SD. topicallyTORB telephone order read backTPI Treponema pallidum immobilization test for syphilisTPN total parenteral nutritionTPO thyroid peroxidaseTPR temperature, pulse, and respirationtr, tinct. Can Pregnancy Problems Signal Future Health Risks. Enter the shape, color, or imprint of your prescription or OTC drug. vic in divided dosesPb leadPBI protein-bound iodinep.c. Connect with people like you, and get expert guidance on living a healthy life. [1] Corticosteroids may be used to speed development of the baby's lungs, if it is early in pregnancy. [1] Symptoms may include feeling tired, retaining fluid, headache, nausea, upper right abdominal pain, blurry vision, nosebleeds, and seizures. The presence of any combinations of these symptoms, subcapsular liver hematoma in particular, warrants an immediate check-up due to the high morbidity and mortality rates of this condition. inferiorinj. Collectively, widespread endothelial dysfunction and hepatocellular damage result in global hepatic dysfunction often leading to liver necrosis, haemorrhages, and capsular rupture. in the nightnoct. Learn more about Obie here. ascendingASCA anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodyASC-US atypical squamous cells of undetermined significanceASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseASD atrial septal defectAsH hypermetropic astigmatismAsM myopic astigmatismAST aspartate aminotransferaseAst astigmatismATCC American Type Culture Collectionat. dieb. let it be givenDEXA dual-energy x-ray absorptiometryDFV Doppler flow velocimetryDHT dihydrotestosteroneDI diabetes insipidusDIC disseminated intravascular coagulationdieb. twice a nightbipap bilevel positive airway pressureBK below the kneeBLS basic life supportBM bowel movementBMI body mass indexBMR basal metabolic rateBMS bone marrow suppressionBMT bone marrow transplantationBNP brain natriuretic peptidebol. Postpartum occurrences are also observed in 30% of all HELLP syndrome cases. standard errorSe seleniumSed rate sedimentation ratesemih. night and morningnon rep; n.r. Prompt delivery is the only viable option in cases with multiorgan dysfunction or multiorgan failure, haemorrhage and considerable danger to the fetus. 2. Following endothelial injury, vasospasms and platelet activation occur alongside the decreased release of the endothelium-derived relaxing factor and increased the release of von Willebrand factor (vWF), leading to general activation of the coagulation cascade and inflammation. What does SD stand for in Pregnancy? dolor while pain lastsDVT deep vein thrombosisDx diagnosisD5W dextrose 5% in waterDWI driving while intoxicatedE eye; Escherichia EBV Epstein-Barr virusECF extended care facility; extracellular fluidECG electrocardiogram, electrocardiographECHO echocardiographyECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenationECT electroconvulsive therapyED emergency department; effective dose; erythema dose; erectile dysfunctionEDD estimated date of delivery (formerly EDC: estimated date of confinement)EEG electroencephalogramEENT eye, ear, nose, and throatEF ejection fractionEGD esophagogastroduodenoscopyEIA enzyme immunosorbent assayEKG electrocardiogram; electrocardiographELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayelix.