Only cons is that he plays in the EFL Championship and harder to link. In the game FIFA 20 his overall rating is 76. I immediately knew if he was guaranteed a TOTS that this could be one of the best CDM's on the game and oh was I right! Only con i'd say is 3* WF but if you get a shot off that right foot its a guaranteed goal! Even for good cards, and the packs on the back end, that might be too much of a hassle to do twice. When Video Assistant Review (VAR) was introduced back in 2017, no one would have predicted the... FIFA 20 is available now in the Vault for EA Access (Xbox, PlayStation 4) and Origin Access (PC)... Matt10 and the OS FIFA community have been hard at work all year trying to perfect... Enthusiast Gaming, Inc. | All Rights Reserved | Terms of Service. We have created a guideline, which will help you to understand how to use our comments system. Those are positive qualities to have on top of the insane pace and finishing. So I especially understand why traders and speculators would be unhappy with these choices, but you just need to reorient your brain to the new trend. There are also 24 teams to do, and it’s a lot of silver packs and basic gold packs. ... 49.5K FIFA 20 Ultimate Team. We have decided to add comments to facilitate communication and interaction between FUTBIN users. Stamina, this guy just doesn’t get tired! As soon as his card dropped into packs I did everything I could to add him to my squad and it was easy to chem him due to my FB Rooney card. Kalvin Phillips SBC. I lean towards going with Phillips as my pick if I can only have one of these two players. In an ideal world, I would do this league SBC twice and get both cards, but the packs are not amazing. Pace and defense are the name of the game for the two players available in the EFL League Championship SBCs. I actually have used his standard card […] Comment your opinion on things, and/or add valuable information, Reply to other comments in a respectful manner, Attack or threat other users. Kalvin Phillips Starting with Kalvin Phillips, this is your more defensive-oriented option. I would advise playing him as either a CDM or CM, either is perfect as he really is a very well-round player. Having someone who comes in as a menace late in the game is still a great piece to have on your team. His passing is a little deceptive as well since the 60 long passing brings down that rating more than it matters. I play him as a get-forward CDM in a 4231 formation and to maximize all his skills. The chem style you give him is really based on what position you want him to play whether its CDM, CAM, CF, ST, RW, LW or CB he can do it all! I’ve seen some complaints that the EFL League Championship SBC is cheaper and provides better cards than the EPL league SBC, but that’s nothing new for this year. He has 93 composure to coincide with quality defending and passing stats. EA probably wants more people to use players from non-meta leagues, and they also probably know that people stock up on cards from these bigger leagues to sell them for hefty profits in anticipation of these SBCs. COMPLETE LIST OF FIFA 20 FOOTBALL LEAGUE SBCs. Those silver packs can obviously sometimes be very profitable, but FUTBin pegs the cost at about 170K right now to complete this SBC. I actually have used his standard card ... Read more FIFA 20 FUT: EFL League Championship SBC I've played 40 games with him so far and he's been the stand out star through out this weekend league. However, I imagine Sean Maguire will be the more popular option with 99 acceleration, 99 balance, 99 agility, 93 finishing and 91 stamina. As an Amazon Associate, we earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Kalvin Phillips was born on Dec. 2, 1995. Although he has a stocky build his agility and balance don't make him feel as heavy in game. Kalvin Phillips' FIFA 20 Overall Rating (OVR) is 75 with Potential Rating (POT) of up to 81. I also say it might not be worth it because the biggest pain is just collecting all the players to put into the challenges two times in a row. Kalvin Phillips is an Englishman professional football player who mainly plays at Center Defensive Midfielder position for Leeds United at the EFL Championship in England. January 9, 2020 10:35PM edited January 9. Both players look really good, and this is probably the best league SBC since Liga NOS. His defending stats are already fantastic, as is his dribbling and passing, he feels so smooth on the ball and at 5”10 he is the perfect height for this game. This card can play pretty much anywhere on the pitch and do it superbly. Join the discussion or compare with others! Both players look really good, and this is probably the best league SBC since Liga NOS. (His best are CM, CDM). I immediately knew if he was guaranteed a TOTS that this could be one of the best CDM's on the game and oh was I right! EA has clearly tried to make the lesser leagues more important with these league SBCs. Turner Sports’ ELEAGUE will present new episodes highlighting matches between the world’s best EA SPORTS FIFA 20... FIFA 20 game update 1.24, which released last week for PC, is available now for the... FIFA 20 game update 1.23, which released last week for PC users, is available now for... FIFA 20 game update 1.23 is available now for PC users. Those are all ridiculously good stats, but it’s worth noting he’s three-star skills and three-star weak foot and only has 79 composure. This card is an all around amazing player that can literally play in every position on the pitch. Typically, PlayStation 4 and Xbox... EA continues to try and improve the ongoing server and connectivity issues, that have plagued FIFA... EA and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) have announced a larger, evolved FIFA 20 esports ecosystem,... FIFA 20 game update 1.21 is available now for PC users. Both players look really good, and this is probably the best league SBC since Liga NOS. 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