Intellectual Property Protection 110-240V auto switching power supply 浙B2-20120091. | Figure 1-7 shows a flat view of this bias construction of the 28-gore canopy. These five major parts are shown in figure 1-3. These five major parts are shown in figure 1-3. | Operating System: Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000/ME/98 and Mac OS 8.6 and above Data Transfer Speed: 10MB/s-15MB/s for read. | Showroom Every. The sections used in a parachute canopy are cut at a 45-degree angle to the centerline of the gore. Stenciled on the top center gore (section A of gore 28) in letters one-half inch high and about 12 inches from the bottom of the canopy are the NAVAIRFAC order number, date of manufacture, serial number, and the manufacturer's mark or trademark. Use size E thread for all other seams, zigzag stitching, and repairs. For your customized products, too small quantity is hard for us to handle it. Onetouch google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8029680191306394"; The 28-foot canopy is the size dealt with in this chapter and is most commonly described as a polygon, having 28 sides, and a diameter of 28 feet plus or minus 1 inch. Five sizes of canopies are used in naval aviation. The handle is attached... ZP Collapsible Pilot Chute and Black Hacky  Throw-out The throw-out pilot chute is the most popular type in use today. The order of deployment for most parachute . Used primarily for safe descent from high altitudes (e.g., a spacecraft reentering the atmosphere, a person or object dropped from an airplane), parachutes can also be used in horizontal configurations to slow objects like race cars that have finished their runs. Figure 1-3.-The five major parts of a parachute. The order of deployment for most parachute, Figure 1-3.-The five major parts of a parachute. Copyright Information.