- freely; as desiredadmov. Here are some examples:[3], Common abbreviations that have to do with the human body include:[4], There are many different kinds of medical specialties. Medical abbreviations are a shorthand way of writing and talking by medical professionals (people who work to help sick people) to hurry explanation of diseases (sickness), patients, or medicines (drugs).. Action taken - distilled wateraq. - as much as desiredq.s. - a international unitIUCD - intrauterine contraceptive deviceIUD - intrauterine deviceIUFD - intrauterine fetal death IV intravenous IVC intravenous cholangiogram or inferior vena cava IVP intravenous pyelogram, J - jouleJNC 7 The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure JODM juvenile onset diabetes mellitusJRA - juvenile rheumatoid arthritisjt. - standard errorSe - seleniumSed rate - sedimentation rate SEM systolic ejection murmursemih. - accommodationA/CA - accommodative/convergence accommodation ratioACE - angiotensin-converting enzymeACh - acetylcholineAChE - acetylcholinesteraseAChR - acetylcholine receptor ACLS advanced cardiac life support ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone AD autonomic dysreflexia ad lib as much as neededad lib. praes. - the last orderedUmb; umb - umbilicusung. - every morning or nightomn. - as much as you please, R right RA rheumatoid arthritis or right atriumRa - radiumrad - radiation absorbed dose RAD right atrial axis deviation RAE right atrial enlargementRAI - radioactive iodineRAIU - radioactive iodine uptake RAP right atrial pressure RBBB right bundle branch block RBC red blood cell RBP retinol-binding proteinRD - Raynaud disease RDA recommended daily allowanceRDS - respiratory distress syndrome RDW red cell distribution widthRE - right eyeRe - rheniumREM - rapid eye movementRF - rheumatoid factorRFT - renal function testRh - rhesus factor; rhodiumRHD - rheumatic heart disease RIA radioimmunoassay RIH right inguinal herniaRLE - right lower extremity RLL right lower lobe RLQ right lower quadrant RML right middle lobeRn - radon RNA ribonucleic acid R/O rule out ROM range of motionROS review of systems RPG retrograde pyelogramRPM - revolutions per minute RPMS relapsing-progressive multiple sclerosisRQ - respiratory quotientRR - recovery room; respiratory rate RRMS relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis RRR regular rate and rhythRSV - respiratory syncytial virus RT respiratory or radiation therapyR/T - related to RTA renal tubular acidosis RTC return to clinic RU resin uptakeRUE - right upper extremity RUG retrograde urethogram RUL right upper lobe RUQ right upper quadrant RV residual volume RVH right ventricular hyperthrophy Rx treatment, S - markS. - bedtimehor. Get the top OTC abbreviation related to Medical. Rate it: OTC: Off Topic Comments There is also a related list that you might want to check out on medical terms with definitions that specifically cover clinical signs and symptoms. - dilute; diluteddim. [2], Some drugs and medications have common abbreviations. dict. Severe OTC deficiency is a devastating disease. Home → Spinal Cord Injury & Disorders Lexicon → Medical Terms and Abbreviations → Listing of Medical Abbreviations. How long have the symptoms been present - to be taken tomorrow night CO - carbon monoxideCO cardiac outputCo - cobaltCO2 - carbon dioxide C/O complaining of COLD chronic obstructive lung diseasecomp. Rate it: OTC: Online Travel Company. What does OTC stand for in Medical? Learn otc medical abbreviations with free interactive flashcards. - toxin-antitoxin TB tuberculosisTb - terbium TBG total binding globulin Td tetanus-diphtheria toxoidt.d.s. The person has no drug allergies we know about. Abbreviations for the most common routes are:[2], Doctors use many different abbreviations to say when to take a medication. - every third daydil. - every houromn. It is helpful to remember that doctors use the letter "q" to stand for "every. Medical authorities in the United Kingdom and elsewhere have questioned the use of medical shorthand; believing that it can lead to mistakes being made due to less clear communication and have advised doctors to