Moreover, we have given simple steps for downloading the Shivaji Follow candidates who are not satisfied with their marks in any particular subject. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The Shivaji University offers both UG and PG courses and it also offers research courses, postgraduate diploma courses, diploma courses, and certificate courses. The University offers various undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG), diploma, certificate, language and many other types of courses and some university faculty. Shivaji University is a Public University Located In Kolhapur, Maharashtra. SU University Came into Existence On 18th November 1962. Click on the appropriate result and submit your roll number and other valid credentials. The students are getting higher education from this University with the strength of 3,00,000. After conducting the exam, the University may declare the Shivaji University BA Part 1 2 3 Result 2019 1 or 2 months after the conclusion of exam. Every year Shivaji University conducts various Undergraduate and Postgraduate (Regular … For an expert candidate, it could be easy to check out the Shivaji University Results 2019-20 BA B.Sc B.Com Odd Semester Exam online but those who are beginners, they might find it difficult at the time of checking out their results from the site.Students can collect the mark sheet after the release of the result and make sure that every personal information is correct in the mark sheet. Shivaji University Result 2020 Date Online Shivjai University Kolhapur Results BA BSc BCom Marksheet Photocopy is all set to declare at Results 2020. PSSOU BA 1st Year Result 2020 – Pt Sunderlal Sharma Open University BA Part 1 Result 2019-20 | पं. This Shivaji University Examination Every year more than 5 Lacks of Candidate Attended, now all Shivaji University Exams Attended Candidates are eagerly waiting for the declaration of Shivaji University BA, B.Sc, B.Com Result 2019. Sir please inform us when BA first year results release. After announcement you can check Shivaji Univ March/April Exam Result 2019 at given link below. Shivaji University Results 2019 – Hey students, Here is an exclusive page for you to check your examination results under Shivaji University, Kolhapur.Find your online examination Unishivaji Result for regular & supplementary for all courses like UG/PG & Ph.D. It is now inviting all of the enrolled students to check out their Shivaji University Result 2019-20 from the website of the University. Shivaji University Result 2019-20 BA B.Sc B.Com – Download 1st-3rd-5th Semester Exam Results, Name Wise:- Shivaji University has recently conducted the exam of 1st-3rd-5th semester and now the results of various courses will be updated on its official web portal. B.Com B.Sc MA … You don’t forget to check the official website for SUK Result 2019. The students are very conscious of this result. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If you want few more information about the Shivaji University UG/PG 1st-3rd-5th Semester Result 2019-20 Name Wise then you can visit its website. Download Shivaji University Result 2019-20 and take print out of it. Candidates can also check SUK Result 2019, Shivaji University UG Result 2019, Unishivaji Results 2019, Shivaji Univ BA 1st Year Result 2019, SUK B.Com 2nd Year Result 2019, Shivaji University B.Sc Final Results 2019, Shivaji University Kolhapur Part 1 2 3 Result 2019, Shivaji University Semester Result from official website Your email address will not be published. I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. If you face any problem then can connect with us and probably, we have the solution to your problem and we would be happy to serve you with the best possibilities. The clicking action of the search button will give the outcome of the display of the mark sheet. Then, the odd semester exam results complete details will be available in the web address only. Go to the Notification section over homepage. Your email address will not be published. })(); © 2019 After Successfully completed for Odd semester Examination, all Students are looking for their Shivaji University Kolhapur Result 2019. In this academic year, 2017, a huge number of students who have taken the various UG and PG courses have appeared for the examination of 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd year of their respective programs. It’s the time of announcement of Shivaji University Result Online Exam June July. Students you can book marked this web page to get more update regarding to Shivaji University Odd/Even Semester Exam Result. The University Has Kolhapur, Satara, Sangli Districts and Around 238 Affiliated Colleges. The year which had seen the establishment of Shivaji University was 1962. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Shivaji University UG/PG Examinations will be conducted every year in month of March/April. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ayushman Mitra Bharat (आयुष्मान भारत भर्ती ) 2 Lakh Jobs Recruit 2018, New Shivaji University is a Public University Located In Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Download Shivaji University BA BSC BCOM Result 2019. Shivaji University Result 2020 Released Result 2020 (March April) Shivaji University BA, BSc, BCom, M.Sc, M.Com, MBA, MA Semester Wise Results [ Sem 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th ] UG Part 1st 2nd 3rd Year ] Student can use this mark-sheet for verification / Xerox copy of answer sheet only. Your email address will not be published. ORDER - Procedure for Conducting Students Election; statute NO 5 - Functions and Duties of Students Council; statute NO 6 - … Now the Shivaji University will plan to declare Shivaji University Result 2019 through online mode. The university’s campus is 853 acres and is named after Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, founder of the Maratha Empire. At any point of time, you can contact us and select the data you wish to anonymise or delete so it cannot be linked to your email address any longer. