Syncfusion's charts are part of their extensive UI library. However, you can name this anything you like. See the outcome of your marketing efforts with our Marketing Dashboard.
For Nuxt.js v2, modify nuxt.config.js as follows: For Nuxt.js v1, modify nuxt.config.js as follows: Without any module system, the component is exposed as window.VueECharts.
In the first example, we will start with a very basic bar chart. ApexCharts is now a partner of FusionCharts, The chart type which is a mandatory prop to specify, The data which you want to display in the chart, All the optional configuration of the chart goes in this property. When using Vue-ECharts on the server side with Nuxt.js, it may be not properly transpiled because Nuxt.js prevents files under node_modules from being bundled into the server bundle with only a few exceptions by default. Vue-ECharts support the following events: For further details, see ECharts' API documentation. Manage wealth better by tracking the performance of financial assets. Vue. Otherwise, if you bind a new object to options, setOption will be called with notMerge: true. For performance critical scenarios (having a large dataset) we'd better bypass Vue's reactivity system for options prop. From area to donut and marimekko to radar, we’ve got all your charting needs covered. For the first dataset object, give it a type property with a value of line and for the second, give it a type property with a value of bar., You should already have a