avoid its use. - tomorrow night CNS central nervous systemc.n.s. - topically TOPV trivalent oral polio vaccineTORB - telephone order read backTPI - Treponema pallidum immobilization test for syphilis TPN total parenteral nutritionTPO - thyroid peroxidaseTPR - temperature, pulse, and respirationtr, tinct. BID, PO, XL, APAP, QHS, or PRN: Have you ever wondered what these odd, encrypted medical abbreviations mean on your prescription?Medical terminology is difficult enough, but how do you interpret these prescription directions written in code? Home → This page was last changed on 10 August 2020, at 14:24. hor. - three times a nighttinct., tr - tincture TKO to keep openTKR - total knee replacementTl - thallium TLC total lung capacityTM - tympanic membrane TMJ temporo mandibular jointTN - trigeminal nerveTNF - tumor necrosis factorTNF-I - tumor necrosis factor inhibitorTNF-α - tumor necrosis factor alphaTNM - tumor-node-metastasisTNT - trinitrotoluene TNTC too numerous to countTNTM - too numerous to mention TO telephone ordertop. - every other nighAM - morningAm - mixed astigmatisma.m.a. dict. Spinal Cord Injury & Disorders Lexicon → Medical professionals also create (make) words that mean something. - as directed UTI urinary tract infection UUN urinary urea nitrogenUV - ultraviolet, v - veinVA - visual acuityVC vital capacity VCUG voiding cystourethrogramVD - venereal diseaseVDRL - Venereal Disease Research LaboratoriesVF - ventricular fibrillationVf - field of visionVLBW - very low birth weightVLDL - very low density lipoprotein VMA vanillymadelic acid VO verbal or voice orderVOE - VistA-Office Electronic Health Recordvol. The urea cycle is a series of five liver enzymes that help rid the body of ammonia, a toxic breakdown product of protein. It uses periods for certain abbreviations that traditionally often have them (mostly older Latin/Neo-Latin abbreviations). - drink bid twice a day bilat bilateralb.i.n. mane vel noc. OTC: Over The Counter (medications not requiring a prescription) OTC: Offshore Technology Conference: OTC: Ozarks Technical Community College (Springfield, MO) OTC: Outside the Classroom (est. - injectionINR - international normalized ratioinstill. This shorthand can include shortening (making less lengthy) of longer disease names, by cutting the word down to its base (the Latin or Greek part that makes it). - every other dayalt. - cold waterARC AIDS - related complexARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome ARF acute renal failureARMD - age-related macular degeneration AS aortic stenosisAs. - triturate, grindTSD - time since deathTSE - testicular self-examination TSH thyroid stimulating hormone TT thrombin timetTG - antitransglutaminase TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura TU tuberculin unitsTUMA - transurethral microwave antenna TUR transurethral resection TURBT TUR bladder tumors TURP transurethral resection of prostate TV tidal volume TVH total vaginal hysterectomy tw twice a week Tx treatment, transplant, U a - uranium; unit a UA urinalysis UAC uric acidUC - ulcerative colitis ud use as directedUE - upper extremity UGI upper gastrointestinalUHF - ultrahigh frequencyult. - every other houralt. A - accommodation; acetum; angström unit; anode; anteriora - arterya - beforeA2 - aortic second soundaa - of each; arteriesAAA abdominal aortic aneurysm A-a gradient alveolar to arterial gradient AAS acute abdominal series ABD abdomen ABG arterial blood gasABI - ankle-brachial indexABO - three basic blood groupsAC - adrenal cortex; air conduction; alternating current; axiocervical AC before eatingacc. OTC: over-the-counter drug: OTD: out the door (discharged) OTPP: oriented to time, place, and person OTTR: Organ Transplant Tracking Record OU: both eyes (from Latin oculi uterque) OV: office visit (see ambulatory care) oz: ounce - astigmatismASA - acetylsalicylic acid ASAP as soon as possibleASC - atypical squamous cellsasc. New EKG Monitor Quiz. Medical OTC abbreviation meaning defined here. - every other daydieb. Terms of Use. OTC: Occupational Training Center. - pillPIP - proximal interphalangealPIPDA (scan) - 99mTc-para-isopropylacetanilido-iminodiaacetic