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Fix Jobs Alert is an online information portal which is provide latest news, update and notification related to Jobs and Education. Click here to read our Cookie Policy. Shivaji University is one of the best universities in India which has different examinations in different months for different courses. Shivaji University Result 2019 @ is going to release soon Shivaji University Kolhapur Result. Siddharth University BCom 3rd Result 2019 : SidUni. होंगे कामियाब जल्द ही ! Shivaji University BA Part 1 2 3 Result 2019, West Bengal SET Notification 2019, WBCSC SET Application Form Last Date Apply Online,Syllabus, WB SET Admit Card 2019-2020 State Eligibility Test Hall Ticket, Railway TC Goods Guard Clerk Jobs~ 60000 पद, Shivaji University BA 1st Part If you are one of the enrolled student, you should check out all of the links that are related to your courses using this important page that we have developed for you only. It is now inviting all of the enrolled students to check out their Shivaji University Result 2019 … The SUK university Exam Result FY SY TY counted UG PG and degree examination in the last months. You can share this webpage with your friends to get more update regarding SUK Result 2019 BA BSc BCom First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Semester Exam. Download Shivaji University BA BSC BCOM Result 2019. This is done in order to personalise and enhance your experience with us. विश्वास रखो , जरुर सफल होगे ! To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! The target which will have to be achieved for getting these functions is this page. And on home page click on the option of results. Now bookmark for more updates and alerts regarding such similar information. download the result, revaluation and more. B.Com B.Sc MA […] Shivaji University Exam Results, FY / SY / TY (BA, B.Sc, B.Com, MA, M.Sc. Overview of Shivaji University BA 1st Year Result 2019-20 Tracking SU BA First Year Result 2020 Information How to Check Shivaji University 1st-3rd-5th Sem Result 2019-20 Online ? Single Spot For Worldwide Information And News. Univ BA 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Exam Result 2019 from University Website. the University result declares, we will inform our candidates by uploading the Students who are looking Uni Shivaji online Exam Result 2019-20 Semester 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th they may get … Once Candidates The University has conducted the BA Annual Year Exam in the month of October or November 2019. The specified platform will reflect this result within this month. The results published on internet are for immediate information to the examinees. can check the other details in below section of the article like steps to Your email address will not be published. *. Candidates who attended are wanted to download the result as soon as possible. have to submit the revaluation form by reaching University Website. The new web page will demand the exam event, PRN number and captcha code. B.Com B.Sc MA B.Ed के Exam करता रहता है , जिसके Result 2018 – 2019 की प्रतीक्षा हर Student बेसब्री से करता है | Shivaji University Exam Result और B.Tech MBA BBA BCA Semester Exam Results 2019 के बारे में और Shivaji University result Updates : Shivaji University BA 1 Result 2018 – 2019, Shivaji University BA 1st BA 2nd BA 3rd Year Result 2019 आदि के बारे में आप यह पोस्ट पढ़ सकते हैं |, Latest Updates : शिवाजी यूनिवर्सिटी का BA BSC BCom के Annual Exams March से April Month में होगा , जिसकी Shivaji University BA 1st Year Result 2019 जल्द ही आने वाली है | ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए आप हमारे इसी Page पर नज़र बनाये रखे , हम आपको बहुत जल्द Update करेंगे |, शिवाजी विश्वविद्यालय, 1962 में स्थापित, महान मराठा योद्धा और मराठा साम्राज्य के संस्थापक छत्रपति शिवाजी के नाम पर रखा गया है। इसका उद्घाटन 18 नवंबर, 1962 को भारत के तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति डॉ। राधाकृष्णन द्वारा किया गया था। इस विश्वविद्यालय की नींव रखने के पीछे एक बड़ा उद्देश्य दक्षिण महाराष्ट्र की क्षेत्रीय जरूरतों को पूरा करना था। विश्वविद्यालय का क्षेत्राधिकार तीन जिलों में फैला हुआ है। 280 संबद्ध कॉलेजों और मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थानों में अध्ययनरत लगभग 3,00,000 छात्रों की शक्ति वाले कोल्हापुर, सांगली और सतारा। महाराष्ट्र का यह क्षेत्र समृद्ध और विविध सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक विरासत का दावा करता है। कोल्हापुर के शासक छत्रपति शाहू महाराज के अभिनव और सामाजिक सुधारवादी नेतृत्व के तहत, शहर इस सदी की शुरुआत में बन गया था, जो दक्षिण-पश्चिमी महाराष्ट्र और उत्तरी भागों के सभी वर्गों और समुदायों के लिए शैक्षिक अवसरों का केंद्र बिंदु था। पड़ोसी कर्नाटक। यह कर्मवीर भाऊराव पाटिल की भी भूमि है, जिन्होंने अपनी अभिनव ‘कमाओ और सीखो’ योजना के द्वारा शिक्षा को जन-जन तक पहुँचाने के लिए संघर्ष किया।, शिवाजी विश्वविद्यालय ने हाल ही में सामग्री विज्ञान में अनुसंधान के लिए भाभा परमाणु अनुसंधान केंद्र, मुंबई के साथ समझौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं। इसने भारतीय भू-चुंबकत्व, मुंबई और फाइटो-फार्मा जैसे उद्योगों के साथ भी हाथ मिलाया है। महाराष्ट्र पुलिस अकादमी, नासिक और सेंटर फॉर सोशल स्टडीज़, सूरत जैसे प्रतिष्ठित संस्थानों ने शिवाजी विश्वविद्यालय से संबद्धता मांगी है। शिवाजी विश्वविद्यालय को “ए” ग्रेड (सीजीपीए-3.16) (2014) के साथ राष्ट्रीय मूल्यांकन और प्रत्यायन परिषद (एनएएसी) बैंगलोर द्वारा फिर से मान्यता दी गई है।, अगर आप Shivaji University के Students हैं , तो आप सभी का इन्तजार खत्म होने वाला है , आप सभी का Shivaji University BA 1st Year Result 2019 : Shivaji B.A. Shivaji University Degree Results 2019 BA B.Com B.Sc UG Courses March/November Exams . After fulfilling this demand, the student will have to click on the search button. This year appeared students are waiting Shivaji University Kolhapur Result 2019, they will soon able to check result from official website after issue.Students you can book marked this web page to get more update regarding to Shivaji University Odd/Even Semester Exam Result. Check through the official site of Shivaji University e.g. The Shivaji University MA M.Sc M.Com Odd Semester Results 2019-20 PDF includes the name of those candidates who are eligible to go in the next semester and also who the name of those candidates who cannot appear to sit in the next semester exam who have to get the back.