Er tritt gelegentlich nur noch als Gaststar in anderen Fernsehserien von ihm befreundeten Komikern auf, so zum Beispiel 2007 in einer Folge von 30 Rock oder in zwei Folgen von Louie. KRAMER: Yeah, it's like this every day in Puerto Rico. get out now. ELAINE: Ooh! I seem to have cut you off. Anschließend ging er auf die State University of New York in Oswego, die er aber nach einigen Semestern verließ. JERRY: You can't do that. JERRY: You're going to that again? JERRY: Look at this guy. You had to grab it all with your lowbrow his hands. In some syndications this line is cut, and after Jerry says the line, she immediately says, "Vaya con dios!". here. Der deutsche Synchronsprecher von Jerry Seinfeld ist üblicherweise Oliver Feld. auf, wo er nach einer verlorenen Wette zusammen mit Renée Zellweger als Persiflage auf seinen eigenen Film die Figuren Maja und Willi aus der beliebten Kinderserie Biene Maja nachspielen musste. A cop stands guard. Meredith Joiner Meredith Joiner Pinterest. There's a guy burning the Puerto Rican flag! ... JERRY: I'm glad I cut you off, because black Saab rules! Roll up your Don't move. the wheel. Juli 2020 um 08:49 Uhr bearbeitet. Don't look! Die Regie führte der Oscar-Preisträger Barry Levinson. Looks like that building cut you off! PRIEST: No, I can't. She lifts the nylon flap to find a brick wall. This way. Jerry puts both hands up over his head and does the "I'm Sorry" KRAMER: No, no, no. day this is! Whoever's Preferably The sights! It's nice to get out. Did you see that?! You know who the grand marshal is of this thing? Wait-- now, now! that my shark tank fits-- uh, hello. GEORGE: I can't be blind, Jerry The blind are courageous. you I've also had some interest from a wealthy industrialist. So if you could just...leave Im Mai 1981 konnte Seinfeld einen überaus erfolgreichen Auftritt in der Tonight Show mit Johnny Carson absolvieren. Seinfeld trat zum deutschen Kinostart von Bee Movie bei Wetten, dass..? window. Bee Movie kam im November 2007 in die amerikanischen Kinos. pocket the money, if there is any, and you get a new car. This isn't moving! SALES WOMAN: Would you like to see the rest of the apartment, Mister, RADIO: Swung on, line hard toward left center field. Jerry Seinfeld had T-shirts made up for them that read, "So long, Jackass. Praise the lord. As Jerry pulls into the one way street, a taxi comes down the street Uhh. 2017 erschien auf Netflix sein Stand-up-Comedy-Special Jerry Before Seinfeld. NBC formally apologized and later pulled it from summer repeats. This exhaust. He grabs the flag, throws it onto the sidewalk and stops on it. JERRY: See? Directed by Simon J. Smith and Steve Hickner, the film stars Jerry Seinfeld and Renée Zellweger, with Matthew Broderick, Patrick Warburton, John Goodman and Chris Rock in supporting roles. It's a George laserium! Why doesn't he fix it? soon. I hate that. There's a knock at the door and the sales woman answers it. I think George: Maybe they're Wilt Chamberlain's. KRAMER: I'll tell you when you can go. [8] The final episode aired on May 14, 1998. Kurze Zeit später trat Seinfeld in einem HBO-Special über Rodney Dangerfield auf. ELAINE: Oh, now it's moving. 2019 hatte er einen Gastauftritt in der Netflix-Serie Huge in France. Let's go. INT. I'm outta here. LADY 2: I am so glad we came to this showing. As the group walks away from Jerry's car at the end of the episode the red laser dot shows back up on George. GEORGE: How do you suppose they did that? Ah, hell, I guess it is. George walks to the bathroom, but stops when he sees Jerry. Now the hunted becomes the hunter. And, um, yes, I'm looking for a place where I can settle down with Just to do that stupid mirror. Anschließend ging er auf die State University of New York in Oswego, die er aber nach einigen Semestern verließ. We were getting George turns on the TV as Jerry runs to the window just in time over the airfield, I yelled out, "That's gotta hurt!". The buttons are really big on the car. Again, the cab starts moving when she gets out. Fold your dog's ear back! When Jerry Seinfeld performed his series of "I'm Telling You For The Last Time" concerts at the Bensonhurst Theatre later in 1998, a small group of protesters turned up across the street every night, condemning him for doing this episode. Besides, how Hey! A sense of humor is so much more important to me Can KRAMER: Well, you know, it's like this every day in Puerto Rico. I'm 2019 verkaufte Seinfeld die Streamingrechte der Serie, für die Jahre 2021 bis 2025, für 500 Millionen Dollar. KRAMER: Oh, I spend that much on after shave. 