Ivan Pavlov—known best for inducing dogs to salivate in the presence of a stimulus previously linked with food—became a leading figure in the Soviet Union and inspired followers to use his methods on humans. magis. an consules in praetore coercendo fortes fuissent? Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 quoque imperitum et tunicatus hic populus transeuntis nomine vocat et digito demonstrat? Usage Frequency: 1 cuiusquam saevitum: rata fuere eorum qui acie Othoniana ceciderant, testamenta aut. Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2017-05-05 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-07-26 It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: English. Usage Frequency: 2 We use cookies to enhance your experience. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2017-01-12 notus— praecipuus homo in Unione Sovieticā factus est et discipulos ad utendum hāc methodo in hominibus duxit. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 English. Quality: Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-10-10 Verbis et exemplo, in cotidianis necessitudinibus et optionibus, per gestus et clara signa, parentes filios ad veram instruunt libertatem, quae ad effectum adducitur per sinceram sui ipsius donationem, et in iis observantiam, fervidam acceptionem, dialogum, promptum adiutorium, hominum mutuam necessitudinem necnon quodlibet aliud, By word and example, in the daily round of relations and choices, and through concrete actions and signs, parents lead their children to authentic freedom, actualized in the sincere gift of self, and they cultivate in them respect for others, a sense, dialogue, generous service, solidarity and all the other. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Last Update: 2009-07-01 Usage Frequency: 2 Non inlustres sunt in urbe non solum apud negotiosos et rebus intentos, sed, et adulescentis, quibus modo recta indoles est et, spes sui? unwarranted violence to nature and unjustifiably disparages human, which have their source in the divine work. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Usage Frequency: 2. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Usage Frequency: 1 Usage Frequency: 2 We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Usage Frequency: 2. Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-03-01