Looks like hell with everyone out to lunch.Out where the buses don’t run. 34. Thank you so much! He gets there in one-half less than no time. He finds it interesting, so when i have an issue and hes around I’ll explain whats wrong and then explain how the shit works line by line. )Why shear a pig?Don’t snap my garters.A guilty fox hunts his own hole.Quit hollering down the rain.Don’t rile the wagon master.Better to keep your mouth shut and seem a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.The barn door’s open and the mule’s trying to run. 38. Can’t you just use the power of imagination to act like you’re explaining it to someone while you talk to yourself? 49. The predicate that compares one thing that is greatly attracted to another. Busier than a cucumber in a women’s prison! June bugs are commonly seen in many areas in the United States, as well as other regions of the world which facilitate their living conditions. I’m writing a historical baseball novel set in South Texas and these sayings are priceless. That boy ain’t the smartest peanut in the turd. I’m hotter than a tick on a dog’s balls. 5. Complete the form below to notify iFunny of a claim relating to your intellectual property rights and content or some technical inconvenience with the service. Terrific, funny stuff. If it can’t be cooked with bacon grease, it ain’t worth fixin’, let alone eatin’. 29. I’m hotter than a mess of collard greens on the back burner of a $4 stove. If a trip around the world cost a dollar, I couldn’t get to the Oklahoma line.He’s so broke he’s busted all Ten Commandments.Poor as a lizard-eating cat.Hasn’t got a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of.So poor I had a tumbleweed as a pet.I ate so many armadillos when I was young, I still roll up into a ball when I hear a dog bark.So poor we had to fertilize the sills before we could raise the windows.Poor as sawmill rats.He’s broke as a stick horse.He’s too poor to pay attention.So poor the wolf won’t even stop at their door.So poor their Sunday supper is fried water.Too poor to paint, too proud to whitewash. A real hillbilly wouldn't know the difference … It’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.That’s close enough for government work.Might as well. Busier than a one-armed paper hanger with jock itch. One to shit on, and the other to cover it up with. I do this but my tech illiterate girlfriend takes the role of duck. 74. Sort: Relevant Newest # excited # school # duck # hooray # costume # duck # leader # donald duck # dancing # duck # aflack # animals # chill # duck # vacuum # fail # duck … “So my current mission is to enable all the people who are doing crazy shit with it.”. No hill for a stepper.Slick as a whistle.Easy as pie. Saying stuff out loud (whether it be code, an essay, or a chemical equation) forces you to process it better, which is why this is especially effective, In my python class the teacher had a duck basket and if you were struggling she would tell you to go grab a duck. 60. (Throwing up. I feel like a bag of smashed assholes. I’d like to have two of those coats. I just stare at the code in silence until I find the bug because I’m insane, My programming teacher in highschool gifted all of us a rubber duck for the year to use for this, Yeah my teacher does this. 88. I’m a co-founder and software engineer at a startup company and while I don’t have a physical rubber duck, this concept does indeed work really well. Cornier than a corn field and half of its owner’s turds. Martha and Grant reveal the memorable image behind this curious expression. (Then again, would you be any less aggravated if you were rear-ended by a lazuli bunting?) I'll be on you like a duck on a June bug. There's a thing called "Rubber duck debugging" in which a programmer explains the code to a rubber duck tn hopes of finding the bug Source Some of you are reblogging because you think its funny that programmers would talk to ducks. “But I think they also had so much more personality. Bright as a new penny.Smart as a hooty owl.No flies on my mama.Smart as a whip. [CDATA[ I’m so hungry my belly button is sticking out of my ass hole. 26. Like a banty on a june bug - all over you Hatch an idea - put a plan into motion Egg on your face - caught in an untruth Put up a squawk - argue over something Squawking - putting up a fuss Rule the Roost - to be the boss Pecking order - finding your place Cock of the walk - to be the boss 33. 41. Leave them blank to get signed up. If that’s not annoying enough, you can hack the goose to adjust its aggression and add MP3s that will open when you start it up. Sis on you Pister, you ain’t so muckin’ fuch! He’s the meanest SOB ever to shit behind shoe leather. 2,449 views, 91 upvotes, 15 comments. We hit the damn thing around the office to each other with pitching wedges. And yes it really works. 23. 