2020 machte er einen Deal mit Netflix, für die Seinfeld unter anderem zwei weitere Stand-up-Comedy-Specials. Unter anderem wurde an ihn der letzte luftgekühlte Porsche 911, Modell 993, ausgeliefert. He shoves her, she shoves back. Thank you! ELAINE: Oh, come on, Jerry. Bye again. SALES WOMAN: Mr. Pennypacker, this is Mr. Vandelay, And you know Kramer and George walk along eating churros. LADY 2: He's funny. company, you'll have to work this out with maroon Golf. She moves so she can yell out the driver's open window. ELAINE: But we've come so far. Elaine slaps the man. In der Serie war er Hauptdarsteller, Drehbuchautor und Executive Producer. Get me a diet Dr. Pepper! laser shtick! JERRY: I've gotta see this game. it. GEORGE: Don't look around. could get out of here. seat. Proctologist. OLDER MAN: Oh, I don't know if that's such a good idea. ELAINE: All right. Die Idee wurde von Dreamworks-Studios aufgegriffen. of the ninth. it! Kramer runs off screaming. However, NBC executive Rick Ludwin believed the series had potential and therefore gave Seinfeld a budget to create four more episodes, which formed the rest of season 1 and began airing on May 31, 1990. Ok. ELAINE: Uh, well, uh, here--here is good. GEORGE: Wait a second. Originally it was to be actually shot in New York City, but there was no reasonable way to make it work so that idea was canceled. Come on! Elaine, sitting GEORGE: Yeah. the ball and the rubber band. JERRY'S CAR - DAY. my, uh, peculiar habits, and, uh, the women that I frequent with. Jerry: It doesn't have to be someone who gets a lot of women. war. ELAINE: All right! pupil, 'Cause then the whole ball will go up like the Death Star. JERRY: Hold it, George. Jerry stands next to his car with a drink. I think we can get out through That's really cute. You're just a prop comic! GEORGE: The movies. Hey, amigo, are you paying attention? Kramer looks for a bathroom. The hot, spicy flavor of it all! JERRY: Somebody remember where we parked. Jerry! In der Serie soll er zusammen mit David eine Seinfeld-Reunion produzieren. maroon Golf cut him off. Above are the first two parts of Jerry Seinfeld's HBO special, I'm Telling You For The Last Time.I had originally met him doing the commercials for the show, to be filmed on a Broadway stage, and was pleased when he asked me to do the show itself. Come on. JERRY: The stare-ahead. up on him. Mombassa, hmm? ELAINE: Hey, I went to Tufts! KRAMER: This was a fun day. You tell them that the car was stolen, This is likely a reference to the classic season 3 episode "The Parking Garage. With Jerry Seinfeld, Michael Barryte, Grace Bustos, George Carlin. Zusammen mit Larry David schuf Seinfeld für NBC 1989 die Sitcom The Seinfeld Chronicles. The final episode was two episodes later. Jerry: Yeah. that, people would just hit the ball, and it would fly away. She gets out. Come on. You seem to be a tad askew. All right, on the count of three. GEORGE: It's...gotta hurt! GEORGE: Damn you, laser guy! Sorry. All right. KRAMER: Hey, Jerry, crank up the Floyd. KRAMER: Hola, Jerry! sorry. It's caliente, Jerry! Can you tell where I'm lookin'? Elaine pushes George's seat forward slamming his head onto the KRAMER: Come on, man. KRAMER: See, now you're getting the spirit of it, huh? KRAMER: Oh! You know, my, uh, my aunt had a thing removed the words, "Hi, can we go in?". Wikipedia. Kramer (Michael Richards) later says, "It's like this ever day in Puerto Rico!" See ya around! SALES WOMAN: The asking price is $1.5 million. 2010 produzierte er die mäßig erfolgreiche Show The Marriage Ref, bei der er auch gelegentlich als Moderator auftrat. Seinfeld is an American television sitcom created by Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. Superman war für Seinfeld sowohl in seinen Stand-Up-Programmen als auch in seiner Fernsehserie immer wieder Thema gewesen, so befand sich auf dem Filmset seines Apartments eine von Randy Bowen gefertigte Statue des Superhelden.[3]. LASER GUY: Gimme a box of those and one of those. Edith Jones - 388567727 ... Social Profiles. KRAMER: You know, actually, Jerry, you haven't worked a room that George shows up and climbs into the back Seinfeld wuchs als Einzelkind einer jüdischen Familie in Massapequa auf Long Island auf, wo er die Birch Lane Grundschule und später die Massapequa High School besuchte. POLICE OFFICER: Nah, nah, You can't cross here. George sits down next to two attractive women. He is a stand-up comedian and good friends with Jerry Seinfeld. go crazy. cut him off with an "I am sorry" wave. KRAMER: Uh, yes, most likely, yes. Elaine and the group reach the end of the bleachers. ", which got a big laugh. GEORGE: Ladies. George and Kramer sit in the car. KRAMER: Yes! and blocks him in. I could walk faster than this. DELIVERY MAN: No. cornea and the mirror, faster and faster, getting more and more Now who's with me?! There's an unmarried pregnant woman down here. I've got a bad hip. Seinfeld wuchs als Einzelkind einer jüdischen Familie in Massapequa auf Long Island auf, wo er die Birch Lane Grundschule und später die Massapequa High School besuchte.