The first such theater, the Cooper Theater,[9] built in Denver, featured a 146-degree louvered screen (measuring 105 feet by 35 feet), 814 seats, courtesy lounges on the sides of the theatre for relaxation during intermission (including concessions and smoking facilities), and a ceiling which routed air and heating through small vent slots in order to inhibit noise from the building's ventilation equipment. In der UdSSR wurde im Gegenzug zu Cinerama ab 1956 das Kinopanorama-Verfahren entwickelt. It seated 600 people. Cinerama continued through the rest of the 1960s as a brand name used initially with the Ultra Panavision 70 widescreen process (which yielded a similar 2.76 aspect ratio to the original Cinerama, although it did not simulate the 146 degree field of view.) Cinerama projectors used a device to slightly blur the join lines to make the jitter less noticeable. (Ironically, some widescreen cinema processes—not Cinerama—displayed a fault known as "anamorphic mumps,"[22] which consisted of a lateral stretch of objects closer to the camera). März 1957 statt. The image was photographed six sprocket holes high, rather than the usual four used in conventional 35 mm processes. Die Firma stellte 1963 Super Cinerama (auch: 70mm Super Cinerama) als Verbesserung vor, gefolgt von New Super Cinerama. The use of Ultra Panavision 70 for certain scenes (such as the river raft sequence) later printed onto the three Cinerama panels, proved that a more or less satisfactory wide screen image could be photographed without the three cameras. Das erste Todd-AO-Kino in Europa wurde in Deutschland gebaut. The Cinerama company exists today as an entity of the Pacific Theatres chain. The use of zoom lenses was impossible since the three images would no longer match. Due to the small number of Cinemiracle theatres, specially converted prints of Windjammer were shown in Cinerama theaters in cities which did not have Cinemiracle theaters, and ultimately Cinerama bought up the process. Rising costs of making three-camera widescreen films caused Cinerama to stop making such films in their original form shortly after the first release of How the West Was Won. Bekannt wurden sie in England und in Frankreich auch unter dem Namen „Itinerama“. The theater was demolished on August 20, 2001. April bis zum 13. Der Eröffnungsfilm war damals jedoch „nur“ ein normaler CinemaScope-35-mm-Farbfilm: „Roter Staub“ (The Brave One). Nach Misserfolgen, besonders durch die aufwendige Technik und damit verbundenen Störungen, wurden die Projektoren durch die damals neuentwickelten legendär gewordenen und später oscarprämierten „Philips DP 70“ ersetzt, die zudem auch 35-mm-Film abspielen konnten. Es befanden sich dort noch 3 Projektionskabinen, aber 3-Linsen-Cinerama-Filme wurden dort bereits nicht mehr gezeigt. amzn_assoc_marketplace ="amazon"; amzn_assoc_region ="DE"; There is no obvious connection between this video mode and any of the Cinerama motion picture processes. Zunächst hellt das reflektierte Licht von den Seiten die Bildmitte auf und zum Zweiten sind die Stöße zwischen den Teilbildern als senkrechte Streifen zu sehen. Robert E. Carr and R. M. Hayes: Wide Screen Movies. An office complex with a TGI Friday's on the west end of the property is there today. Combining sleek comfort and futuristic decor with breakthrough advances in motion picture technology, Cinerama opened just a year after the World’s Fair came to town. [7] This normal frame-to-frame movement is typically imperceptible to cinema audiences where only a single projector is in use. Eigens dafür wurden um die ganze Welt, besonders in Europa, Cinerama-Kinos mit riesigen Leinwänden von bis zu 30×10 Metern gebaut. Even as the Cinerama travelogues were beginning to lose audiences in the late 50s, the spectacular travelogue Windjammer (1958) was released in a competing process called Cinemiracle which claimed to have less noticeable dividing lines on the screen thanks to the reflection of the side images off of mirrors (this also allowed all three projectors to be in the same booth). Die nun auf das Todd-AO umkopierten Filme konnten mit erheblich weniger Aufwand und nahezu störungsfrei vorgestellt werden. The trademarked process was marketed by the Cinerama corporation. The last film presented there was Dances with Wolves in January 1991, and at that time the Cooper was considered the "flagship" in the Plitt theatre chain. Das Laufbild hat die Größe von mindestens 20 auf 8 Metern. Dort wurden damals auch 3-streifige Cinerama-Filme gezeigt, zum Beispiel am 1. Die offizielle Eröffnung fand am 14. August 1965 mit der Aufführung des Super-Cinerama-Films „Die größte Geschichte aller Zeiten“ (The Greatest Story Ever Told, 1965) eröffnet. RCA uses the word "Cinerama" to refer to a display mode which fills a 16:9 video screen with 4:3 video with, in the words of the manufacturer, "little distortion." This article is about the film projection process. ISSN: 1610-420X. Anfang der 1950er Jahre patentierte Fred Waller, der auch Vitarama entwickelt hatte, das Verfahren Cinerama, das nur drei 35mm-Projektoren für eine halbkreisförmige Projektion (Bildwinkel: 146° in der Breite, 55° in der Höhe) benötigte. Auch der Cinemiracle Film „Windjammer“ (1958) wurde in den 1960ern in Europa in das CinemaScope-Format umkopiert, in Deutschland gab es auch eine "Breitwand-Kopie" (lief im Delphi Berlin). David Strohmaier fertigte 2002 einen Film mit dem Titel „. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. Anlässlich der Internationalen Gartenbauausstellung (IGA) in Hamburg stand vom 26. The impact these films had on the big screen cannot be assessed from television or video, or even from 'scope prints, which marry the three images together with the seams clearly visible. Es handelte sich dabei um das Savoy Filmtheater am Hamburger Steindamm. The New York Times judged it to be front-page news. In der gebogenen Bildwand bestehen die zwei Hauptprobleme von Cinerama. Cinerama is a widescreen process that originally projected images simultaneously from three synchronized 35mm projectors onto a huge, deeply curved screen, subtending 146° of arc. Manuals for products offering this mode give no detailed explanation. Only two films with traditional story lines were made, The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm and How the West Was Won. A technical review by Waldemar Kaempffert published in The New York Times on the same day hailed the system. Das Kino wurde zum 31. Stanley Warner Corporation acquired 35% of the company[15] as well as the exhibition, production and distribution rights to Cinerama in 1953 during production of Seven Wonders of the World which was planned as the follow up feature.[16]. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Cinerama name was used as a film distribution company, ironically reissuing single strip 70 mm and 35 mm Cinemascope reduction prints[citation needed] of This Is Cinerama (1972). This gave a distinctly "triptych-like" appearance to the composition even when the seams themselves were not obvious. September 1952 in New York im, Windjammer (1958), erster und einziger Cinemiracle-Film, später auch als Cinerama-Film (ohne Umlenkspiegel) aufgeführt, Renault Dauphine (1959), 3-streifiger kommerzieller Kurzfilm.