25. your ugleir than a burning up donkey in the middle of winter. Had enough? Simply hold the Esc key to evict the goose from your Windows PC. So Harry can you tell me, What is the function of a rubber duck? My boyfriend is a nano scale computer engineer. A version of this article appears in our 2019. His gal is so fat they hire a rodeo clown to distract her when grocery shopping. “I’m a big fan of things that are delightfully ridiculous, and that’s hopefully exactly what this is,” explains Chiet. The act of explaining what you're doing in great detail really does help identify problems, Another poor redditor whose caps lock is broken. damn surprising that a programmer forgot you can turn off caps lock. Well I’ll be dipped in shit and rolled in bread crumbs. Im a student so its never too long. Hot as Hades.Hot as the hinges (or hubs) of hell.Hot as a depot stove.Hot as a two-dollar pistol.Hot as a billy goat in a pepper patch.Hot as a summer revival.Hot as a pot of neck bones.Hot as a stolen tamale.Hot enough to fry eggs on the sidewalk.Hotter than whoopee in woolens.Hotter than a honeymoon hotel.Hotter than a burning stump.Hotter than blue blazes.Hotter than a fur coat in Marfa.So hot the hens are laying hard-boiled eggs. 30. He always sits patiently while I talk through it, and when I stop studdenly and stare at my code, he says, "There it is" and goes back (pt 1), As a student doing C++ programming, I think this is a great idea, and shall start doing it now. I’ll be dipped in bacon fat, before I do that. And when someone needs the only method if transfer allowed is with a golf club. I dont have problems like that. He’s so busy you’d think he was twins.They’re doing a land-office business.Busy as a one-legged man at an ass-kicking convention.Busy as a funeral home fan in July.Busy as a one-eyed dog in a smokehouse.Busy as a one-armed paperhanger.Busy as a stump-tailed bull in fly season.Busy as a hound in flea season.Got to slop the hogs, dig the well, and plow the south forty before breakfast.Got to get back to my rat killing.She’s jumping like hot grease (or water) on a skillet.Panting like a lizard on a hot rock.No grass growing under her feet. I had a huge algae bloom recently. Well knock me down and steal my teeth! She’s so skinny, she look’s like a gut with the shit slug out of it. We have this angry bird plush toy in my office. Donald Duck Boner refers to a series of still images and gifs from Disney cartoons that feature Donald Duck with large bump in his mid-section. Note: The rubber duck meme was temporarily removed by Chinese censors after it first appeared online in 2013, but reappeared the following year. He blames everything on the weather or his raising.He got caught in his own loop.He came close to the dollar knife. Got a big hole in the fence.I got my ox in a ditch.He loaded the wrong wagon.They hung the wrong horse thief.He ripped his britches.There’s a yellowjacket in the outhouse. Why are the names of cars so unimaginative? All cut up like a boardinghouse pit.Grinning like a mule eating cockleburs.Nervous as a pregnant jenny.Nervous as a fly in the glue pot.Nervous as a woodshed waiter.She’s chewing her bit. https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/more-colorful-texas-sayings-than-you-can-shake-a-stick-at/, Editors' note: This article was first published in print in 1994. 1:12. We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations. This is so great! Ever heard about redneck sayings, bet me they are not like any other sayings you are used to hearing, it goes way beyond that. If your aunt had nuts she’d be your uncle. Watching the chicken gets you nowhere, but can make it easier to collect the eggs. With their round bodies and short legs, ducks are totally cute waddlers. Look what the cat dragged in.Company’s coming; add a cup of water to the soup.We’ve howdied but we haven’t shook.Put on your sitting britches.Let’s chaw the rag. There just ain’t no end to it. As welcome as an egg-sucking dog.As welcome as an outhouse breeze.As welcome as screwworm.As welcome as a porcupine at a nudist colony.As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party.As welcome as a wet shoe.As welcome as a tornado on a trail drive. So crooked that if he swallowed a nail, he’d spit up a corkscrew. 35. 36. Life is both a blessing and a challenge. Might do me some good. I need to know what “tough as whang” means. That boy was shaking like a dog shittin’ hammer handles. I do this with my friend who knows nothing about programming. Just ’cause the cat had ‘er kittens in the oven, don’t make ’em biscuits! Distraction from a problem can be helpful to seek the answer you chase, but will to not be distracted is needed solve the problem. Don’t forget to share your favorite duck meme collection with your friends! June Bugs...yep, it's a Southern Thang! (I'll be all over you—as in, "You insult Mama and I'll be on you like a duck on a June bug.") He’s like a fart in a skillet. Feel free to provide more information. I'm a software developer and this definitely works. Add Comment. 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He stays in the shadow of his mama’s apron.If he was melted down, he couldn’t be poured into a fight.He’s first cousin to Moses Rose.He wouldn’t bite a biscuit.He’s yellow as mustard but without the bite.He may not be a chicken, but he has his henhouse ways. like ducks on a june bug. You respect the fucking duck. He jumped on me like a duck on a June bug. Noisy as two skeletons dancing on a tin roof. I’m writing a transatlantic novel, ‘Bittersweet Humiliation’ in which the hero and heroine have a larger than life Texan friend. 4. newsletter, download the Desktop Goose app over at Chiet’s site.