camera notes (discussion section: 13 Aug 2020 (tranformations of random variables; Poisson distribution and process), R code to explore transformations of random variables, Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 13 Aug 2020), Quiz 6 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Tue 18 Aug 2020), Quiz 6 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Tue 18 Aug 2019), Document camera notes (lecture: 14 Aug 2020) (probability and statistical inference; transformations of random variable), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 14 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 15 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 16 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (lecture: 17 Aug 2020) (transformations of random variables; expected value), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 17 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (discussion section: 18 Aug 2020 (Binomial, Poisson distributions; expected value, variance, SD), Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 17 Aug 2020), Quiz 7 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 21 Aug 2020), Quiz 7 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 21 Aug 2020), Extra notes, pages 151-200 (transformations; expected value, variance, standard deviation, skewness), Document camera notes (lecture: 19 Aug 2020) (rules for expected values, variances and SDs), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 19 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (catch-up lecture: 20 Aug 2020) (moment-generating function, mean versus median), Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 20 Aug 2020), Quiz 8 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Tue 25 Aug 2020), Quiz 8 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Tue 25 Aug 2020), Extra notes, pages 201-250 (MGF, prediction, covariance, correlation, conditional expectation and variance), Document camera notes (lecture: 21 Aug 2020) (covariance, correlation, simple linear regression), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 21 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 22 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 23 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (lecture: 24 Aug 2020) (conditional expectation, variance; utility; normal distribution), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 24 Aug 2020), Take-Home Test 3 in PDF format (final due date: at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Sun 30 Aug 2019), Take-Home Test 3 in LaTeX format (final due date: at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Sun 30 Aug 2019), Extra notes, pages 251-300 (Useful distributions; large random samples), Document camera notes (catch-up lecture: 25 Aug 2020) (normal distribution; accuracy of sample mean), Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 25 Aug 2020), Quiz 9 in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 28 Aug 2020), Quiz 9 in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Fri 28 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (lecture: 26 Aug 2020) (Weak Law of Large Numbers; Central Limit Theorem), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 26 Aug 2020), Quiz 10 (EXTRA CREDIT ONLY) in PDF format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Sun 30 Aug 2020), Quiz 10 (EXTRA CREDIT ONLY) in LaTeX format (due at canvas.ucsc.edu by 11.59pm on Sun 30 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (catch-up lecture: 27 Aug 2020) (Delta method), Document camera notes (DD office 1.5-hour session: 27 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (lecture: 28 Aug 2020) (Markov chains; Central Limit Theorem), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 28 Aug 2020), Document camera notes (DD extra office 1.5-hour session: 29 Aug 2020).
2144 Text contains those laws in effect on June 10, 2020 All rights reserved. Combinatorial analysis, axioms of probability and independence, random variables (discrete and continuous), joint probability distributions, properties of expectation, Central Limit Theorem, Law of Large Numbers, Markov chains. 9 pages. Students will be introduced to the widely used R statistical language and they will obtain hands-on experience in implementing a range of statistical methods on numerous real world datasets. Section, added Pub. STAT 131: Introduction to Probability Theory Tentative syllabus and reading list: Spring 2020 The textbook for this class (abbreviated in what follows as DS) is DeGroot MH, Schervish MJ (2012).
Introduction to probability theory and its applications. Stat 134 is an enormous beast of a class. (General Education Code(s): Q, SR - Statistical Reasoning), This site is maintained by: draper@ucsc.edu, UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064.