Why do you think Paul wrote so specifically and repeatedly about how all the fixing and good things come from God? This six-session course will challenge you to accept your identity as a member of God's family, and allow him to mold you into the masterpiece he designed. Amy desperately wanted blue eyes. Thanks for sharing. And then Paul does something strange. His work is perfect and intentional. Sometimes life can be like a puzzle. The word is poi?ma which is where we get the English word poem, and the word really means masterpiece. Discover God's peace now. His greatest masterpiece is you and me. We wonder if his promises might be too good to be true. Because GOD IS THE CREATOR KING, I know He made me special! And not only that, but he planned “good things” for you to do. *Optional: This would be a great time to play the “Our Mess, God’s Masterpiece” video from the Skit Guys. The women of India cover their mouth and nose when they are in public. Ephesians 3. The premise behind this study is simple: By better understanding how God He goes from describing the works of God to describing a specific work of God: people, specifically Christians. In Ephesians you will find your identity. My Bible Study Journal: A Creative Christian Workbook: A Simple Guide To Journaling ScriptureBible Journaling – Everlasting Hope. Your email address will not be published. We are engaged in spiritual battle, and without God's help, we will lose.Ephesians 6. Some of us relate to God in a timid way. I can trust His plan for me! And I love it! Copyright © Cathy Irvin, used with permission. Once you find Ephesians, go to chapter 2. God chose you, so that you would choose him.Ephesians 1. He planned you long ago. Maybe this year has just been a tough year and you would love a fresh start. You are God’s masterpiece! Can God change your life? I had huge tinted glasses that were an inch thick, a mop style hair do, was embarrassingly uncoordinated, had braces that were bigger than my teeth, and was really skinny. How about this question: How many of you like a fresh start? And if that path includes messy buns and runny noses…well, he’ll make something amazing out of that. Ask: How many of you consider yourself “artistic”? That “better” might not look like the glamorous world they lived in, but it was far, far superior. I hope you had some good conversations in your small groups! 100 Days Of Bible Promises – A Devotional Journal. ~Psalm 139:14-15, Discover God Bible (NLT). So some of you need to find a way to get involved doing God’s work! It occurred to me that most of us don’t see all the training, work, and extreme detail that go into the making of a masterpiece. Tell them they will have three minutes to color all of their pieces for part one. He has destroyed the things that divide people from each other outside of Christ. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Some translations translate the word for "masterpiece" here as "workmanship" but that is unfortunate for a couple of reasons. In fact, we read in Ephesians 2:10 that “we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (nkjv). You can see the starlit sky at night. Now, what do old paintings and fresh starts have to do with life as a preteen? In the meantime, know that you are loved. So, practically, there are a lot of things to take from this. But He outdid all of that when He made the Body of Christ, His Church, His masterpiece, us. Do any of you who have become Christians want to talk about why you made that decision? Discover how you can find peace with God. What is the difference between just “being” a masterpiece versus a masterpiece who “does” God’s work? Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so that none of us can boast about it. Even many of those who know the word means "masterpiece" still take it as if it were about the individual Christian. For example, Paul tells us "Be imitators of God … ", God Warns You About the War Zone
Focus on God. And it is me. ~Ephesians 2:10, Discover God Bible (NLT). There are also twenty bonus points available: 10 for naming the work and 10 for naming the artist. And once that truth sinks in, then get busy! He knew that brown eyes would be better than blue eyes in India. This lesson offers a healthy dose of encouragement to those who don’t see themselves as the masterpieces that God created them to be! He broke down, even abolished (Eph 2:15), the Mosaic Law which divided Gentiles from the Jewish people (Acts 9:6-10:48; Rom 6:14; Eph 2:14-16). Play a fun song or video while they assemble their masterpieces, like TobyMac’s “This Is Not a Test“. To say that I was self-conscience was an understatement. In NIV it is "We are God’s workmanship. For we are God’s masterpiece. And that’s ok. Faber Castell Bible Journaling Kit100 Days Of Bible Promises – A Devotional Journal. Masterpiece: A Work of Art. Teach students about the transforming power of Jesus and the potential God sees in them, regardless of how they or others around them see themselves. Look! Her brown eyes made her look just like the women she was trying to share Jesus with! *Optional: Our Mess, God’s Masterpiece video by the Skit Guys.