#2 Is an Introvert A phlegmatic person is usually an introvert. Lastly, the mood refers to the overall tone of the person’s interactions and characters. Typically, a choleric people are leaders of the group. They can get the point across in a way that many other people cannot. One of the weaknesses of the sanguine is they often exaggerate when they are in a conversation. They are highly outgoing individuals, knowing very few personal boundaries. They will need to work on this issue in order to invest in the most important relationships in their lives. This may make them seem aloof or uninterested, but they simply want everyone to be happy and wouldn’t dare try to rock the boat by disagreeing with others. What are the Four Temperaments? Keep your mind open and don't let what people may think of you govern how you act. Betterhelp can match you with a therapist who specializes in your particular needs, and their rates are often more affordable than in-person therapy. Modern medical science does not define a fixed relationship between internal secretions and personality, although some psychological personality type systems use categories similar to the Greek temperaments. However, when two sanguines are attracted to each other, it may end up as an extremely happy relationship they choose to date or get married. They are often referred to as lazy because their shy personality can make them uninterested in a lot of things, which ends up making them look lazy. They tend to follow a very linear progression, refusing to skip ahead until they have fully completed the first step. If you have a sanguine temperament, you will usually display one of these signs: 1. They are more likely to quit at the first sign that they are not “the greatest thing that ever happened to the world.” They are likely to just stop in their tracks and walk away, not caring for those left in a project or those depending on them. This is a personality type that normally associates itself with air. Usually, the melancholic strive for perfection in themselves Also, they work towards creating perfection around their surroundings. Moreover, they are very cheerful people and they put a smile in the faces of a lot of people. An individual could be any combination of the following four types. These combined with their dominant, result-oriented outlook make them natural leaders. It can be very helpful to have someone like this as a coworker or teammate. [23] Carl Nielsen's Symphony No. For more information, please read our. The factors that he proposed in his book Dimensions of Personality were neuroticism (N), the tendency to experience negative emotions, and extraversion (E), the tendency to enjoy positive events, especially social ones. Because they live in the present, sanguines are quick to forgive and forget. For this reason, those who possess this personality type would make natural performers, athletes, musicians – any profession that involves constantly being in front of people. They are perfectly happy to operate behind the scenes, instead preferring that their accomplishments speak for themselves. All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. Normally, Sanguine is defined as being social, generally active, and talkative. They are excellent at long-term planning, while also taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure that the current project is completed well. They are highly focused on the details and are adept at seeing how different scenarios will play out. They draw energy from it, always looking for the next great topic to talk about, or a new connection to keep handy for the future. #1 Is a Perfectionist A “perfectionist” is the ideal word to describe the melancholic personality type. A melancholic doesn't only try attaining perfection in themselves; they also want to see everything around them in a perfect condition. They do not want to let anyone down with what they are feeling, and so they will keep things bottled up until they build up enough pressure to be released in an outburst. They typically exaggerate to make themselves look more successful than their true state. Drop These 7 Habits of Boring People. The word "temperament" itself comes from Latin "temperare", "to mix". The high activity level and the low activity levels are the two different types of activity level. In this way, it can be hard for them to be critical of something, because they will always find a silver lining or some redeeming quality. If your child has a sanguine temperament, you may have a hard time keeping up with them. They wear their heart on their sleeve, never afraid to show what they are really feeling. Sanguines are prone to exaggerate to make themselves more successful than they really are. Sense of Entitlement Quiz: Are You Setting Up Yourself for Disappointment? If you are uncertain about your personality traits, you can perform the Myers Briggs test according to medical concept. Sensitivity involves the high sensitivity and low sensitivity. Like melancholic people, they are also averse to risk-taking. As a survivor of childhood trauma and multiple types of abuse, she is an advocate for mental health awareness. #6 Is Prideful Choleric people also have a healthy self-esteem, but this can sometimes border on being prideful. That is because they will usually try to keep their feelings hidden, whether good or bad. This can serve them well when such feelings are patiently held until the right time, but they may let their emotions get the best of them. The Phlegmatic are peaceful, relaxed, quiet, and easy-going. I enjoy our conversations and would recommend her to any professional looking to better themselves. The sanguine temperament is the life of the party. They are also people who love to talk and communicate with each other and with other personality types. However, they will also need time to themselves to restore their own equilibrium. A phlegmatic is introverted and they enjoy having time alone. People of the sanguine temperament are outwardly emotive. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 8 Cheshire Cat Quotes That Reveal Profound Truths about Life. They are artistic and play around constantly with new ideas. A pure sanguine is not likely to have long-term goals or plans. They are highly outgoing individuals, knowing very few personal boundaries. People with the sanguine temperament are social creatures. Sanguine types love to attend social events, parties, and festivals. Attention given to others seems like disloyalty. [19], Melancholic individuals tend to be analytical and detail-oriented, and they are deep thinkers and feelers. Please note that is a little difficult for a melancholic to make a move on someone that attracts them. They will also be more cautious than others, going with a safer bet instead of taking a risk. A choleric behave like they don't have fears, and they are complete in themselves. Phlegmatic individuals are also good at generalising ideas or problems to the world and making compromises. Taking part in a temperaments test. The fact that sanguine can become destructive is a huge problem. The Sanguine is a fun-loving, social, and outgoing personality. In order to modernise the system, and to distinguish it from the historical system of Hippocrates, they have renamed the temperaments after colours. They love working outside the box in their work, with their hobbies, and even in their relationships. Their curiosity can be expressed in their love for reading and different kinds of knowledge and they usually possess high amounts of energy, so they may seem restless and spontaneous. Of all the temperaments, the Sanguine is the easiest to be around socially.