Check Out Mario & Luigi: Super Anime Brothers, Thirty Minutes of Rain From Thirty Different Video Games, Someone Managed to Get Doom to Run on a Digital Pregnancy Test, Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit Transforms Living Room Into A Mario Kart Level, This is The Battery-Free Gameboy That Can Run Forever. After Isobel reminds Damon that Katherine can get testy when she doesn’t get what she wants, the two vamps go at it in a sexual manner, but Damon uses this ruse to pin Isobel down and give her the law of the land. Well Elena is Katherine's doppleganger. I say alleged, because Johnathan Gilbert actually didn’t invent the items! RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: 5 Times We Felt Sorry For Klaus (& 5 Times We Hated Him) She tells Caroline that she has done something bad, claiming to have done one thing when in fact she did the opposite. The bloodline from Tatia to Elena Gilbert could be considered a. Isobel was a member of the Petrova Family and a relative of the Gilbert Family. Isobel wants the ring on Jon’s finger and says that she will kill Jeremy to prove to Jon that she means business, no matter who ends up in the crossfire. What could’ve changed her mind to see Elena other than orders from Katherine? So, in a way I can see Isobel’s reasoning for wanting the brothers dead. Tatia is the first doppelgänger of the Petrova bloodline while Katherine is the second and Elena is the third and final doppelgänger. This hurts Elena even more. She met a vampire, Damon Salvatore, who turned her into a vampire at her request. so I am re-watching right now, and it just struck me…we never did find out why exactly Elena is identical to Katherine. Then to make things sound even more crazy, Bonnie notices that the mystery device that Katherine, Isobel, and Jon are after is in fact a weapon against vampires. Like Katherine, Isobel had more in common with Damon and the two had undeniable chemistry. The episode was written by Caroline Dries and Brian Young and directed by J. Miller Tobin At school the next day, Alaric assigns Tyler and Matt to help build the Founder’s Day float. Slightly speechless now, but thank you TVD writers for giving me back my soul after LOST ripped it out and put it in that bottle of MiB’s. It makes sense for Jon to want it, but the vampires? It originally aired on May 6, 2010. Please return back soon. When he leaves the bar, Isobel forces her strength on Alaric, telling him that if he doesn’t follow orders then she will make mince meat with his history class students. Awww…. Isobel Flemming is a villain in the first season of The Vampire Diaries.She is the biological mother of protagonist Elena Gilbert and the wife of Alaric Saltzman, as well as a descendant of Katherine Pierce.. She was good friends with her ancestor Katherine Pierce, a vampire whom she often conspired with.When Isobel was still in high school, she met John Gilbert and became pregnant with Elena. Back inside, Isobel makes her proposition known. And is it me or do Caroline and Matt look like targets for next week’s finale? Sincerely, Mark O. Estes. He tells her that if she touches anyone he loves, including Elena (! These doppelgängers for all intents and purposes would be, The last descendant of the lineage is presumably. Elena, Stefan, and Bonnie come up with the idea that Bonnie can reverse the spell on the device, making it ineffective. Amara is the oldest known ancestor of the Petrova family or bloodline, being born some time during 1st Century B.C.E. Wonder if these two will be finally stop the arguments? Isobel leaves, but has changed the scales on the Stefan/Elena/Damon dynamic something tough. Although Elena eventually injected the cure herself at the end of the sixth season and became human once more, Elena ended up being put under a slumbering spell by Kai, therefore, Elena is still alive but she is in a deep sleep until Bonnie's death. Five Reasons Why DeSaad Deserves a Solo Movie, What We Learned from The Batman: Three Jokers Trailer, The One DC Character Who Can’t Stand His Own Super Powers. Hmmm…, Outside the school, Jeremy asks Elena if she knows anything about Anna. Bonnie concludes that when Elena finds out, they might not be friends anymore. Next, she ponders about Elena’s alliance with the Salvatores, which piques her curiosity in Elena. Many years later, Isobel met Alaric Saltzman. Isobel also mentions that Elena already know the reasons Isobel wanted to be a vampire, stating immortality as an example. When Elena says she doesn’t, this prompts Jeremy to go off tangent claiming Elena to be a liar since she lied to him about the vampires and Vicki. When Isobel does show up, she shows no emotion. The Petrova family is one of the oldest families in the television series. Isobel visits Alaric one last time, which sends him on the edge. Better do what she says, bro…. This change was made because Nina Dobrev, who plays both Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert, has Bulgarian heritage; she was born there and speaks the language fluently. Last, we have Bonnie, who has let Grams’s death cloud her judgement. Because they are doppelgangers and descendants to Amara Petrova They reconcile and Elena catches Bonnie up on current events. It doesn’t take a rocket science, people. This is the one question I *really* want answered. After Isobel leaves, Elena’s waterworks start flowing. That baby girl gave birth when she grew up and so down the generations Isobel was born. I’m being nice in how Damon worded this, but you get the jist. With that incident getting Elena’s attention, Isobel demands that if Elena doesn’t get Damon to hand over the device, Jeremy will be the next on her list. The Petrova family is referred to using the feminine form of the surname (masculine: Petrov) because so far only female members of the family are significant to the show's plot. