Er spielte auf der Position Środkowy pomocnik. This overview shows all goals scored by the selected player, including the results of the games. Claudio Marchisio es un jugador antiguo de Italia, (* 19/01/1986 en Torino, Italia). Jan 19, 1986 (34), Place of birth: Central Midfield, Agent: Familienangehörige, Ehem. Date of birth/Age: Marchisio jugó en Zenit de San Petersburgo (Zenit). It shows the transfer history, the clubs Claudio Marchisio played for in his career, time of transfers and the transfer fees. Claudio Marchisio ehemaliger Fußballspieler aus Italien Zentrales Mittelfeld zuletzt bei Zenit St. Petersburg * 19.01.1986 in Torino, Italien Claudio Marchisio ist ein ehemaliger Fußballspieler aus Włochy, (* 19 sty 1986 in Torino, Włochy). This is the overview of the performance data of Karriereende player Claudio Marchisio, sorted by clubs. This overview shows all goals scored by the selected player, including the results of the games. against Juventus Turin. Claudio Marchisio. Torino, Position: Matches: 37; Goals: 39; Wins: 30; Draws: 4; Defeats: 3; Points average: 2.54 ; Game winning goals: 14. For using this site, please activate JavaScript. Nach Deadline Day zu haben: Wertvollste ablösefreie Profis – Ben Arfa, Bony & Co. Marchisio sagt Suning ab: Verbindung zu Inter Mailand „hat mir keine Ruhe gelassen“. Relatives, Former International: This is the transfer history of Karriereende player Claudio Marchisio. It is also possible to select a competition. 7 4 3 1 1. Jugaba en la posición Mediocentro. Central Midfield, Agent: Torino, Position: Hauptposition : Letzte Änderung : Juventus-Ikone Marchisio verkündet Karriereende: „Ein neuer Weg beginnt“. This overview shows all goals scored by the selected player, including the results of the games. Claudio Marchisio ancien joueur de Italy Milieu central récemment à {nom complet du club} * 19 janv. Matches: 37; Goals: 39; Wins: 30; Draws: 4; Defeats: 3; Points average: 2.54 ; Game winning goals: 14. This is the goal statistic of Karriereende player Claudio Marchisio, which gives a detailed view on the goals the player has scored. 1986 à Torino, Italy Claudio Marchisio - Profil du joueur | Transfermarkt … Italien. Zentrales Mittelfeld, Berater: Geb./Alter: Jan 19, 1986 (34), Place of birth: This is the perfomance data of Claudio Marchisio from Karriereende. This is the injury history of Claudio Marchisio from Karriereende. Claudio Marchisio former footballer from Italy Central Midfield last club: Zenit St. Petersburg * Jan 19, 1986 in Torino, Italy Um die Seite nutzen zu können, schalten Sie bitte Ihr Javascript ein. Relatives, Former International: This statistic shows the achievements of Karriereende player Claudio Marchisio. 19.01.1986 (34), Position: It is also possible to select a competition. Nasc./Idade: 19/01/1986 (34) Local de nascimento: Torino Nacionalidade: Itália Date of birth/Age: Italy. Claudio Marchisio başka oyuncu ile karşılaştır ... Oyuncu üzerine tartışmalar Marchisio spielte zuletzt bei Zenit Petersburg (Zenit). Nationalspieler: Transfererlöse gesamt . This page contains data about their performance metrics (goals, cards, etc.) It is also possible to select a competition. On this page injuries as well as suspensions. Claudio Marchisio - Injury history | Transfermarkt For using this site, please activate JavaScript. Claudio Marchisio - Detailed stats | Transfermarkt Italy.