acid (cholescintigraphy) PKU phenylketonuriaPM - afternoon/evening PMH previous medical history PMI point of maximal impulse PMN polymorphonuclear leukocyte (neutrophil)PMS - premenstrual syndrome PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspneaPNH - paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuriaPNS - peripheral nervous system PO by mouth POD post-op dayPOLST - physician orders for life-sustaining therapypost. - night and morningnon rep; n.r. - atomic weightAu - gold AV atrioventricular A-V arteriovenous A-VO2 arteriovenous oxygenAVP - arginine vasopressin, B - boron; bacillusBa - bariumBAC - blood alcohol concentrationBBB bundle branch blockBBT - basal body temperature BC bowel care BCAA branched chain amino acidsBCG - bacille Calmette-GuérinBCLS - basic cardiac life supportBCP - birth control pillsBD - Buerger diseaseBe - beryllium BE barium enema BEE basal energy expenditureBHS - beta-hemolytic streptococciBi - bismuthb. What does OTC stand for? alt. What are the symptoms Audience: Pharmacy students / pre-registration pharmacists / pharmacy technicians, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase A, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, Who is the patient - in the nightnoct. - every nightOmPC - outer membrane porin C OOB out of bedOPD - outpatient department OPV oral polio vaccine OR operating roomORIF - open reduction with/and internal fixation OS left eyeOSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration OT occupational therapy or occupational therapistOTC - over-the-counter OU both eyesoz - ounce, P paraP, p - melting pointp - afterP2 - pulmonic second sound PA posteroanteriorPABA - para-aminobenzoic acid (vitamin B10) PAC premature atrial contractionPaco2 - partial pressure of carbon dioxide in alveolar gasPACU - postanesthesia care unitPAD - peripheral arterial diseasePALS - pediatric advanced life supportP-ANCA - perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody PAO2 alveolar oxygen PaO2 peripheral arterial oxygen content PAP pulmonary artery pressurePap, Pap test - Papanicolaou smearpart. - syrup, T - temperatureT3 - triiodothyronineT4 - tetraiodothyronine; thyroxineT6 - thoracic nerve pair 6TA - toxin-antitoxinTa - tantalumT&A - tonsillectomy and adenoidectomyT&C type and crossTAH total abdominal hysterectomy T&H type and holdTAT - thematic apperception testT.A.T. Ultrasound. - compound; compounded ofCOMT - catechol-O-methyltransferase COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOX-2 - cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors CP chest pain or cerebral palsy CPAP continuous positive airway pressureCPC - clinicopathologic conferenceCPD - cephalopelvic disproportionCPHSS - Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale CPK creatinine phosphokinaseCPM - continuous passive motion CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitationCR - conditioned reflex; controlled release; crown-rump length CRCL creatinine clearanceCREST - calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia (cluster of features of systemic sclerosis scleroderma) CRF chronic renal failure CRP C-reactive proteinCRS-R - Conners Rating Scales-Revised CRTS certified recreational therapy specialistCS - cardiogenic shock; cesarean section; culture and sensitivity CSF cerebrospinal fluidCSH - combat support hospital CSW certified social worker CT computerized tomographyCu - copperCV - cardiovascular CVA cerebrovascular accident or costovertebral angle CVAT CVA tendernessCVC - central venous catheterCVRB - critical value read back CVP central venous pressureCVS - chorionic villi sampling CXR chest X-ray, D - diopter; doseD5/0.9 NaCl - 5% dextrose and normal saline solution (0.9% NaCl)D5/½ /NS - 5% dextrose and half-normal saline solution (0.45% NaCl)D5W - 5% dextrose in waterd - density; right/d - per dayD and C - dilatation and curettageDAT diet as tolerated DAW dispense as writtendB - decibelDBP - diastolic blood pressureDC - direct current; doctor of chiropractic DC discontinue or discharge D&C dilation and curettage DDx differential diagnosis D5W 5% dextrose in waterDerm - dermatologydet.