After the player's response and a short talk, The Stranger reveals the station wagon from "Starved For Help" belonged to him and his family. Inexplicably, if the whole group came with you, and Lee hid his bite in the previous episode, the group doesn't question Lee about the bite when they discover it. As Kenny begins to yank him off, Ben shouts in pain, attracting walkers into the alleyway. Cut it off: Lee decides to cut it off not caring for the pain. If he says okay, he goes past the gate, climbing up the ladder watching Kenny fight the Walkers and uses his last bullet on Ben. If Kenny refused in some form to come with Lee, even if he was convinced into coming eventually, Christa will respond about how "Just because someone dies, doesn't mean they immediately have to have their sins forgiven." Of course they get overrun by walkers and Kenny, unable to walk for the accident, dies by...walkers. If Lee remains silent when he is given the option to have Clementine either shoot or leave him, Clementine will make the decision herself, with Lee's past actions determining her choice. Kenny is a generally likable and caring man, though occasionally appears stubborn, volatile, confrontational and short-tempered. After the credits roll, a tearful Clementine is seen walking in the rural hills near Savannah. If Kenny was brought along, alone or with someone else, he will decide that he would do it so that Lee might survive. At some point, he is rescued by the woman (can't remember her name) and counselled back to health. The, If the player chooses to keep the arm, the tourniquet will disappear before Lee and the group. This list shows some of the choices made by players that were tracked by the game. There are several errors during the "Previously On" segment: If Lee hid his bite, then the cutscene where Lee talks to the group about Clementine gone missing will show Lee's sleeve rolled up even though the player chose to conceal the bite. Do nothing: Saying nothing results in Clementine making the decision herself, basing it on the players choices and how they treated Clementine over the series. Realizing from a comment by Clementine about the "muck" on him that the walker was confused by his scent, he takes an organ from the walker and rubs it on Clementine in order to mask her scent as well. Kenny jumps in, boosts her up, and is then surrounded by walkers. Lee searches the apartment, finding a balcony where it is possible to cross to the next roof, and the group follows. You saved his life at the cost of another, You helped save his life at Hershel's farm, You argued that he was not bitten back in Macon, You argued that he was bitten back in Macon, You argued that he was a danger back in Macon, You let him be your sidekick solve a mystery, Of Christa/Omid, Ben and Kenny, 1, 2, all or none of them will agree to come with you to Vernon's hideout at the end of ". While inspecting some shotgun shells off the ground (mirroring Lee's use of them in A New Day's opening), Clementine looks up and observes two human-like silhouetted figures in the distance. He aggressively insults Lee's (and by extension, the player's decisions) informally reviewing them. Siddiq and Enid try to save him but Ken succumbs to blood loss and dies from his injuries. AJ's status however is still unknown. Depending on whoever came with Lee in "Around Every Corner", the result on arrival can differ. In the final scene of the game, if the player chose to shoot Lee, Clementine's jacket vanishes in the very last frame. The Stranger's gun can be fired a maximum of three times and a minimum of one, said one being used to kill the walker that enters the hotel room and the other two being used to shoot Lee in the abdomen and The Stranger in the head. Kenny is briefly angered by this decision. However, as it sniffs Lee, it ignores him, going for Clementine, though Lee stops it. In the next shot, the gun is back in his hand. In the ensuing fight, Lee either tackles the stranger in to the wardrobe or is shot so stumbles back, forcing him to punch him back and then tackle him in to the wardrobe, He headbutts the man, and proceeds to choke him to near death. Protecting Katjaa and Duc… With what remains of his broken group of survivors, can he get her back before it is too late? However, the radio will not appear in the inventory even though the player has it. With his impending death looming over him, Lee is willing to do whatever he can to save Clementine at any cost. Bold represents what the player cannot change. There is an achievement (or trophy depending on what you play the game on) called, "Whats in the bag?" Savannah has gained a new infestation of the walking dead. 3D model of the two human-like silhouetted figures in the