Hold for .5 seconds late or early and you miss the smoke or it doesn't smoke the entire window. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the GlobalOffensive community. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. The latest installment to the Counter-Strike franchise maintains a healthy, ever-intensifying competitive scene alongside a growing casual playerbase. Posted by 3 months ago. There's tons of lineups out there. I can record a demo if needed to demonstrate, keep net graph on in case yprac is somehow(perhaps due to launch options) on 128 tick when you throw the smoke, test the smoke lineup on an offline server OUTSIDE of yprac. I'll leave this as a PSA - IF you're using yprac to freethrow your smokes, keep in mind your smokes may be rarified and leave gaps that aren't there in normal gameplay. CSGOGrenadies is a website where you can consult smokes, molotovs and flashbangs for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in one place This seems really accurate and easy to pull off, might even be faster than the trash can. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. 0:00. As far as tickrates, I tested on both with both my different lineups and both had gaps. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It says that i can'tJust realised it's a soundless video and for some reason those are allowed. Requirements. Even if you have high sens it's inefficient, theres faster window smokes that you can line up and is more efficient and beneficial so you can do executes faster. This one is based off one Fallen used to throw I think. Legit 64-tick Mirage Window Smoke from T Spawn. 1 1. How is it that you can post a video on this subreddit? So, it was a problem with yprac. But a normal offline server works just fine. I'm not sure on the exact reason why, from what I understand because a 128 tick server updates more frequently the grenade travels smoother, standing grenades are the same on 64 and 128 but if you are running/ jumping and throwing a grenade there will be different line ups. I decided to test it just to be sure. best. Posted by 1 year ago. save hide report. The smoke seems to be way too "thin" there and most smokes leave huge gaps. 0:00. Hold for .5 seconds late or early and you miss the smoke or it doesn't smoke the entire window. All of these smokes work on either 64 and 128 tick, or I have included ways to throw the smokes on both tick rates. Legit 64-tick Mirage Window smoke from correct Spawn. I've been using this setup for my mirage window smoke in 64 tick servers (no problems with the 128 tick setup one). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, EDIT 2: Finally, here's where's the smoke is landing before it blooms (astralis setup). Close. All smokes are for the T side on mirage. share. Smoke requires a run-jump-throw bind. Fullscreen. Could be decent if a friend does a cat smoke for you to lurk mid if they take A. Hello, I've played csgo for a while now and id love to know how to throw good smokes. Thanks. only reason i wouldnt do this is because your whole plan goes out the window (pun intended) if he gets picked crossing or jumping. Yea I know about that one but I can never get it consistently. In this guide I am going to show you all basic and advanced smokes needed to successfully play de_mirage. Close. Thanks! Here's mine: The fact that you have to make a new bind just for this smoke makes it not-so-easy in my opinion. r/eli5 why does the tick rate affect where the nades will go. I do the sideways running jumpthrow where you start from next to the trash can. The crouch walk from the trashcan is easier imo. 97 comments. Legit 64-tick Mirage Window Smoke from T Spawn. Maybe there's an issue on yprac or on my end? Press J to jump to the feed. Just seems like too much room for error. 160. 0:00. use a different lineup. Learn how to play Counter Strike: Global Offensive! Can also just look lower on the 128 tick throw for 64 tick servers I believe. Am I just doing something wrong? Settings. I am personally not a fan of that one since I fuck it up to often. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. save hide report. Sort by. This really shouldn't be happening: There's a bot inside the smoke here (right side from T perspective), CT perspective of the CT left side (this is where I placed the bot), EDIT 2: Finally, here's where's the smoke is landing before it blooms (astralis setup) - it's the dot closer to the windowsill, near the end of the carboardbox (you can see a bit of the grenade there), Help??? Hello and welcome to best Mirage Smoke Guide on the Internet. Everytime I do a jump throw I always miss. Fluff. Basically bottom sill(a bit above it actually) and the dot you're looking at point right too it. I have no idea why. I can talk you through the lineup if you really want. Unfortunately I couldn't find the one I use on the internet and I'll be away from CS for a day or two. Now I know most people are focused on 128 tick lineups and rightfully so, but given that I'm only a scrub gold nova master, I still have a long way to go before being able to play on 128 exclusively. [SOLVED] This was a problem with yprac. Press J to jump to the feed. I'll try to set up an offline server outside yprac to test it. 98% Upvoted. Crouching forward jump throw next to the trash can is easy and reliable. Yeah you would need to smoke cat or have mid control to do this. The latest installment to the Counter-Strike franchise maintains a healthy, ever-intensifying competitive scene alongside a growing casual playerbase. I just want to know one thing. Play. So as far as I'm aware on a 128 tick you would have to aim lower than where I am in the clip. Flusha(byali) one is more famous and easy to remenber and throw. 5.4k. share. 97% Upvoted. Archived. Play. Legit 64-tick Mirage Window smoke from correct Spawn. I'll update the post. 0:00. best. Tips & Guides. This is also a place where you can ask questions about Counter Strike: Global Offensive or other.