This site works best with JavaScript enabled. So, what can you use to replace them in the new expansion? On first sight, this may look like your average Galakrond Control Warlock deck. Lastly, try to discard Hand of Gul'dan using Soulfire, Expired Merchant or Nightshade Matron and draw three cards for free instead of paying the full 6 mana. Mass Hysteria will be gone, but the improved Holy Nova and the new Shadow Word: Ruin should be able to fill the gap. The deck I want to try undergoes a series of changes from last meta’s lists, however. is far more important (and fun) than just taking a deck that will nearly surely be successful and adding a couple of new cards to it. Access to mountains of cheap resources lower the risk of going in on an Edwin and getting it removed, and things look worse for him in this deck when you aren’t passively generating tons of resources. Demon Hunter Prologue [] Main article: Demon Hunter Prologue You will be able to find decks for all of the classes, including new Demon Hunter. The gameplan is simple: You try to ramp as quickly as possible using Innervate, then you cast your token and card draw spells until you get Ysera, Unleashed or King Phaoris. Top Legend Decks. Battlefiend – make it 1/2. I definitely expect every Hunter list to run 2x Flare since Rogue is gonna be all about Secrets and Stealths from now on, I think it's a MUST. We’re no longer updating this post. Most of the new cards are not meant for this archetype, but I could see Renew and Psyche Split used here. Remember that a good description and guide to how to play your deck and a mulligan strategy will greatly increase the chance of people upvoting it! ( remember Battlecry infinite Shaman Shenanigans with 100% Winrate on some Streams or Cubelock back in the days? And i must say been playing with priest and extremely solid winrate with it. But other classes struggle a lot. Demon Hunter Decks. What combos well with burst? Yes, Aldor Attendant and Aldor Truthseeker will only discount a total of three cards – but they’re also just using two card slots themselves. Agreed. The combination of mech-driven tempo and high-value class cards could synergize very well with the new Libram cards. What will work? Together with the usual Lackey generation, this little plant creature provides excellent board manipulation with a decent body even playable on turn 1. Although this deck is based almost entirely on spells, there are a lot of spells here that summon minions. Ashes of Outland starts the new Year of the Phoenix in Hearthstone, marking the inclusion of the 10th hero class: the Demon Hunter. And who should we “let” make them instead? In this sample decklist, I have went for the good old Quest Druid shell with the addition of the pieces needed for a Malygos combo. AAECAf0GAta5A+2+Aw4wzgfCCIidA/ukA/2kA4GlA/muA7C2A7q2A7W5A7a5A8e5A8u5AwA=. We list the decklist code, the theme of the deck as well as the new cards of the expansion required to be able to play it directly. Honestly I get your point. Why would you play a vanilla 2 mana 3/2 that chooseS your topdeck over a 2 mana 4/2 with rush. Get on board early, reliably, and fast. The keys to the combo are your ability to tutor for Beasts with Scavenger's Ingenuity and discount Beasts with Scarlet Webweaver. Not sure about Beast Hunter – but if that’s something you want to see, I can create one! Ashes of Outland Decks - The Big Deck Preview, Still need more decks or looking for another archetype or class?