distance seen by Clementine after the credits roll. They say their final goodbyes, and Lee, with a great amount of sadness, can either have a distressed Clementine shoot him or leave him to reanimate. "Out of the Frying Pan" can be interpreted as Lee being freed from custody, while "Into the Fire" can be interpreted as Lee's transcendence through the circumstances surrounding Clementine's abduction. If someone came with him, they will be preparing to cut off his arm. In an attempt to save Ben, Lee and Kenny run down to go and see if he's okay. If Lee has come alone, he will also have to do it himself. If Lee discusses Lilly, he would reveal that she was a good woman who was a good friend until she lost her father, resulting in her descent into paranoid hysteria that led her to kill one of her own. His wife took their daughter (Elizabeth) and left, although he found them again one day later. Even if the first two shots are not fired the gun will always seem to run out of ammunition after the walker is shot. He fights through them with his last bullets, throwing them off of him, with the assumption then made he has succumbed to the walkers. Walking dead game ending shadows file.png, Melissa Hutchison's Interview Up At Noon with Greg Miller,, You blamed him for Shawn’s death at the farm, You talked him down from ignoring his son's fate, You didn't help her try to fix an injured man, You attempted to give her food at the Motor Inn, You found water for Duck when he needed it, You told her it was OK to kill Duck before he turned, You trusted him with your axe despite his vendetta, You restrained Lilly while Kenny crushed his head, You called her a bitch when you first met, You agreed with her when fighting at the motel, You backed her up when supplies went missing, You called her crazy when supplies went missing, You pushed him off a bridge to escape the herd, You left him in Clementine's care before Crawford, You defended Ben when he was accused of stealing, You asked Ben to help you find Clementine, You didn't trust her with your past at first. Lee has the option of cutting off his arm or leaving it. You saved her life at the cost of another, You defended her against Lilly's accusations, You agreed with her to tell the others about your past, You told her and Omid to find a boat and meet you, You asked her and Omid to find Clementine a family, You asked her and Omid to take care of Clementine, After getting separated you told them to find you, You told her and Omid to meet you at the train. The group look at the corpse, somewhat disturbed by it. Allowed Ben to die in episode four: If Ben was killed in "Around Every Corner", and Kenny came along with the group, the balcony will stay intact and they get onto the next building's roof. After killing several and being splattered in their blood, Lee's scent begins to match that of the walkers, and many ignore him because of this. Though Clementine calls out, thinking she hears Lee, the Stranger aims the gun at Lee, forcing him to be quiet and abandon his possessions. If he does refuse, Kenny will push him past the gate and lock it. Lee can either say okay, or refuse. He also states how he wants to have both of them to have a better chance of killing Clem's captor. If Lee and Kenny were friends at the end of episode 4, meaning Kenny jumped at the opportunity to help Lee, Lee will say how he agreed with Kenny most of the time and that they were kind of "assholes together". After using the tool on the elevator, Lee passes out from the bite's infection. The stranger, the man who kidnapped Clementine, contacts Lee through Clementine's radio saying that Clementine is "fine", and that Lee should choose his words very carefully. As the walkers overrun the alley, Kenny uses his last bullet to prevent Ben from re-animating. Stealing supplies from the stranger's car. He lets go as the body slumps down on the floor, deep red marks engraved on the man's skin. You take AJ from car and go away crying for Kenny's death. If Lee said to Clementine "We learned not to be afraid" he will say "You weren't afraid". This only applies if Lee chooses the dialogue option "Kenny was my friend". Kenny and Lee attempt helping her, by using a pole, but she slips and tumbles down again. Lee orders Christa and Omid to go on and meet him later, and, by player choice, to take care of Clementine when he is "gone". The group puts up a vicious stand, but is forced into the attic where they are trapped. This is a reference to the movie Se7en. Kenny professes his view of how the suicide wasn't right but that he still forgives his wife for her choice. Kenny bumps into Lee, making the walkie-talkie fall inside the building through a hole in the roof, Christa jumps down and retrieves it.