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Rumours Of Fleetwood Mac USA and Canadian tour dates. Donate here. tusk News. Back 2 Mac keeps its audience engaged by balancing its setlist with Fleetwood Mac’s most well-known hits and more obscure charts, like “Oh Well” and “Think About Me,” Cantwell said. UK TOURING. “Lyrically, even if you don’t know what Stevie Nicks is talking about, they always have such an impact,” Cantwell said. [url=https://www.setlist.fm/edit?setlist=439d8783&step=song]Edit this setlist[/url] | [url=https://www.setlist.fm/setlists/rumours-of-fleetwood-mac-6bdaae52.html]More Rumours of Fleetwood Mac setlists[/url], RBC Theatre at Budweiser Gardens, London, ON, Shea's Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY, Sandler Center for the Performing Arts, Virginia Beach, VA. The “Rumours” are true: Back 2 Mac, a Fleetwood Mac tribute band, will perform 9 p.m. Friday at The BluebirdNightclub. Live Video. Tour. and Ben Mikesell. Endorsed by founder member of Fleetwood Mac, Mick Fleetwood Cantwell said the intricate patterns of Fleetwood Mac’s music keep the songs interesting for them to play. Rumours Of Fleetwood Mac - The Band Here are the RFM musicians paying homage to FLEETWOOD MAC It’s always been a prerequisite of ours… if you’re stepping out on stage with RFM you must have a love and understanding of FM's music, their spirituality and their history. IU students create Zoom film about healing from pain and trauma, IU Jacobs School of Music organ department sponsors weekly performances at Metz Bell Tower, COLUMN: Foraging for Indiana’s fall filling and flavorful fruits, ‘Beacon means hope’: Shalom Center renames umbrella organizations, Bloomington experiences Monday afternoon power outages, power now restored, Alternative resources to call in Bloomington instead of police, 'We just did not give up': How a Bloomington couple kept their B&B alive during the COVID-19 pandemic. Friday's weekly recap will let you catch up on the most important and most popular stories of the week. “They can see what a great time we’re having and how much we love being together.”. “We play all the hits that everybody wants to hear, and then we do a few deeper cuts that the serious Fleetwood Mac fans are only going to know,” Cantwell said. Get the Rumours of Fleetwood Mac Setlist of the concert at Wellmont Theatre, Montclair, NJ, USA on October 15, 2019 and other Rumours of Fleetwood Mac Setlists for free on setlist.fm! Tickets can be purchased for $10 by people over 21 on the Bluebird website and at the door. Support independent, award-winning college journalism on this site. Home. “We’re all great friends. Cantwell said they get wild on the more intense songs, such as “Rhiannon,” and are sometimes joined onstage by the University of Louisville Pep Band when they perform in Kentucky. Here's a selection of RFM live-stage video's. Be there when "Stevie" (L.A. based performer Susan Johnston) twirls dreamily and belts out rock ballads that will take you on a three decade journey through the best dance era of our lifetime. Get Fleetwood Mac setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Fleetwood Mac fans for free on setlist.fm! Feel free to come in and check out some very cool products and designs. The Band. jguida@moremusicgroup.com 757.463.1940 Ext.110. Home. Perhaps consider subscribing to our channel for exclusive tour and behind scenes footage up ahead. rumours the ultimate fleetwood mac tribute show 2020 Due to Covid-19, all of our shows in 2020 have been rescheduled for 2021. The Band. Rumours was formed in 1997 on the crest of Fleetwood Mac's reunion tour. Back 2 Mac started as a one-time gig when the seven musicians assembled in 2009 to play two performances at an arts festival, said lead vocalist Kimmet Cantwell, who emulates Fleetwood Mac lead vocalist Stevie Nicks onstage. BIG LOVE from all at Rumours Of Fleetwood Mac. For European Representation: Roland Theierl. COVID-19 Update. Home page of Rumours, a rock group from Sandusky, Ohio. The “Rumours” are true: Back 2 Mac, a Fleetwood Mac tribute band, will perform 9 p.m. Friday at The BluebirdNightclub. Independent journalism for more than 150 years, Back 2 Mac, a Fleetwood Mac cover band, will perform at 9 p.m. Jan. 31 in the Bluebird Nightclub. “Those lyrics mean something different to each person hearing them. I think that’s something that people love about us too,” Cantwell said. Although Fleetwood Mac has a notorious history of drama between bandmates, Back 2 Mac is the exact opposite, Cantwell said. The tower houses the grand carillon instrument – one of fewer than 30 in the world. As for the lyrics, she said the poignancy of the words is what’s meaningful for the audience. Joe Guida @ More Music Group. There’s definitely so much feeling to them.”. IDS file photo Get to know Indiana by eating native plants. Mob. Though she sports the Stevie Nicks-esque black lace and top hat, Cantwell said the band’s performance style is entirely its own. TUSK – The Ultimate Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band Launches a NEW SECURE SHOP. For over 22 years they have performed their tribute to Fleetwood Mac for audiences throughout North East Ohio and neighbo Use this setlist for your event review and get all updates automatically! Contact. We're now nearing 25 million views from MAC fans across the world.. just unbelievable. They were so well-received that they kept getting booked and have embarked on mini tours together ever since, Cantwell said. NEWS 2020. Hear the lush rock harmonies of RUMOURS: A Tribute to Fleetwood Mac. It’s kind of a lovey, happy atmosphere.”. They play the music everyone loves, but with their own distinct flair. “We love to get the audience involved. “We don’t try to come off as if we are Fleetwood Mac,” Cantwell said. Touring annually across the United Staes Of America and Canada performing the classic hits of Fleetwood Mac. Get email updates with daily headlines and weekly recaps. Contact. LIVE IN CONCERT 2019 - US & CANADA TOURING. , [url=https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/rumours-of-fleetwood-mac/2019/wellmont-theatre-montclair-nj-439d8783.html][img]https://www.setlist.fm/widgets/setlist-image-v1?id=439d8783[/img][/url] NEWS 2020. Thanks also for your kind comments and direct messages. Rumours Of Fleetwood Mac recognised globally as the ultimate Fleetwood Mac Tribute concert. Fleetwood Macked the Ultimate Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band, a rock group from New York, New York Back 2 Mac started as a one-time gig when the seven musicians assembled in 2009 to play two performances at an arts festival, said lead vocalist Kimmet Cantwell, who emulates Fleetwood Mac lead vocalist Stevie Nicks onstage. Like what you're reading?