Lance is surprised to find out that they don’t have any major issues with their way of life. After the apocalypse began, Michonne joined Rick's group at the prison, and started to talk to Mike as if he were right next to her. Barbara makes an attempt to dissuade her from leaving, and although does so meaning well, becomes insistent about what Michonne would care to eat. Sebastian hastily makes his exit after this, as he notices how angry he has made the officer. As they enter through the gates of the Commonwealth, Eugene hears someone calling out to him and he recognizes the voice as belonging to Stephanie.
The governor initiated the torture by chopping Rick's hand off, Michonne responded immediately by pouncing on the governor and biting off some of his ear. Despues, Michonne se encontraba comiendo con Andrea, cuando Michonne le dice que no volvera a ser la misma pues antes era divertida y ahora se averguenza de muchas cosas. Eugene nervously agrees on staying for a couple of days to organize the trip.
The morning after Rick is assaulted and nearly beaten to death, Michonne is ordered to bring Vincent back to Rick, where he will set the record straight to the restless Alexandrians. In Issue 81, after Morgan said that he deserved to be happy after getting over the loss of his son Duane, Michonne becomes angry, replying that he wasn't the only one who has lost loved ones; she walks out the room, claiming to get a glass of water.
Lying on the ground, Sebastian angrily orders the officers to arrest Princess and all of her group. Elodie offers to help him stand up, leaving Sebastian to slap Elodie across the face. She finds Morgan, who confesses to having left the party earlier, and the two commiserate about not caring for chipper people. When Colette refused, she was killed; Elodie then mentions she killed the men after discovering what happened.
© 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Since the number of horses didn’t match the number of people, Lance asks if one person walked. She assures Rick that despite what he's seen, the Commonwealth is a really special place and that things in it are almost back to the way they were, adding that she would sell her soul to keep it as good as it is and, in fact, thinks she already has. Michonne made good on her promise to the Governor when he raped her.
She says he's a damn fool, and nervously waits by his side.
Before leaving completely Michonne decides to go and seek out the Governor to get revenge, finding out his residency by asking Alice.
Lance arrives to see Michonne in her apartment. She saved Carl from a roamer, who then proceeded to hug her.
She is frequently referred to and perceived by the other characters as one of the strongest members of the survivors, and frequently participates in the violent, but necessary, actions of the group, such as the conflict against the Governor and his henchmen. However, when she finally saw Michonne after so long, she couldn't do it, having been alone for such a long time, something Michonne understands. Before Michonne can ask what Stephanie means by that, Sebastian arrives and loudly exclaims how he likes meeting new people. The Governor later attempted to toy with her skills and sent her into their stadium fights as a participant for the crowds giving her back her Katana, however, she caused more trouble than satisfaction when Michonne proceeded to decapitate her opponent and the surrounding zombies in the fight enraging The Governor. She is very skeptical of seemingly good people and situations, and takes everything at face value.
Later on Michonne can be seen training with swords with other Kingdom residents.
Through most of it, Michonne mostly listened and rarely talked, though Barbara began to try to see if she'd be interested in dating Heath. Michonne states that Elodie is not seeing her off, as she is not leaving. Tras la muerte de Morgan, Michonne visitó varias veces su tumba y en una de sus visitas le dio a conocer a Rick que ella había sido grosera y cruel con Morgan ella realmente estaba tratando de empezar algo serio con él puesto que en realidad lo amaba y entonces le preguntó porqué ninguno de ellos podía siquiera intentar ser feliz. A rioter punches her and clubs her over the head.
