Hayward, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995. 3. But as he grows into the true child of God he rises to a dominion over sun, moon, and stars. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Moses accounts for the origination of living creatures by a Divine creation, and for their continuance by the Divine benediction which made it the law of their being to propagate their kind and to multiply in masses. And God called the firmament heaven. 10. good very! As a revelation of God in his relation to man. Forethought. From this Delitzsch infers that prior to the introduction of sin the animals were not predaceous. it leaves the subject wrapped in profoundest mystery. The Vulgate and English translations of rakiya may convey the idea of solidity, though it is doubtful if στερεì ωμα (LXX.) Without the air, man could not live. Jeremiah warns the Hebrews not to be afraid of the 'signs of heaven,' before which the heathen tremble in vain terror (Jeremiah 10:2); and Isaiah speaks with taunting irony against the astrologers, star-gazers, and monthly prognosticators, in whose counsel it is folly and wickedness to rely (Isaiah 47:13). The universe is not eternal, though its antiquity be vast. As if the fashioning and beautifying of the globe and its replenishing with sentient beings, unspeakably glorious as these achievements were afforded him no satisfaction in comparison with this which he contemplated, the creating of man in his own image (cf. II. And not Jupiter alone, but suns immensely greater, at rates of motion that transcend conception. Here the creatures of the sea are distinguished from all previous creations, and in particular from vegetation, as being possessed of a vital principle. The absolute right to each lies in the Creator alone. To fix the year through the observation of their constellations. And God created (bara, is in Genesis 1:1, to indicate the introduction of an absolutely new thing, viz; the principle of animal life) great whales. On the contrary, there is much in Scripture to warrant the assumption that, as Daniel heard "the speaking between the banks of the Ulai," and received dream-revelations of the four great world monarchies, and as John beheld visions and heard voices concerning the things which were shortly to come to pass, so the Jewish lawgiver, or the primitive Nabi to whom this revelation was imparted, may have beheld in sublime panorama the evolution of the light, the uplifting of the atmosphere, the parting of the waters, the placing of the orbs, the filling of the land, sea, and sky with life, while he listened with awestruck silence to the voices of Elohim, as they were uttered at the opening of each creative day. It is my honest conclusion Consequently man should. Without its pressure his bodily structure would fall to pieces.