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. – WOW. Maybe Katherine gave Isobel a history of the ‘hell’ she went through with the Salvatore brothers, or that they are prone to danger from other vampires and creatures of the night. On the other hand, Silas is presumably of Greek/Latin/Roman descent while Qetsiyah is presumably of Middle Eastern/Arabic/Mediterranean descent. He claims that she must still love him for her to be trailing him. Damon finds Isobel’s hide out and engages in strip poker with her female companion. Though the masculine form of Petrova is Petrov, the character of Katerina's Father was credited as "Mr. Petrova". Jeremy hasn’t heard from Anna and constantly blows up her phone. At first, she did not like him and even had a restraining order against him, but later she changed her mind and they got married. If Jon-prick-Gilbert is Elena's bio-dad, could Jon-crazy-Gilbert possibly Katherine's bio-dad? Speaking of Jeremy, his feelings are fragile and clingy to an extent. Wooooowwwww. What decent mother wouldn’t? Jon Gilbert, to an extent, still has feelings for his baby mama, but she’s a vampire, yet he can’t help the way he feels at times, although he is telling Jeremy that it is impossible for vamps to feel. Oh, hell…. He says he won’t let her down, which Isobel threatens that he better not, because Katherine wants all the tomb vampires dead and she means it. Alaric Saltzman: Alaric was the history teacher and a vampire hunter is the former husband of Isobel Flemming and the stepfather of Elena Gilbert. Isobel calls Jon to say that she left the device and his ring on the doorstep. I need to know how the hell Elena is Katherine's doppelganger and if there is something that was done for the effect to happen or the Gilbert genes are tight. The aftermath of the accident forces Matt to accept Tyler’s offer to drive him to the hospital. Bonnie appears and sees Elena crying, but she doesn’t come to speak when Stefan shows up. ;), Comprehensive & Confirmed Comic-Con 09 TV Panel Schedule, Spoiler Guy – Synopsis & Promo Photos for “Vampire Diaries” Episodes 1.01 & 1.02, Sibling Rivalry: TV Families That Make Ours Look Good, VIdeo – Bonus Sneak Peek From Vampire Diaries – “Family Ties”, Comprehensive & Confirmed Comic-Con 09 TV Panel …, Sibling Rivalry: TV Families That Make Ours …, Video Explores 10 Times Fans Saved Shows from Being Cancelled, 10 Things You Didn’t Know about A Wilderness of Error, Game of Thrones Prequel Trailer “House of the Dragon” Looks Awesome, Let’s Talk About Carole Baskin Getting Booted from DWTS, Five of the Most Misunderstood Movies of All-Time, Howie Mandel Says Making “Little Monsters” Was a Nightmare, How They Filmed Underwater Scenes in Older Movies, 10 Things You Didn’t Know about Cody Gifford, Appreciating the Amazing Work of Kevin Yagher, 10 Things You Didn’t Know about Christopher Denham. Damon then goes into his “Feelings Button” analogy, saying that Isobel took the easier road and that he doesn’t blame her. First, she knocks down Elena’s questions concerning who is Elena’s father. Later, Jeremy and Jon talk about the nature of vampires and how they all must be destroyed. Also, Elijah Mikaelson has kissed three members of the Petrova ladies: Tatia, Katherine and Elena. It would be a twist should Old Jon Gibert have fathered Katherine, and yound (jackass) Jon father Elena. The problem that Alaric doesn’t know about is that these two still are having issues since their fight. Speaking of Isobel, she’s living it up in a nice-looking, foreclosed home, courtesy of Jon Gilbert, who is obviously working with her. At the school, people are prepping for the Founder’s Day parade, two of those people being Matt and Tyler. Elena hands over the device and thanks Isobel for being a cold-hearted which magnifies the memory of Mrs. Gilbert as her true mother. The family is one of the oldest families introduced, originally coming from Bulgaria before ultimately ending up in Mystic Falls. But why does my bad feeling meter starts to act up? Amara was originally human but became the world's first immortal woman after she consumed the immortality elixir. I also am a budding filmmaker as well. Did You Know Marvel Made a Freddy Kreuger Comic in 1989? Meanwhile, Alaric calls Elena, Stefan, and Damon into a secret meeting to tell them about Isobel and her intentions. So he gave the baby away against Katherine's many requests and banished Katherine because she brought shame to the family. Furthermore, if Elena did have children, the spawning of future Petrova doppelgängers would cease to exist as Amara is now deceased and doppelgängers are no longer needed to fulfill Nature's balance. Elsewhere, Caroline tries to get Bonnie to spill what the deal is between her and Elena. Before Elena can warn Jeremy, Isobel’s female companion grabs him as Isobel disappears. That little imp… After Jon berates Isobel about consorting with two humans who are under her compulsion, the two discuss the retrieving of that mysterious invention of John Gilbert’s, which Isobel thinks Jon isn’t doing a good job of doing. Outside the Mystic Grill, Alaric and Damon wait and talk. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. In the books, Katherine is a member of the von Swartzschild Family, while in the series, she is a member of the Petrova Family. The Petrova Family has been linked to both the Salvatore and Bennett families since 1st Century BCE, also known as the Biblical Times. Thank you. Elena demands that Damon hand over the device and to cut the crap. As of the eighth season, Elena Gilbert is the last living member of the Petrova family. Elena refuses, but Isobel makes it even clearer that heads will roll if she doesn’t get what she wants. Isobel is also confident that Damon will make sure nothing happens to Elena, making the trade a sure bet in her eyes. After being compelled by Klaus, she committed suicide by walking into the sun while her daughter Elena watched helplessly. Just saying…. *sighs* I am sure we won't get any answers…this season.So, will we get a werewolf cliffhanger season finale?Also, when rewatching, I have to wonder if Bonnie is not *possessed* by Emily- her whole demeanor, syntax is very NON-Bonnie, very- Emily like. Au contraire, dear Alaric. Isobel shows Elena that she knows all of Elena’s true friends and family. We got Salvatores’ theory on treating their feelings as if they were light switches. serves me right, posting from work..tsk tsk. The lineage of the Petrova family is anchored by Katerina Petrova and Elena Gilbert, who are doppelgängers of their ancestor Tatia: Tatia lived during the 10th century, Katerina was born in the 15th century, and Elena was born in the 20th century.