I think this version of shaman is stronger than the murloc kind, but I still find beating it not too difficult. removed tess caz there is not enough cards stolen and sometimes they r not usefulremoved barista is too slow and hand is crowded most of the time, removed Bloodmage Thalnos and togg scheme, added 2 lifedrinkers and 2 EMP oprative ( u find plenty of magnetic mechs in Hunters, druids, paladins, even Damaged Stegotron in resurrect priest ,Pogo-Hopper Rogue, plus Zilliax is used in each and every deck for synergy or no reason at all but value !! The first is Nomi Priest, so if you can't rush them down you are looking for AOE's to beat Chef Nomi or to build an infinite Tess that can counter it with cards such as Frost Nova, Blizzard, Shrink Ray, etc. Spectral Cutlass:So far it is fine to go all in on your weapon. The days get a little longer, the temperatures get a little warmer and Hearthstone unleashes the first expansion of its new year. It won’t be as easy for Druid to prolong the game since they didn’t get great replacements for Spreading Plague, Branching Paths, Malfurion the Pestilent, Ultimate Infestation, or Lesser Jasper Spellstone. Just Sap their big bois and it should be an easy win. A few other things of note: if they play a secret it's often Rat Trap, and when leaving a beast on the field consider whether they might be able to Dire Frenzy or Headhunter's Hatchet next turn. Now keep in mind that going into the later game you need to play around and have a plan for the Missile Launcher/Venomizer combo. Generally for this match up I'm mulliganing for cards such as Blink Fox, Hench-Clan Burglar, and Vendetta in order to build up a board before their first giant and to search for answers. Zoolock has fallen out of favor, but just like with token druid we don't have a problem with them. Against slow, control decks such as control warrior or big shaman your goal is to build up to an infinite Tess Greymane with Togwaggle's Scheme kind of like the old Shudderwock shaman. Hench Clan Burglar takes Journey to Un’Goro’s Hallucination and puts it on a 4/3 minion. If you like rogue he'll be around for a while, they're going to release new lackeys, so he's well worth the craft. The Forest’s Aid summons five 2/2 Treants. You can boost your miracle gameplan with Wondrous Wand or try to push for a finisher with Zarog’s Crown. Edwin can get you some crazy wins with the shark spirit and lackey combos by getting buffed to absurd heights, but he's more vulnerable to the earth shocks, owls, and big game hunters that are being played right now. However, it might be beauty of this deck, you can adjust your play according to what you facing and get a lot of value if you really need it (looking at control warriors contemptuously). Tog Guide:Heistbaron Togwaggle is very situational but adds a lot of value, as stated above. SN4Ps on the other hand doesn't high roll as often, but it's just all around good, less reliant on other cards, and has synergy with Zilliax. Regardless, you are mulliganing for Togwaggle's Scheme in order to win by building an infinite Tess. These are all things to consider when subbing in cards, and while I included suggestions below there may be other good options to consider if you follow these general guidelines. Legendaries: Siamat, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, Heistbaron Togwaggle, Kronx Dragonhoof, Flik Skyshiv, Galakrond, the Nightmare, Leeroy Jenkins, Zilliax, Edwin VanCleef, Zephrys the Great. Finally, in aggressive matchups like hunter shuffling more Zilliaxs into your deck can be pretty good. The other type of Priest I've been seeing is a weird mech/ Inner Fire priest. There aren't many priests right now, but there are two variants you might run into. Here’s what you get with each treasure: Tolin’s Goblet: Draw a card. Miscreant or Heistbaron Togwaggle along with your usual early game. Lore The Full Story of Hearthstone's Year of the Dragon Created by GoliathTheDwarf. I've experimented with other cards steal cards and found them unnecessary. Now a quick disclaimer: I'm currently playing in high legend where the meta has shifted to be mostly bomb warrior and giant mage. Heistbaron Togwaggle is a classic addition to the Lackey package too, and you’ll always be able to generate a Lackey to go with it. Golden Kobold: 6/6 with Taunt. Dragon Paladin: 2-0.