Please get of my TV. For that he gets promoted to three star general and put in command of the entire Union Army. He accepted the surrender of three Confederate armies in the field, with the last one effectively ending the war. too many commercials. Too many commercials everywhere, yes, but don't miss this program. I never knew what I was missing. Through reading Grant's memoirs, I realized many new things about the Civil War. I guess money talks and *** walks. But what was included was accurate, including his suppression of the KKK and his heroic battle against throat cancer as he raced to finish his Memoirs. Most of the time, TV ads tend to depict consuming a product as an experience that will improve your life in some awesomely outrageous way. Really enjoyed it. I understand TV Land is running continuous Andy Griffith most of the day now, everyday now. Even TV networks agree there are too many commercials . The visuals if the battles were excellent. This resulted in very well developed analysis of the topic. I'm happy for these historical biographical shows- I doubt anyone is getting any of this in school much anymore, especially in any depth. Write a private message as MyPillow verified representative. You can try to reach review author by writing a comment to the review or try one of our business solutions. It seems like they have cut back. Today even ads … Without commercials, this is a 4-hour film that's part dramatic reenactment featuring Justin Salinger in the lead role and part documentary with a diverse cast of erudite and interesting commentators. Unbelievable the amount of bad reviews solely because of commercials. Now watch KofQueens on Lifetime. Would You Like to Convert It Into Review? Grant's views on slavery and the value of men were refreshing. Username and password will be sent to you via email. Our content is free because we may earn a commission if you purchase products after clicking ads on our website. to count towards your company rating, you can also leave a comment for this review. Can't wait for more! Think You’re Seeing More Drug Ads on TV? Of course, time constraints, exacerbated by the many commercial breaks, resulted in the glossing over of many important aspects of his political and military careers as well as his private life. If you want your response Given the amount of research done on Grant and his own memoirs this could have easily been several actual seasons and not lost any pacing. The number of ads on TV have been rising and can make up more than 18% of every hour that is on television. Metacritic Reviews. I turn the sound off every time that commercial comes on. I am an amateur student of history but have always found any discussion of Grant and the western campaigns to be lacking. It's bad enough to have a weekend of that horrible Roseanne, but why so many commercials breaks and for so long in each half hour program. But overall even if you have just a passing interest in history this will keep your attention and maybe even educate you on one of the greatest Americans. This series really takes you into the cracks and crevices of Ulysses S. Grant to which you learn so much about this man. But you can make the ads stop with just a few strategies and knowledge of how the online advertising industry works. Great Comment! As for the rest of the reviews. This is the perfect program for now. Everyone, including Fox must know this guy's products are inferior. Thank You for Your Reply! AWESOME Miniseries!! New York Times, December 24, 2017. My Pillow commercials over and over. I hate two things about FOX News: 1. Anticipation, fear, dread and later bravery and valour. It takes nearly an hour for a half hour episode of any show because they're so obsessed with showing TV commercials. Grant is the only reason we won the Civil War and it's time he got some attention. Username and password will be sent to you via email. This is an excellent, historically accurate, series about one of America's greatest generals. The advertiser wants you to … Sheesh, yes, there are commercials. It could easily have been double and I would have watched it. Perfect cast with great story progression. I checked the guide for today and everything is in the standard 30 or 60 minute block. I do agree with too many commercials but I record and fast forward so I can rewatch and learn. YOU CAN HATE THE COMMERCIAL WITHOUT GIVING REFERENCE TO RACE, YOU $%^&*. Private messages do not impact your company rating. I agree that his ads on Fox is a pain in the *** being on tv way too many times. His memoirs and this documentary really brought home what a terrible war this was. If you’re reading this on a website, please don’t go too crazy ― legit publishers pay their bills through display ads, so blocking all of them may have unintended consequences. Love the programs like Hannity, Tucker Carlson and The Ingraham angle. I realize these networks are all greedy for more ad time, but why should I pay for cable or satellite just for lousy commercials. You Are, and Here’s Why. Thanks for the post...too bad nothing ever changes! He's bringing Fox ratings down because no one wants to listen to his dribble any longer. The history channel has done a great documentary here. Reason of review: TV ads have overshot the mark and become too PC when they should be funny. It’s weird to me that people keep track of the percentages of interracial couples compared to all couples in TV and have a belief that x% of interracial couples is “too many”. Kudos to the History Channel for this series! This miniseries does an excellent job of dealing with all aspects of his life, in a very short 3 parts. This is also an excellent part of history that is not overly covered. Jeremy Clarkson; 8 Jun 2019, 1:34; Updated: 8 Jun 2019, … The Community Spotlight 2020.09.26. This is why DVR became a thing a few years ago and why streaming is so popular now too. Watch on history if you missed it. I find most viewers to suffer from a terrible lack of imagination. And, come to Clermont County Ohio and visit Grant's birth place and in Brown County visit his