The judge thanks her for her input and says he will consider it. And I enjoyed it. Carl tells her that everyone is worried, though she assures him that is fine. It was hinted that Michonne may have harbored romantic feelings for Rick due to a comment she made while talking with Andrea. When Morgan was eventually bitten, Michonne told him she was sorry, and she didn't mean to be harsh. Michonne says her final words to the zombified Mike and Terry to help remember who they are and because she has no one to talk to. Later that day, the Hilltop is heading back and Michonne consults Rick about the propaganda he is embracing in Alexandria. She had taken fencing as a child, and then again in college, and had gotten pretty good at it. Aterward, Michonne meets with Lance Hornsby, who asks that Michonne consider staying when Pamela sets off to meet with Rick in Alexandria. Pamela then tells Lance to send for Stephanie, and tells the group that they are currently gathering the weapons that the Commonwealth previously took from them to return them. Luego de que Morgan fuera mordido en el hombro durante la invasión de caminantes a la comunidad, Michonne le amputó el brazo con su katana para tratar de evitar que la infección se expandiera y luego ayudó a Rick a trasladarlo hasta una de las casas. After all these months and the hell we've been through--it's almost the only thing I've enjoyed! A pesar de haber demostrado tener buena punteria con armas de fuego, raramente utiliza una ya que la. She later told Rick that she really did love him and wanted to build a life with him. He asks if she believed in what she told the judge, and Michonne replies that she did, for the most part. As Rick asks many questions as to why Michonne had left Ezekiel and the Kingdom, she reveals that she abandoned her daughters during the outbreak and that she would never be able to start a new life with all of her regret.
As she makes it to their house, she sees Morgan there, who tells her he had already left the party a while ago. Michonne is conflicted, as she agrees there should be a trial and that everyone has a right to a defense, but she's uncertain how this will look in the eyes of the public.
An exemplary instance of their cooperative abilities can be observed when Beta and the Whisperers lead the mega herd to Alexandria, prompting Michonne and Paul to work together in redirecting a sizable quantity of zombies away from the community before disposing of them. Michonne races down to check Negan's cell and once Rick catches up with her, it's revealed Negan is gone. Michonne es la mujer de la que más veces se han visto sus pechos y pezones al descubierto dentro del cómic. Sin embargo la mujer se rehusó a hablar de sus sentimientos con él por miedo a arruinar lo que había entre los dos y entonces solo decidió enfocarse en la mera relación sexual que tenían.
She eventually divorced her husband and at some point started dating another man named Mike. As Jerome departs, Elodie suggests a hostel they can sleep in, but they are interrupted by Cloris, who's reserved a cabin for their arrival.
Luego de reunirse con el resto de los sobrevivientes de la prisión en la Granja Greene, Michonne y los otros pronto se enteraron de boca de un pequeño grupo de viajeros que podía existir un posible refugio seguro en Washington y entonces decidieron ponerse en marcha hacia el lugar. When Pamela inquires what's wrong, Michonne tells her about her daughter Elodie who is still alive and looking for her; Pamela mentions that she is a mother as well and understands what she is going through and then takes Michonne to the bakery on Sixth Street. Later, Michonne reunites with the others. There, they are shown around and introduced to Gregory, the leader. Rick tells Michonne that he feels she should go help out at the Kingdom and become their leader. When Aaron is stabbed by Beta, Michonne risks her life to save his. Michonne suggests Aaron form a relationship with Jesus, though he insists he isn't interested. She unsheathes her knife to put Ezekiel down, but Rick stops her, saying he can do it for her.
She rushes him back to the Hilltop after escaping Beta, begging Aaron to not die. Elodie says she has something in mind, and she takes the group to watch a football game.
She begins to explain she, like Morgan, didn't feel comfortable with all the happy people.
The group takes out some of the walkers, but realize there are more than they thought. She immediately bonded with Tyreese, recognizing him from his days in the NFL and sharing a passion for weight lifting. Heath politely rejects Michonne, trying not to hurt her feelings.
After a soldier threatens her to release Lance and Magna asks what's going on, Michonne reveals that her daughter is alive after all this time. Otis and Michonne only interacted once and it is when Michonne saves Otis from a Zombie herd, and Otis takes her back to the prison for saving his life. Michonne did not know the whereabouts of her children, or if they remained alive. When she becomes defensive Rick apologizes. Abraham and Michonne went out of the safe-zone to scout the surrounding area and she opens up to him about her loneliness. However, they are suddenly interrupted by a large explosion, caused by a Savior grenade and, alongside the others, Michonne ducks for cover.
She survives the final confrontation, later seen in the crowd listening to Rick's speech. A pesar de su fallido intento, la mujer continuó tratando de derrumbar al Gobernador y finalmente fue capaz de emboscarlo. Enraged, Brian had Michonne locked up in a garage.