url: 'https://www.bitetimes.fishing/cgi-bin/fishing.cgi',
Der Stausee wird von Einheimischen sowie von Touristen für den Wassersport wie Bootfahren, Wasserski, Fischen, Gleitschirmfliegen und Rudern genutzt. var year=mydate.getYear();
Please create one below, or sign in if you already have one. The Otago Regional Council, Contact Energy, Trustpower, Environment Canterbury, Environment Southland and NIWA do not make any warranty, expressed or implied or assume legal liability or responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of this information nor does it make any representation whatsoever that the information is fit for any particular purpose. Please enable JavaScript to use this form. });
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A few years back I caught a Clutha River 4.6kg spawning brown trout upstream of the lake, which was obviously a lake resident for most of the year. Could the structure withstand such an event? * We’ll never pass your email address to third parties, or send you spammy stuff, we promise. den Turbinen des Kraftwerks zu. e.preventDefault();
Ein weiteres Schleusentor mit einer Höhe von 9,6 m und einer Breite von 6 m lassen weitere 1430 m³ Wasser pro Sekunde zu. For baitfishing: A legal bait suspended 1.5 metres below a float. $("#caldata").submit(function(e){
Back he goes to eat a few more chironomid. Der Clutha Arm, der sich im Südosten befindet, kommt auf einen Umfang von 40,5 km und eine maximale Breite von rund 680 m und der Kawarau Arm bei Cromwell, der sich nach Westen ausdehnt, weist eine maximale Breite von 360 m auf und misst 24,9 km im Umfang. Over summer, the Bendigo wetlands area at the top of Lake Dunstan resembles a camping ground, with people having to rough it to find somewhere to sleep. Der Lake Dunstan ist ein Stausee im Central Otago District der Region Otago auf der Südinsel von Neuseeland. $("#major4").html("
" + data[1].major2);
Although more people living around and visiting Lake Dunstan will mean more pressure on the resource in the future, currently it is a waterway that appears up to the challenge. Cromwell ist auch der Ort am See, der Teile seines historischen Ortsteils durch die Aufstauung aufgeben musste. Ready to apply for a resource consent? The top of each terrace is tar-sealed, to catch and divert surface rain water away from the slide. One hundred and sixty residential sections have been developed around the shoreline between Cromwell and Lowburn, with another 60 planned. Nestled between Alexandra, Queenstown and Wanaka, Lake Dunstan is New Zealand’s most recent man-made lake. Fly fishing is also popular and effective. [4] Der Umfang des gesamten Stausees summiert sich somit auf 104,7 km Länge.[2]. var mydate=new Date();
Years ago, while fishing with my kids at a stream mouth in this area using bait, three trout were landed, including a 2kg brown, so there are some good fish there. Nymphs:Damselfly, Hare and Copper, Pheasant Tail, snail patterns. Der westlich dem Clutha River zufließende Fraser River wird über die Leitung mit 1 m³/sek. if (year < 1000){
Der Ort befindet sich in etwa auf der halben Seelänge am Abzweig des rund 10 km langen Nebenarms, in dem der Kawarau River als Nebenfluss des Clutha River aufgestaut wurde. The lake was formed on the Clutha River as a result of the construction of the Clyde Dam, filling in four controlled stages beginning in April 1992 and completed the next year. Alert Title Alert Details Alert Type Alert Threshold Level; Operating range: Normal operating range 193.5 - 194.5: Lake level: Last 7 days water level in metres above sea level. The best method for fishing the lake is by trolling or harling. In the space of a few years the population has gone from 2,500 to 5,000, and more people are heading there hoping to call the once river-junction, gold-rush town their home. [1], Für den Abfluss des Wassers bei Flut sorgen vier radiale 14,3 m hohe und je 10 m breite Tore, die eine maximale Durchflussmenge von 4600 m³ Wasser pro Sekunde erlauben. Juni 2018 vorgenommen, vergrößern und Informationen zum Bild anzeigen, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lake_Dunstan&oldid=199048190, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Die Stauhöhe schwankt zwischen 193,5 m und 194,5 m und der Flutlevel wird bei 195,1 m erreicht. Der Stausee sowie der Damm befindet sich in einem durch Erdbeben gefährdeten Gebiet. Watch for any rainbow trout that have been tagged or fin-clipped. {
