Arun Gupta & Associates, Company Secretaries, were appointed as Secretarial Auditors of the Company for the financial year 2018-19 pursuant to Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013. Are You Making One of These 15 Costly Mistakes While Investing. Pursuant to the requirements under Section 134(3)(e) and Section 178(3) of the Companies Act, 2013, the policy on appointment of Board Members including criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes, independence of a director and the policy on remuneration of directors, KMP and other employees is annexed as Annexure ‘2’, which forms part of this report. Tear Sheets. Major events occurred during the year. Pursuant to Section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 12(1) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, the extract of Annual Return as on March 31, 2019 in the prescribed Form No. Ms. Renuka Ramnath who retires by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible offer herself for re-appointment in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. The Company believes that risk resilience is key to achieving higher growth. 17. are furnished in the explanatory statement to the notice of the ensuing AGM. The K ey Managerial Personnel (KMP) in the Company Section 2(51) and 203 of theCompanies Act 2013 are as follows: During the year Mr. Pankaj Dhawan working as Senior V.P. The Secretarial Audit Report submitted by them in prescribed form MR-3 is annexed as Annexure ‘8’ to this report. Helping You Build Wealth With Honest ResearchSince 1996. As a condition to accessing Equitymaster content and website, you agree to our Terms and Conditions of Use, available here. With effect from April 1, 2019 the Company has revised its. The Company has received necessary declaration from each Independent Directors of the Company under Section 149 (7) of the Companies Act, 2013 and LODR Regulations, confirming that they meet the criteria of independence as laid down in Section 149 (6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and that of LODR Regulations. To ensure effective Internal Financial Controls the Company has laid down the followingmeasures: All operations are executed as per prescribed procedures and is updated andvalidated periodically. For further detail on the transaction please refer financial statements. Covid-19 Proof Multibagger Stocks - Download this FREE Report Now. MGT-9 is attached as Annexure 7' and formspart of this report. As on March 31, 2019, the Company was rated by two domestic rating agencies, namely CRISIL and ICRA which is as follows. The Company expects to realise synergies and cost savings related to this acquisition as a result of purchasing and procurement economies of scale and general and administrative expense savings, particularly with respect to the consolidation of corporate related functions and elimination of redundancies. During the year under review your Company entertained 7.6 crores patrons in itscinemas up by 1.20% as compared to the previous year. Get PVR latest Quarterly Results, Financial Statements and PVR detailed profit and loss accounts. The said amount represents unclaimed dividends which were lying with the Company for a period of seven years from their respective due dates. Tomorrow is different. Pursuant to requirements of Section 134(3)(c) of the Companies. Pursuant to Sections 139 and 141 of the Companies Act, 2013 and relevant rules prescribed there under, the Company has received certificate from the Auditors to the effect, that their appointment would be within the limits laid down by the Act, shall be as per the term provided under the Act, that they are not disqualified for such appointment under the provisions of applicable laws and also that there are no pending proceedings against them or any of their partners with respect to professional matters of conduct. PVR Detailed director reports covering PVR Financial Results and Performance report. All legal and statutory compliances are ensured on a monthly basis.Non-compliance if any is seriously taken by the management and corrective actions aretaken immediately. The Companies Act 2013 requires an effective Internal Financial Control System in theCompany. It includes a full income statement, balance sheet and cash flow analysis of PVR LTD. Also includes updates on the valuation of PVR LTD. More Views on News R eport on the Performance & Position of Subsidiaries. 10. Thus there were Nil complaints pending at the end of FY 2017-18. This will alert our moderators to take action. +86.40 (+0.76%) In Compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”) the Company has prepared its standalone and consolidated financial statements as per Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) for the financial year 2018-19. 4 161 Properties 21 States & UT* 64 Cities PVR - India’s Largest Multiplex Player 748 Screens 1. 19. Secretarial was appointed andre-designated as Company Secretary cum Compliance Officer of the Company effective from 30thMay 2017.