childhood home. I expect to be seeing a great deal more of him on our screens in future. Much of which I didn't know. The first episode in this series is pretty good. It is high time that this great American receives the recognition he richly deserves. It was excellent also. Grant's image is later tarnished by southern historians who attempt to rewrite the history of the Civil War by painting it as a states rights issue and not about slavery. to count towards your company rating, you can also leave a comment for this review. The six hour miniseries is best taped, so one can zip past all of the commercials, and learn about Ulysses S. Grant and his role in American history and how he won the Civil War and presided over Reconstruction, an experiment in democracy that went badly wrong. Private messages do not impact your company rating. As they did with the miniseries Washington, History Channel does it again with Grant. Two weeks ago I saw an Andy episode that was scheduled for 55 minutes!!!! Most of the ads I get are for their own hardware stuff, which I'm also less inclined to buy now that they keep interrupting the videos just about 3 minutes. The more they push the ads the less inclined I am to want to pay for the privilege of not being annoyed by all the commercials. Contact Review Author as Verified Representative, Business Solutions For Verified Company Representatives, Pissed Consumer © 2020 All User Ratings Without commercials, this is a 4-hour film that's part dramatic reenactment featuring Justin Salinger in the lead role and part documentary with a diverse cast of … I would have liked to have seen some reference to his strong support for public schools and the separation of church and state. P.S. Would You Like to Convert It Into Review? It was bad enough watching with commercials every 5 minutes at 5 minutes each, now they're running the program so much. Couldn't have said it any better myself. Commercial breaks should be only long enough for a fast break so a person doesn't lose interest in the program and turn off TV Land. Rights Reserved, You Are About to Contact, MyPillow - Bad timing and they should not be airing commercials to mislead people. If you wish that your prior post be removed, submit a notarized letter. Soooo sick of all the commercials!!! If you wish that your prior post be removed, submit a notarized letter. They add 5 minutes of commercials. I have called Fox to complain with no results. What is with TV Land?? Related: Tv Land - Using your network as a political platform against Donald Trump ,conservatives and police bashing. Grant as president though, because of his lack of guile, is undermined by subordinates who are corrupt, and America is by now tired of the reconstruction efforts in the south. The amount of commercial time on cable TV keeps increasing as networks try to make up for shrinking audiences by stuffing more ads into every hour. You will be able to edit the text before publishing. Not until Grant becomes president, can he put a stop to this and put down the KKK. We are processing your message. It covers a lot of ground but like many shows can't get real deep in a few hours (especially with commercials). We are processing your message. I highly recommend it. He returns to civilian life and does poorly, until the Civil War breaks out and he is given a commission once again to lead a regiment as a brigadier general. As president, he supported Reconstruction and the 14th and 15th Amendments were passed. I liked the mix of recreation interspersed with a wonderful commentary by a variety of experts in the field. Watch tvland for 24 hours and note every product there is a commercial for. wake up. does any of those tvland execs read any of these complaints about sickening commercials too many over and over fools. … Some advertisers may pay us for this ad to appear on our website or provide us with a referral fee. I agree 100% - insane amount of commericals. Thank you. Released in 2020, "Grant" is a three-part miniseries based on historian Ron Chernow's 2017 book of the same name. There seems to be no end to him. Great Comment! User's recommendation: Our content is free because we may earn a commission if you purchase products after clicking ads on our website. Andrew Johnson is a southern sympathizer and thwarts every attempt by Grant to take control over southern whites who are slaughtering freed slaves. I want TV Land to know I used to watch 6 different shows.. but no longer. I loved Justin Salinger's portrayal of Grant. Mid-video ads are nothing new, but this is the first time they’ve ever been introduced on videos as short as 8 minutes. I recently got Hulu, and it’s like watching these shows for the first time! I am do impressed I've ordered the Chernow biography of Grant. Grant's presidency is also given very little air time, even though he was president twice as long as he was a general in the army. How much more nauseating can that channel get. Tv Land Tv Channel. Rights Reserved, You Are About to Contact Aside from a couple of notable failures, one a major defeat at Cold Water Virginia, Grant eventually corner's Lee's Army of Northern Virginia while General Sherman takes Atlanta, thus forcing a surrender at Appomatic. This show should be up for multiple awards. Now he's trying to force his book down our throats. Then NEVER buy or use that product and let them know that is because of the ridiculous amount of commercials on tvland. I think TV Land actually shaves minutes off the show your watching to shove in more commercials. The point to this was to educate on US Grant and it did that. I haven't watched cable TV in probably 6-7 years. Comment the review as MyPillow verified representative. When Grant successfully participates in the Mexican American War of 1848, alongside other officers who would soon work for him and against hime, his career seems on an upward trajectory, but he get sidelined into an obscure post in Fort Humboldt California with nothing to do, and he becomes melancholy, and turns to drinking, which forces his commanding officer to force Grant to resign.