[3], Der Stausee, der sich im ehemaligen Flussverlaufs des Clutha River über eine Länge von 34,5 km nach Nordwesten erstreckt, befindet sich rund 43 km östlich von Queenstown und rund 10 km nordwestlich von Alexandra[4] im Zentralen Hochland von Otago. Die bisher größte Flut forderte im November 1999 einen maximalen Durchfluss von rund 3500 m³/sek. You are represented by 12 councillors, elected to govern the Council for the people of Otago. To maximise this potential, a new rowing complex is planned at Weatherall Creek near the dam. The first of the 2015 / 16 season!! December 2017 - Greg Morton }
Lake Dunstan, with its three arms and good population of trout and salmon provides excellent fishing along the extensive aquatic weed beds. Spinners: Black Jenson Insect, red and gold Veltic, King Cobra, Rapala, Black Toby, Tasmanian Devil. I would love to know which part of the lake was his patch, as that might be where more big boys hang out. You can find the application forms here. The lake formed by the million-cubicmetre concrete dam is 26.5 square kilometres in area and contains rainbow and … Lake Dunstan at Cromwell. }); All information © 2020 The Fishing Website, Maintenance tips before the summer fishing season. minDate:new Date(2007, 1 - 1, 1),
Between the town of Cromwell and the Clyde Dam the lake passes through what is called the Cromwell Gorge. The Dunstan Arm is in the Cromwell Gorge, so it is deep, narrow and lightly fished. Find out more about what rates are used for and how to pay them. Elsewhere in the gorge, huge buttresses of compacted rock and gravel have been built to add strength to the base of other landslides. To cope with the unstable geology of the region, the dam was constructed in two pieces with a vertical wedge in the middle, the theory being that the two sides can move up to two metres apart without breaking. Lake Dunstan at Cromwell. ... Harling Lake Dunstan – Best Fly Colours, Line Setups and Harling Tips. Für die Realisierung des Stausees mussten aber im Vorfeld mehr als 2000 Hektar Land aufgekauft werden, was der Regierung 28,5 Millionen NZ$ kostete. var date=(daym+"-"+montharray[month]+"-"+year);
Jun Park, Rudee Lim, Adam King and Ben Tupaea wasted no time getting back to the water's edge to squid fish when lockdown came to an end. Walled up behind the Clyde hydro dam, the Clutha River has formed New Zealand’s newest lake, Lake Dunstan. We provide bus services in Queenstown and Dunedin to help you get to where you need to go. Februar 2017, Koordinaten und Längenbestimmungen wurden mittels Goggle Earth Pro Version am 20. $(function(){
Send details of the date the fish was caught, location, size, length, weight, your name and address to the Clutha Fisheries Trust or to the Fish and Game Council. Residents of Otago are a key contributor to our funding through rates. East side: The entire east side of the lake is easily accessible from SH8. [6], Mit dem Clutha Development Empowering Act 1982 wurde im Jahr 1982 die gesetzliche Grundlage für den Bau des Staudamms zur Stromerzeugung geschaffen. Consequently, house values have soared, with the median price now around $530,000, and rental houses are in critically short supply. Cromwell itself has been changed beyond recognition. The upper Clutha River provides an outstanding large river fishing experience. Lake Wakatipu is an inland lake (finger lake) in the South Island of New Zealand. Among other things, the CMAP Reveal provides a ... more >, With the warmer months fast approaching, time is running out to get things sorted for trouble-free boating and fishing this summer. Erdrutsche im Bereich des Clutha Rivers hatten Verzögerung in der Fertigstellung des Projektes zur Folge. For spinning: Light gear (2-3kg line) with light lures that are fished just subsurface. $("#major2").html("
"+ data[0].major2);
The narrow orchard-covered river terraces in the Cromwell Gorge have been completely submerged, with the lake now filling the entire valley between the Cairnmuir Mountains to the west and the Dunstan Mountains to the east. $('#loadingmessage').hide(); // hide the loading message
Shadow-Box Trout Flies – How to make your own shadow-box project. type: "post",
Prominent figures including Ralph Hotere, Andrew Drummond, Chris Cree-Brown and Chris Booth did significant and powerful work that related to the smelter issue, gaining publicity and acclaim with exhibitions and appropriate comment in various art magazines.