Students are eligible to receive a prorated refund for permits returned to the Parking and Transportation Services office on or before March 12, 2021. See Treas. Parking permits are issued through the Parking Management office located in Mountaineer Station (1112 Van Voorhis Road). Refunds will be prorated on a monthly basis and will be issued via check for permits purchased using cash, check, or credit card. Refunds will be prorated on a monthly basis and will be issued via check to faculty, staff, or students for permits purchased using cash, check, or credit card. Permits are valid for one year - from August 1 through July 31 of the following year. The Yellow Faculty/Staff Permit is restricted ONLY to Danforth Campus faculty and staff. This low-cost option is available at a reduced price to full-time Danforth Campus faculty and staff (not working at/assigned to West Campus) earning less than $50k annually. To gain entry into a garage equipped with gate arm technology during the valid timeframe, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry. Parking Permit Guidelines and Required Documents link. Official Business Permits are ONLY available for purchase by a Danforth Campus department or a vendor with a valid exception. All permits must be returned to the Parking and Transportation Services office upon leaving the university or when permitted parking is no longer desired by the permit holder. The permit is valid in all yellow spaces and in all zones from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. If the parking space is not assigned to one van or car pool member, the employer must designate one of the members as the prime member. To gain entry into the garage, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read and allow entry. Transportation 314-935-4140 An official website of the United States Government. Penalties for violations include ticketing and fines, towing and revocation of parking privileges. All permits must be renewed each year by the permit holder. (. Reg. Parking Permit Guidelines and Required Documents. Motorcycle Permits are issued for motorcycles, motorscooters, and motorbikes, all of which must be registered with Parking and Transportation Services under the same conditions as other vehicles, and are subject to all university parking regulations. IRC Section 132(f)(5)(C) and Treas. Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday – Friday and all day Saturday/Sunday, a yellow permit is valid in any yellow space in any zone (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5N or 5W). Availability of these permits vary from month to month. Annual Parking Permits: Annual parking permits can be purchased for the WSU zone parking system and can allow some parking flexibility depending on your needs. To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request at least 72 hours prior to the meeting you wish to attend. Motorcycle permits are valid only in areas designated for motorcycles. Payroll deductions will not cease nor will refunds be issued until the physical permit has been returned to Parking and Transportation Services. Students are eligible for a prorated refund for permits returned on or before March 12, 2021. Apple iTunes West Campus employees (either WU paid or agency-contracted personnel) are NOT eligible to purchase the ParkSmart Permit. To gain entry into a garage equipped with gate arm technology, the permit holder will simply pull up to the entry gate and the RFID permit will be automatically read to allow entry if within the correct zone and valid timeframe., WashU Mobile App The price of this permit is prorated once annually on January 16, 2021. All permits must be returned to the Parking and Transportation Services office upon leaving the university or when permitted parking is no longer desired by the permit holder. Qualified parking is parking provided to employees on or near the business work premises, or parking on or near a location from which employees commute to work by commuter highway vehicle mass transit, or van pool. Monthly parking permits are nonrefundable. Motorcycle parking is not permitted in any garage located in Zones 1, 2, 3, or 5W. Any questions or concerns can be answered by emailing or by calling the office at (269) 387-4609. All permits must be returned to the Parking and Transportation Services office upon leaving the university, when permitted parking is no longer desired by the permit holder, or when participants no longer meet the qualifications of a carpool. This permit will allow for access into all gated parking areas. The parking privileges, regulations, and restrictions correspond to the above permit types and are subject to availability. Section 1.132-9 … Availability varies by zone and is dependent upon capacity. (. Section 1.132-9(b) Q/A-8 and 22. Red Permits are valid in any of the five zones, including all garages in all zones, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. All participants must be eligible for and pay by payroll deduction. The Yellow Faculty/Staff Zone 5 West Campus or North Campus Permit is ONLY available to Danforth Campus faculty/staff. If you already have an active account, please select "Active account holder - need visitor permit(s)". The Red Permit is restricted ONLY to Danforth Campus faculty and staff. However, non-permit holders can park in any unreserved space “after hours,” specifically between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. Monday through Friday or over the weekend. Payroll deduction preferred for faculty and staff but MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover are also available.Students must pay by student account.