It became widespread in the modern world due to the legends surrounding Santa Claus, who is formally known as St. Nicholas. St. Brendan is believed to have been sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in search for the Isle of the Blessed. This moniker is reminiscent of Jacques Cousteau, one of the first undersea explorers and a marine conservationist. HUGGER OR HUGGER-MUGGER An old naval word meaning slovenly, confused, muddled. HEADS Naval name for latrines - originally sited in the extreme bow - or head - of the ship. Majestic and lifelike, the name resonates life. It comes from the name (hog) of the special brush made of birch twigs provided in bygone days for cleaning a sailing ship’s bottom. This ultra-feminine name refers to the ship or the island to which it sails. PUSSER The inevitable corruption of PURSER and/or PAYMASTER. Get your answers by asking now. Wendell Jermaine Sailor was an Australian rugby player and the name Sailor is popular for boys. A beautiful name of a girl, Blue is a soothing name that resonates with the color of the sea. If you are going to name her Sailor, spell it correctly. In the play, Nerissa was Portia’s confidante. Pirate lover or playful beachgoer, any of these 101 maritime monikers may be a fit for you. But it is soaring in popularity as a first name in the last couple of years as it sounds good with any last name. Baker was tried at Winchester and hanged in December 1867. SALTASH LUCK Old maritime expression meaning No success at all. The expression may have arisen from the custom in some dockyards of employing a boy to fetch beer from a local public house; this boy was invariably blamed if accounts were unpaid or cans not returned. Perhaps Dick Whittington’s cat was really one of these boats! theft or smuggling - the name arose from the ease with which tobacco, etc., could be concealed in the inside of a dead rabbit) but with the passenger of time the application of the word has spread to anything taken ashore; an air of impropriety nevertheless still hangs over the use of the word, whether or not this is justified (it seldom is). It comes from the days of sail when a ship’s nationality could be told at a distance by the cut of her sails. From the practice of keeping the Naval cat o’ nine tails in a red baize bag and not removing it until the offender was secured to the gratings and there was no possibility of a reprieve. Usually referred to as a drop of strongers. Hence, a Surgoo-eater is a Scotsman. Marine whistle signals were called piping and were used to move visitors aboard or to the other side. The name means ‘fisherman’ and is a famous surname. I hardly know the person I was before I purchased my Newport 30. Synonyms are The Ditch, The Pond, The Drink, all three of which words are used by officers more often than Oggin. One of the best sailors and explorers of all time, James Cook was a British navigator, explorer, and the ship captain of the Royal Navy. Nicholas is the name of another patron saint of the sailors. TO TAKE THE CAN BACK Common slang expression meaning to be blamed for the acts or faults of another. JEWING BAG or BUNDLE The bag in which a sailor keeps his sewing gear. We think Ortun is amiable, approachable, and has a cheerful sound to it. When waves are supporting the bows and stern of a ship but not her amidships part (i.e., when the hull tends to assume a concave shape), the ship is said to be sagging: when the amidships part is supported but not the extremities (i.e., when the hull tends to become convex), the ship is said to be hogging. A short form of California, the name exudes liveliness. If you’re a classic movie lover, you’ll recognize this moniker as the name of Scarlett O’Hara’s sister in “Gone with the Wind”. It’s also tied with the English pro wrestler, Davey Boy Smith. THE FOUL ANCHOR Commonly known as "the seaman’s disgrace", the foul anchor was the seal of the Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral in 1600; as Lord Howard of Effingham the Earl had been in command of the British forces which defeated the Spanish Armada in July 1588. So choosing a sailor girl name for your munchkin is no longer a difficult task. Pay tribute to Charles Noble, the British merchant service captain by naming your son Charles. LURK OR TO LURK Originally, to ‘lurk’ someone was to impose on his kindness to do something for you. Are you a sailor? PRAIRIE-OYSTER A morning-after reviver composed of port wine, worcester sauce, red pepper, mustard and the unbroken yolk of an egg. SPITCHER Naval slang work meaning "Finish" - used as either a verb or a noun. FIGGY DUFF Naval name for any kind of steamed suet pudding, whether or not it contains figs. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. DHOBEY Services’ slang name for Laundry - both the firm who does the work and the materials which are washed; from Hindustani. Hawkins is originally an English surname first used in the 11th century in England. What do you get by shortening duffle, the sea bag that contains personal things of the sailor? MAKE-AND-MEND OR A MAKERS The official naval name for a half day off. Modern slang has corrupted the expression to "Chocker", meaning "Fed up". rope handle of a wooden bucket. Gale is a spelling variation that sounds great with any last name. Battle Of The Coral Sea - Saving Australia. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Anker is the fun spelling variation of anchor. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. History is filled with brave navigators and explorers sailing tirelessly to find the unknown world. WINGER Any young rating who has been ‘adopted’ as his particular friend - taken under his wing - by a senior rating. JAWBATION An old naval slang word for a reprimand, a telling off. BURGOO Sailors’ slang name for porridge. Some of my greatest heroes are single handed sailors. Sailor Ruby. It means ‘boatman’ and has a unique appeal to it. A swimmer? PUSSER BUILT Naval slang description of an officer or rating who abides closely to the letter of the regulations. As … A Dhobey Firm is a man (or men) who do other men’s laundry for them. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Copyright 2020 All Things Boat | All Rights Reserved | All content on this website is monitored and protected by DMCA. The tins themselves were found very useful by the sailors as mess gear (there was no official issue of mess gear in those days) and to this day the name FANNY remains attached to the small round "mess kettle" (similar in appearance to a painter’s pot - also called a kettle). If you have a love for the high seas and are hoping to honor the ocean, nautical names for pets are a unique option. What better namesake to give your child if she is precious to you like water. This started as a page to share with friends at our marina, similar to this funny yacht names page. Its namesake is Andrew John Hurley, the drummer of Fall Out Boy’s band. FORE AND AFTER Old officers’ slang name for the uniform cocked hat. TO HAVE A WEED ON Sailor’s slang for having a grievance and dilating on it. Currently on the 86th spot of the U.S. Social Security Administration list, Jason means ‘to heal’. This may have originated from the fact that tailoring is a popular profession among Jews, or "J" was substituted for "S". The other side of the ship was in consequence used for going alongside for embarking or disembarking cargo through the ‘load-ports’; the left hand side of the ship therefore became known as the "Loadboard" side, the "Larboard". MUNJY A sailors’ slang name for food: perhaps from the French Manger but more probably from the Maltese Mangiare (to eat). Cute, funky and jazzy, Moby is a perfect pick for the parents who love fun. It is Cornish in origin and unique. Lv 5. It has a number of notable namesakes like Dan Marino, the football quarterback and Marino Marini, the Italian sculptor. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. And not to forget the cute nicknames it comes with like Chris, Christy, and Kip. Still have questions? Son of Eric the Red, Leif was a successful sailor and navigator during his time.