If you enter an end time but no start time, the query will be all 3. The categories are based on the depth error, number of phases and whether the depth is based on the phase data (free depth) or the depth is fixed. (2018). The underlying station parametric data used to produce the ISC‐EHB is sourced from the ISC Bulletin (International Seismological Centre, 2019a). For most of the events the change in location and depth is within a few tens of kilometers (Figure S6). By far the most significant improvements provided by the EHB location procedure are in-depth determination by interpreting and utilizing the teleseismic depth phases pP, pwP and sP. The main issue was the varying level of mislocation, particularly focal depth, introduced largely by errors in the reference Earth model, unaccounted for the effects of lateral heterogeneity, and seismic phase misidentification, resulting in the loss of structural signal in the traveltime residuals (time difference between observed and theoretical arrival times of a seismic phase). 12b), there is a clear flat structure at depth which supports the hypothesis of a flat stagnant slab. Many of those bulletins could not have been included in the original ISC Bulletin because, quite often in the past, the seismograph recordings were brought to Japan from Antarctica, assembled and processed after the normal ISC data collection deadlines. comma (example: %New Mexico, USA% will find all entries ending with New The final stage of the ISC-EHB procedure involves the manual review of events in cross-sections. This produces the final version of the relocated data set, the ISC-EHB. 5b) and clearly highlight the lower plane of the double seismic zone, albeit lower magnitude events, that has been observed beneath northern Honshu (Hasegawa et al. The political borders have of course changed dramatically since 1964, especially in Eurasia, which complicates our task further. Red, green. Depths of the selected events are significantly improved by a more comprehensive review of near station and secondary phase traveltime residuals based on ISC data, especially for the depth phases pP, pwP and sP, as well as by a rigorous review of the event depths in subduction zone cross-sections. 1995) and the uniform set of seismic phases (Storchak et al. To find just New Mexico, USA A tectonic map published by Bellier et al. Symbol definitions and plate boundaries are plotted as in Figure. NERS (MSUGS)—historical bulletin of Magadan seismic network, USSR Academy of Sciences, courtesy of Kevin Mackey, Michigan State University, Department of Geological Sciences (Mackey et al. At the end of 2014, the IR contained information on 21,343 stations with 1,728 of them Station listings are shown in Table 1. From the beginning of data year 1999, concurrently with the set up of the first database, the ISC has started following a set of so-called “thresholding” criteria that are designed to determine which events require manual analyst review and which events warrant an ISC solution (ISC 2017).