Being inside. Plus the NSFW videos are STILL ul. Just For Fun Online Media Dress Up Lunime Gacha Life. Press J to jump to the feed. I have a new oc! And the dad apparently loves both of them. Sep 13, 2020 - I hope you all enjoy the outfits. It is unknown why girls are commonly used, but the only logical explanation is because gachatubers are female. 7198. I can say there are good gacha stories which are original and actually planned out. When she realizes nobody likes her, she commits suicide. Sure, a lot of things arent original but let's look at these titles and plotlines of these stories, shall we? The mobile game "Gacha Life", created by Lunime, has a very bizarre fanbase: while most of it consists of kids ages 6-14, the content the "Gacha Community" creates can be violent, inappropriate, or downright pornographic. However, with its latest update — version 1.1.X — some popular features were removed, which is why we’ve taken out the time to help you roll back the game to an older version. Favorite hobby? I sometimes wonder if the creators of the porn shit are even 13? They use popular music over someone when they are "singing" and they stop and someone else does it , and it goes on and on. These singing battle tropes are bad. People in the gacha community make fun of the boring hated child since it’s boring and you can make like 3 seasons in like two months. But, some stories go on for many seasons and that's actually good. It has many elements which children loves. Like, take Kai for example- She lost 100 subs this month, and she's been losing views, but she has a good storyline and it makes me excited to watch her. • The mini games are also boring, it values nothing to the game or the fandom. It's for kids. Good job writing it! Thousands of NSFW gacha content being recommended to young people and gacha fans going insane and viral over it on popular medias is insane. Right now, It perfectly makes sense why gacha is overrated. • The game is boring. They either started making inappropriate content, I grew out of them, they quit, or they just stopped trying. They are cringe but there is actually nothing awful to say about them. Why? The reason why he is nice is just to give atleast some "hope" for his daughter, which causes her to be a princess at the end. Create your Gacha life oc! There is no such things as "bad art", so instead of using it for editing and mini movies only, why not try to draw yourself? As mentioned, Gacha Life removed many specific poses and clothes with the rollout of the 1.1.X update, which broke the game for many users. It makes me pissed when I see the same shit over. Sad, terrible but unfortunatly common. Its unrealistic and the logic is insane. All the Blonde colors: The tail, the hair, Heheheheheh Basically its not much of a big difference. To disable updates on your Gacha Life 1.0.9 APK, first, fire up the Google Play Store and tap on the hamburger menu at the top-left corner. One twin is nice and mannerful, one is rude, bratty and spoiled. Note : I can tell Luni removed the NSFW part in gacha which I like, but the timing is awful. Reputation. Stay in your own fandom. It's full of edgy 6-13 years old who makes furry OCs and terrible written stories. Why do you need Gacha Life Old Version APK 1.0.9? They are always at a mall and they buy expensive things for the bratty daughter. Good Luck, nobody other than the author has gotten a 'Good Job' mark on THIS test. See more ideas about Chibi drawings, Drawing base, Anime poses. It's simply a (Insert something) vs (insert something) here. Just_Insane-----‐----- Discord. Which version of the Gacha Life is the best in your view? And, since it is mostly younger audiences that are involved, the kids are drawing characters, both boys and girls, with incredibly unique and original ideas. It's the FUCKING. Also the Newest ones will not be in a section. Why are you using it for "sex, nudity" and more NSFW content? I added that to my discussing. Featuring: Apparel, Furniture, Appliers Event Opening Date: September 25th, 2020 Event Closing Date: September 27th, 2020 Join The Crazy Prices Event Group! Its cringe and most of the videos are exactly the same as that. Please dont get me back qwq my hand hurtsssss It really shows he doesn't care about his fans until the last minute. As mentioned, Gacha Life removed many specific poses and clothes with the rollout of the 1.1.X update, which broke the game for many users. • The spoiled brat | It's about a mother and 2 twins. Related: How to save your Gacha Life original characters. Boring trope again. Gacha Life is one of the most downloaded casual games on the Google Play and Apple App Store. • And the worst part is, Luni abandon the other gacha games and keep creating new ones. gacha life pls watch by sammy, a project made by YoUr InSaNe JaRvIs using Tynker. Type above and press Enter to search. I guess they're completely fine. Like gacha verse wont get its battle mode. Plus, he doesnt give a shit about his fanbase or games despite the amount of drama and chaos is happening. The same songs are reused in a lot of videos and the creator tries to make 1 side better than the other (which is unfair.).